Penguin's PM Thread

PM Campaign

Currently I am serving as your MoC. I love this role and am glad I got picked for it. That said, I think that I can do even more for the region. For starters, appointing people to all positions that aren’t currently filled and checking in and making sure that the Ministers who are appointed are doing fine with their stuff. I believe that I can have a stand off approach while still maintaining control of the Cabinet. Daily check ins and weekly group meetings as well as as needed one on ones and depending on the situation in private or public. I am not here to embarrass anyone but to hold them accountable to their position they have been gracious enough to accept.

My plan is to keep up with the weekly recipes and biweekly interviews. I want to open the floor to TSPeoples who have things to say about their favorite music or movies or tv shows and books. Basically anything the people love (within reasons) that they feel like sharing with the region. While I am not certain at this time if I will keep the MoCship, I do want to make sure that these things happen. The peeps have a lot to say and this is the perfect place for them to say it.
Plus I want to do more with other regions as being friendly with others is awesome!

For OWL - There WILL BE a director. I admit that this is a hole in my knowledge and will be making sure that someone who knows what is what will be in charge.

This is the same for MoD. One will be appointed.


If the current Ministers still want their positions they are free to keep them. I will leave that up to them as I don’t see the need to upset what isn’t broken.

Now I know some of you may be hesitant to see me appointed and that’s fair, but if you give me a chance I can only prove that I will use this opportunity to do the best I can for TSP. I know you will have questions, please ask them.



Past Member of Leg Comm

Past Member of CRS

Past Member of CG

Current Member of Moderation

Interim RA one time

One Term LC Member

Past Delegate

Current MoC

I have been in TSP alone since I was founded 13 years ago. I have held the offices of MoFA, MoRA, as a General in SPSF under Drugged Monkeys like 4 name changes ago. I had an Interesting run as a GM for a bit. Was in the CSS back when that was a thing. I have been Dean of TSPU in 3 reboots ( I get it back off the ground! again I know…) I was Vice Delegate under Tsu for a term. (Please don’t ask for dates as I have no idea. Suffice to say they were mostly prior to 2016.) I am pretty sure that is everything. If you have something I missed please let me know!


First of all, I would like to say that I like this idea and I think future Prime Ministers should incorporate it and make it part of our government culture. I honestly don’t know if any other PM has ever done this, but I like to highlight my appreciation for the idea.

Now, to the questions:

  1. What happens if, hypothetically, you don’t find someone suitable for the role of OWL Director?
  2. Are there any Ministry you want to create or delete or change its functions?
  3. Do you envisage, if you are unable to reconcile the roles of PM and MoC, appointing someone in your place?
  4. Do you have any plans/agenda for the other Ministries? Are there goals you want them to pursue?

I think that’s it. Thanks.

  1. That is a tough question. I am honestly not sure. I do know that diving in and taking the advice of the MoFA and the Delegate has never let me down before so I would as them before making any decisions. I plan to educate myself as best as possible to make sure that the best choice is made for the region. Asking for assistance is never a bad thing as long as something is learned from it in my experience.

  2. Um… No. I think what we have now is swell. I do want to see more out of the MoI though but that kind of falls under 4) Which is I DO want to be kept updated with what the Ministers are doing however I don’t want to overstep on their commitments. That is part of the weekly meetings. I want detailed plans of what they want to do and How if at all I can help them.

  3. I do plan to appoint someone if I find I can’t handle both. To be the best I can I have to make sure that I give all roles the focus they deserve. I am leaning at this time to appointing someone but again will see if I am elected and kept on first.


Indeed, I’d rather see you elected. :stuck_out_tongue:

Do you have any particular foreign policy goals you’d like to see accomplished?

What are your thoughts on our current policy, and what changes would you like to see made?


Sorry, MoI? :stuck_out_tongue:

Other than that, interesting. Thanks for the answers!

I may have more questions when I have time to sit down and read and reflect on your platform / responses in more detail, but for now one remark struck me.

This at least seems inconsistent with Drew’s retrospective learnings as posted in their resignation statement:

Not to say that Drew’s perspective is necessarily the right one, or that you meant to suggest that you would be sitting back and letting your deputies do things. But I’m curious to hear your thoughts on the degree to which the PM should be providing proactive guidance / setting a policy agenda for their ministers vs. playing a more supervisory role.

I want us to be friends with as many like minded individuals as possible. I am a firm believer that you can’t have to many. I think our current policy is okie. We did just ban a whole bunch of peeps for being not cool so that was a thing, but Honestly I trust that you or whomever is in the FA spot will have a solid plan and understanding of whom we should be spending our time on and where we should be putting our energy for New relationships.

Building off of that though is the keep relations with our current friends chill. Having events with them is a Part of FA that I think is often over looked. I would keep up with that and like to see more events with our friends.


Minister of Interior. :slight_smile:


When I say that I will have a “Stand Off Approach” I don’t mean that I will be a Monday Morning quarterback. I mean I am trusting the people who have been appointed to the Ministries to have the ability to work alone and with Daily check ins, to make sure that they are never left feeling like the need help but aren’t getting it. This is why the weekly meetings will be so important and the daily check ins as well. Communication is key and if you don’t have that you can’t be successful no matter how involved you are. Not to Knock Drew as that is not my intention but there wasn’t a lot of communication. Things fall when not nurtured and it ends a mess. I want everyone in the Cabinet I will (hopefully) Be elected to lead to be able to work together as a team and alone independently. I am not here to hold anyone’s hand but to guide them and lend one as needed.