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Pravinié is the oldest-standing newspaper and news media company in Prydon. Since 1914, we have delivered true journalism to the Prydonian masses, unbiased and fact-checked truths that enlightened Prydonians throughout the years. From the beating heart of Prydon’s civilization in Aetrinun, Pravinié has endured through turbulent times, and involved ourself in the sharing of knowledge and information, crucial to the freedom and entertaintment of all Prydonians. Pravinié believes that great journalism has the power to make each reader’s life richer and more fulfilling, and all of society stronger and more just. Through our quality journalism, we seek to give what is owed to the people of Prydon, the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

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Pravinié, 02 March 2024 Edition

Aetrinun, 02 March 2024

Lien Viecheli - Leatan Okrug Council came under scrutiny over accusation of embezzlement of Government Grant in a Housing Scheme scheduled to complete in 2023. The Attorney General, Litov Maenischi, stated that the Regional Persecutor of Leatan and the Leatan Okrug Police Department had taken hold of evidences, brought forward by a credible whistleblower. The Leatan Okrug Police Department, together with the Anti-Corruption Bureau had begun investigation within the Okrug Government, and this morning, had summoned the Okrug Council Chairman, Mikhail Alenié for questioning. In a statement this morning, the Attorney General pledged that Leatan ‘…should be swiftly cleansed…’ amidst massive media spotlight of corrupt practices in regional government, starting with the gratification scandal in Setrivie last month. Maenischi promised swift action against the ‘… profiteers of people’s hard work…’ and had coordinated the creation of a Corruption Hotline with the Anti-Corruption Bureau, promising to act on any reports given by civilians through the hotline.

Director Finéyul himself has given corruption his focus for the final years of his term. On the Director’s own words, corruption has been ‘…the plague that loomed over Prydon … the ultimate enemy of the civilised world…’ in his annual new-year speech in front of the Lasornü. Although critics would say that it is probably too late for Director Finéyul to do anything on his final year in office, many had hoped that a new proposal to strengthen the Anti-Corruption Bureau would comes up around this year. A push for the Bureau’s strengthening has been gaining traction amongst Prydon’s populace, and a direct intervention from the Director himself could change things for the better.

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Pravinié, 21 April March 2024 Edition

Aetrinun, 21 April 2024

Tovesk Lietel - An ICU (Intensive Care Unit) patient in the Central Aetrinun General Hospital has died of life-sustaining respirator machine failure. The patient, Mikhail Yulivienevich Kolivie (48) suffered a horrible vehicular accident near Ventroly Square on April 10th, and has since been under life-support in the general hospital. The family had reportedly spent more than two hundred thousand rubles on Mr. Kolivie’s recovery, but the machine that support his life failed during a blackout on April 20th in Aetrinun’s Central and West Rayons. The hospital attempted manual respiration to no avail. The ICU’s backup generator was damaged by water and failed to start the blackout, while other generators within the hospital failed to start due to over heating and too much grid stress. Medical team tried to move Mr. Kolivie to another hospital, but he died on the way.

The Mayor of Aetrinun, Krazhovsky Luvielle announced an apology in a speech during a council session, and offered the grieving family with sufficient financial reparation. During the open cabinet session held in Lasvorn, Premier Aqui stated his support for the bereaved, and stressed on the need for energy security in Prydon. “This tragedy is a beacon asking for help from the people to the government… as the government we need to provide sufficiency to all of our citizens, and energy is one of its paramount components…” stated the Premier. The Lasornu is currently in session, discussing potential energy purchase from foreign countries, and also the building of oil or coal-powered power plants.

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Pravinié, 09 June 2024 Edition

Aetrinun, 09 June 2024

Malienie Sachio - Prydonian Minister for Trade, Alvinie Yermolov, and Minister for Energy Infrastructure, Yevgeniy Elivieta successfully negotiated a coal deal with Federated Mines, a state-owned coal mining company owned by the Krauanagaz Federation. About 1,420,000 tonnes of coal worth $166,550,000 will be transported to Prydon from Krauanagaz annually. This deal will cover approximately 1/5th of Prydon’s current energy supply deficit. The deal with Krauanagaz was reached amidst the current overburdened state of Prydon’s energy grid, and though this course was not environmentally sustainable, nor is it fiscally responsible, many applaud the government’s decisive actions to end Prydon’s energy crisis.

Prydon’s Ministry of Trade also secured another historic deal with Ikaranara, which concluded with the agreement to a continuous oil purchase deal with the Ikaranaran Energy Solutions (IES), a company based in Ikaranara. The deal, negotiated since April, will allow Prydon to purchase 1,875,000 gallons worth of refined oil annually, meeting almost another 1/5th of Prydon’s current energy deficit. “This momentous deal proves that international cooperation is the answer to many of our domestic problems” the Trade Minister Yermolov announced. Currently, the government is expanding the new oil and natural gas containment center near Aetrinun, and renovating the old Belaya Energy Service Piers in the mouth of the river to support river-based transport for the incoming oil. Most of Prydon’s reopened oil-powered plants are located in the south of the country, so infrastructure expansion is crucial for furthering efficiency and to decisively end the energy crisis once and for all.

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