Erstavik (Erstavik)

Erstavik’s Citizenship Application

Question Answer
TSP Nation Erstavik
Main Nation Erstavik
WA Nation Erstavik
Discord urcwiki
Other Involvement
Other Regions:

I pledge to uphold the laws of the Coalition of the South Pacific.

I would like to amend my application in two respects.

First, as to “Aliases” I forgot to mention that I recently created a puppet (also located in TSP) called “Erstavik Rhodesia”.

Second, as to “Other Regions” I forgot to mention that I was very briefly (less than a day) in Lazarus when Erstavik was resurrected after it had ceased to exist following a period of inactivity.

My puppet Erstavik Rhodesia was founded in another region (I believe it was a frontier, but unfortunately I don’t remember the name of it). However, Erstavik Rhodesia only remained there for a few minutes before I promptly relocated it to TSP.

Other than that, I’ve always resided in TSP.

Welcome! Your application is pending.

While you’re waiting, feel free to check out our Discord server.

Hey there, @Erstavik! Thanks again for applying! Could you try logging in from a home Wi-Fi network (as opposed to a cellular or proxy connection)? Feel free to ping us at @citcomm so we don’t miss it when you do.

@citcomm @Griffindor I have now signed in from a home WIFI.

You have been accepted!

Congratulations on becoming a Citizen! If you haven’t done so yet, you can join our Discord server here. And of course, feel free to ask any questions!

I sincerely thank the Citizenship Committee for adjudicating and accepting my application before the elections.

//Emperor Luke