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Mitallduk Denies Zuhlgani Military Aircraft Access to its Airspace; Denounces Zuhlgani Airstrike in K’larain

BREAKING: In response to the recent unauthorized Zuhlgani airstrike on Pohnarras Island, the Mitallduk Confederacy has announced the immediate denial of access to Zuhlgani military aircraft into its airspace. The move is a strong, and unprecedented, condemnation of the Holy Dominion of Zuhlgan’s actions, which Krauanagaz called a violation of their sovereignty and a threat to regional stability.

The Confederacy’s decision demonstrates a renewed commitment to peace, and sovereignty coming out of the Münnen Summit. However as tensions rise in the region, the international community watches closely, anticipating further developments and remaining hopeful regarding diplomatic efforts to address the fallout from Zuhlgan’s aggressive actions.