Office of Legislator Applications

Main Nation: Hazahmkong
Discord (optional): N/A
Citizenship Application Link: EagerHazahmkong (Hazahmkong) - NationStates Discussion Centre / Citizen Applications - The South Pacific
Caucus Affiliation: Ice Creamists
Notes: Doing this to renew my legislator status as i’ve been gone for about a year.

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Office of Legislator Applications | Application Accepted

Congratulations, you’ve been admitted to the Assembly!

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Main Nation: Aurorastan
Discord (optional): N/A
Citizenship Application Link: Aurorastan (Aurorastan)
Caucus Affiliation: Cakeist
Notes: I’ve Changed from cakist to pieist and pieist to cakeist multiple times

Office of Legislator Applications | Application Accepted

Congratulations, you’ve been admitted to the Assembly!

Main Nation: Non-Believers
Discord (optional): N/A
Citizenship Application Link: Non-Believers (Non-Believers)
Caucus Affiliation: Independent

Office of Legislator Applications | Application Accepted

Congratulations, you’ve been admitted to the Assembly!

Main Nation: The Dystopian Federacy
Discord (optional): blade001
Citizenship Application Link: Blade001 (The Dystopian Federacy)
Caucus Affiliation: Independent
Notes: None

Office of Legislator Applications | Application Accepted

Congratulations, you’ve been admitted to the Assembly!

Main Nation:Tigris Empire
Discord (optional): tigrisempire_38219
Citizenship Application Link: tigrisempire_38219 (Tigris Empire, RSSR)
Caucus Affiliation: Tea Party/I don’t know what exactly goes here
Notes: I can type pretty fast, have fair experience in writing legal documents (by fair I mean a little), and I am a fast learner.

Main Nation: Republic Empire of Japan
Discord: Republic Empire of Japan
Citizenship Application Link: Sodacan123 (The Republic Empire of Japan)
Caucas Affilation:Independent

Office of Legislator Applications | Application Rejected

Unfortunately, you’ve been rejected from the Assembly! Please see the reason for this below.


The person applying for legislator status currently does not posess citizenship, this is a requirement for both gaining and maintaining one’s legislator status. Please reapply for legislator status once you have obtained valid citizenship. Relevant links to more information can be found below:

Legislator Act
Citizenship Applications

Office of Legislator Applications | Application Rejected

Unfortunately, you’ve been rejected from the Assembly! Please see the reason for this below.


The person applying for legislator status currently does not posess citizenship, this is a requirement for both gaining and maintaining one’s legislator status. Please reapply for legislator status once you have obtained valid citizenship. Relevant links to more information can be found below:

Legislator Act
Citizenship Applications

Main Nation: Sytern
Discord: weal.adofan
Citizen application link: Weal (Sytern)
Caucus affiliation: The Ice Creamists

Main Nation: Quietdad of TSP
Discord (optional): Quietdad
Citizenship Application Link:Quietdad (quietdad of tsp) - #3 by Griffindor
Caucus Affiliation:

Office of Legislator Applications | Application Accepted

Congratulations, you have both been admitted to the Assembly!

Hi, I’m looking to get involved again.

Main Nation: Lile Ulie Islands
Discord (optional): apresvous.
Citizenship Application Link: Maluhia (Lile Ulie Islands)
Caucus Affiliation: The Ice Creamists
Notes: N/A

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Main Nation: Erstavik
Discord (optional): urcwiki
Citizenship Application Link: Erstavik (Erstavik)
Caucus Affiliation: The Pieists
Notes: N/A

Main Nation: HumanSanity
Discord (optional): @humansanity
Citizenship Application Link: I don’t believe I have one on this forum since I was a legislator before we separated citizenship and legislator status.
Caucus Affiliation: The Cakeists

Office of Legislator Applications | Application Accepted

Congratulations, you have all been admitted to the Assembly!

Main Nation: New Atlantic States
Discord (optional): None
Citizenship Application Link: NewAtlanticStates (New Atlantic States)
Caucus Affiliation: The Cakeists
Notes: None