PNN - Pacifican News Network

Tensions Soar as Mitallduk Announces Nuclear Test; Live-Fire Naval Exercises Add to Regional Unrest

Kraudukra Free News

In a series of bold moves, the Mitallduk Confederacy has taken center stage in international affairs, responding decisively to the Red K incident and showcasing its military capabilities. The mishandling of the Keluk’ka Island operation by the Krauanagaz Federation and Emeraldian forces resulted in the loss of Mitallduk citizens, eliciting strong reactions. Mitallduk announced the successful testing of its first nuclear-armed ICBM, asserting it as a defensive measure. This revelation has sparked concerns and calls for diplomatic dialogue. This comes just days after the Confederacy declared it would be conducting live-fire naval exercises in the disputed Mitallzoatal area. Military analysts and experts weigh in on these developments, highlighting a significant departure from Mitallduk’s traditional defensive posture and the complex historical echoes in the Kraudukra Sea.

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Mitallduk Statement on the Nuclear Test
Krauanagaz Statement on the Nuclear Test