look, if you want to do this, do it. I decided to do it democratically because i was the only one at the time who decided to give the continents and ocean names and i wanted all the community to agree in which one they like the most without putting rules on which names “make sense” and which dont.
but if you want to take this from here i wont complain, do it, make a vote and see what the community prefers, this thing is already months overdue anyway, i already provided my reasoning
ah, and you should also talk with the map moderators, although i think you are one, about this change, because they are the one who manage this stuff and i had to get in an agreement with them back in August
There was always going to be community consensus on these names. If someone unilaterally decided what the names of these continents would be, many people would (rightfully) be upset. I simply suggested that we try to have in-world rationales for these names. We don’t have to have it, I just wanted to convince people that it would be best if we did.