Office of Assembly Affairs

Standing Order 1 | An Order to Change Policies on Inactive Topics in the Assembly Repealed


This proposed Standing Order by the Chair is being presented to the Assembly for comment for 3 days, and is subject to change.

The Chair of the Assembly,

Hearing complaints on the current policy of closing topics for inactivity,

Noting that this Order is subject to change by further legislation passed by the Assembly,

Has hereby ordered:—

  1. Debate topics that have been inactive for any amount of time will be left open, unless they are gravedug or extraordinarily need to be closed;
  2. If a bill fails, the debate topic will be left open, unless they are gravedug or extraordinarily need to be closed;
  3. If a bill passes, the debate and voting topics will be closed;
  4. Legislators may petition a closed topic be re-opened by the Chair; and,
  5. Legislators who gravedig a topic will be subject to disciplinary measures as described in the Assembly Code of Conduct.


These rules comply with the Legislative Procedure Act: