Office of Legislator Applications

Office of Legislator Applications | Application Accepted

Congratulations, you’ve been admitted to the Assembly!

**Main Nation:**Lower Capiquarklan
Discord (optional): flying.silly.prov
**Citizenship Application Link:**LowerCapiquarklan (Lower Capiquarklan) (Could not find my most recent one)
**Caucus Affiliation:**The Ice Creamist

Legislator Application

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Office of Legislator Applications | Application Accepted

Congratulations, you’ve been admitted to the Assembly!

Office of Legislator Applications | Application Rejected

Unfortunately, you’ve been rejected from the Assembly! Please see the reason for this below.


The person applying for legislator status currently does not posess citizenship, this is a requirement for both gaining and maintaining one’s legislator status. Please reapply for legislator status once you have obtained valid citizenship. Relevant links to more information can be found below:

Legislator Act
Citizenship Applications
Post showing evidence of citizenship removal

Main Nation: Roavin
Discord (optional): roavin
Citizenship Application Link: Roavin (Beleartis) - #3 by Pronoun
Caucus Affiliation: Fish

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Office of Legislator Applications | Application Accepted

Congratulations, you’ve been admitted to the Assembly!

Note: Considering the fact that “Fish” is not a valid option for a caucus affiliation. I have marked you down as an Independent, if you wish to update this, please file an affiliation switch request in the Office of Assembly Affairs.

Main Nation:Lower Capiquarklan
Discord (optional): flying.silly.prov
Citizenship Application Link: LowerCapiquarklan (Lower Capiquarklan)
Caucus Affiliation:The Ice Creamist

Office of Legislator Applications | Application Accepted

Congratulations, you’ve been admitted to the Assembly!

Main Nation: Pyhdon
Discord (optional): @riditekhstudios
Citizenship Application Link: riditekhstudios (Pyhdon)
Notes: wdym notes

Office of Legislator Applications | Application Rejected

Unfortunately, you’ve been rejected from the Assembly! Please see the reason for this below.


The person applying for legislator status currently does not posess citizenship, this is a requirement for both gaining and maintaining one’s legislator status. Please reapply for legislator status once you have obtained valid citizenship. Relevant links to more information can be found below:

Legislator Act
Citizenship Applications

Main Nation: North Kaunckistan
Discord (optional): Excaliburca
Citizenship Application Link: Juice (North Kanuckistan)
Caucus Affiliation:; Pieists

Office of Legislator Applications | Application Rejected

Unfortunately, you’ve been rejected from the Assembly! Please see the reason for this below.


The person applying for legislator status currently does not posess citizenship, this is a requirement for both gaining and maintaining one’s legislator status. Please reapply for legislator status once you have obtained valid citizenship. Relevant links to more information can be found below:

Legislator Act
Citizenship Applications

Main Nation: Oseao
Discord (optional): oseao2
Citizenship Application Link: Oseao (Oseao)
Caucus Affiliation: The Ice Creamists

Main Nation: Pyhdon
Discord (optional): @riditekhstudios
Citizenship Application Link: Riditekhstudios (Pyhdon)
Notes: I was a legislator in my previous region of TRTHNBB

Main Nation: Celestia polis
Discord (optional):
Citizenship Application Link: Celestia (Celestia Polis)
Caucus Affiliation:

Office of Legislator Applications | Application Accepted

Congratulations, you’ve been admitted to the Assembly!

Office of Legislator Applications | Application Accepted

Congratulations, you’ve been admitted to the Assembly!

Note: Considering that you have not listed a valid option for a caucus affiliation. I have marked you down as an Independent, if you wish to update this, please file an affiliation switch request in the Office of Assembly Affairs .

1 Like

Office of Legislator Applications | Application Accepted

Congratulations, you’ve been admitted to the Assembly!

Note: Considering that you have not listed a valid option for a caucus affiliation. I have marked you down as an Independent, if you wish to update this, please file an affiliation switch request in the Office of Assembly Affairs .

Wdym by Caucus Affiliation by the way? Do you mean, like, a political group in TSP?