BREAKING: Escalation in Kraudukra as Mitalldukish Candidate Arrested; Artillery Strikes in DMZ Denounced by Federation as “Wanton Aggression”
In a significant escalation of tensions, the arrest of Daman Kullan, a key Mitalldukish political figure and likely the next Mitallarkava, by the Krauanagaz Federal Police Agency (FPA) has intensified the strained relations between the Mitallduk Confederacy and the Krauanagaz Federation. The arrest, which took place in the disputed Mitallzoatal Province, follows a series of recent incidents, including the arrest of 34 Federation citizens, the mysterious Red K incident, and a controversial nuclear test by Mitallduk.
In response to the arrest, the Mitallduk Confederacy swiftly ordered live-fire artillery drills targeting the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), further heightening tensions in the Kraudukra Sea region. The drills, within the historically sensitive DMZ, are viewed as a direct challenge by the Krauanagaz Federation, leading to the denouncement of these strikes as “wanton aggression” by the Krauanagaz Department of State.
Krauanagaz Statement on the DMZ strikes
Mitallduk Statement on the DMZ strikes