PNN - Pacifican News Network

Federal Navy: KFNS Tappatahwee to be Scuttled

Pohnarras Sound, Krauanagaz - The Federal Navy earlier today announced its decision to scuttle the disabled KFNS Tappatahwee, which has languished off the Pohnarrasi coast since February 10 following a devastating anti-ship missile strike by militants. The decision comes after weeks of deliberation and assessment of the vessel’s condition, as well as considerations for safety and environmental concerns.

The KFNS Tappatahwee, a Kevluarital-class littoral ship, was rendered inoperable after sustaining heavy damage from an anti-ship missile attack in February, resulting in the loss of 27 Krauanagazan sailors and the injury of 21 others. The incident sent shockwaves through the nation in the early days of the Pohnarras crisis and demonstrated the fallibility of the Krauanagazan military. Since the attack, efforts to salvage and repair the vessel have been underway with naval engineers and technicians assessing the extent of the damage and exploring potential options for restoration. However, after a thorough evaluation, naval authorities have determined that the Tappatahwee’s structural integrity has been compromised, “beyond feasible repair,” necessitating the ultimate decision to scuttle the vessel.