PNN - Pacifican News Network

BREAKING: Authorities Confirm Explosions; Gunfire Ongoing in Vellienza Incident

Vellienza, Krautallaz - The unfolding situation in Vellienza has taken a grave turn, with confirmed reports from Vellienza General Hospital and the Northcountry Regional Trauma Center indicating a mass casualty event. Directors General at both medical centers have reported receiving victims from at least five separate locations, with injuries ranging from minor to severe. Initial estimates suggest at least 18 dead and 92 wounded, with many more casualties expected to arrive.

Eyewitnesses on the ground have provided chilling accounts, offering a more detailed picture of the ongoing chaos. Central Market Square, a bustling hub in downtown Vellienza, appears to be a focal point of the incident. Witnesses confirm explosions in the square, and some reported hearing or fleeing from gunshots inside the Mitalldukish Community Center at Central Market Square.

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