Now that declarations have closed, there’s a two-day campaign period before polls open. How are voters currently feeling?
Pssst! We’ll be holding a Prime Minister election debate at Sunday, October 22, 2023 12:00 AM UTC. If there are any questions you’d like to have the candidates answer at the debate, please submit them here!
What candidate do you currently prefer for Prime Minister and how strongly?
Strong ProfessorHenn
Lean ProfessorHenn
Strong Sir Zanny
Lean Sir Zanny
Strong The Age of Utopia
Lean The Age of Utopia
Strong Re-Open Nominations
Lean Re-Open Nominations
How do you feel about ProfessorHenn’s candidacy? (5 = very satisfied, 1 = very dissatisfied)
How do you feel about Sir Zanny’s candidacy? (5 = very satisfied, 1 = very dissatisfied)
How do you feel about the Age of Utopia’s candidacy? (5 = very satisfied, 1 = very dissatisfied)
And the poll results are in! We’re working with 22 responses for the candidate preference poll and 19 responses for the campaign satisfaction polls — pretty robust numbers compared to the 35-voter turnout during the last Prime Minister election.
The Big Question: Incumbent ProfessorHenn leads
I copied that heading from HumanSanity’s coverage during the last election cycle, but it still holds true! ProfessorHenn is entering this election as an incumbent yet again, and if this poll is any indication, they still hold plenty of support, with 64% of all respondents (74% of non-undecided respondents) strongly preferring or leaning towards ProfessorHenn.
Like the last election cycle, however, the majority of that support comes from those who are leaning towards ProfessorHenn rather than strong supporters. There’s still time in this election for things to change!
ProfessorHenn leads in campaign satisfaction
Interestingly, ProfessorHenn comes out with a score of 4.21 for satisfaction with their campaign — higher than both their approval rating and their administration’s approval ratings. Perhaps voters see something in their campaign that they haven’t seen in this past term, or perhaps we just have high standards for our elected officials!
Both Sir Zanny and the Age of Utopia came out with satisfaction scores of 3.47, but the distribution does show some differences. Sir Zanny appears to be a slightly more polarizing candidate, while the Age of Utopia hasn’t quite stirred as much enthusiasm in either direction.
Prime Minister debate on the horizon
With the Prime Minister election debate coming up later today, there’s still room for plenty of things to shift around! The vast majority of respondents to a post-debate poll in the last election said that the debate didn’t sway their vote, but ProfessorHenn also entered that debate with a strong lead in the polls and was the winner of the debate to most respondents. Perhaps the debate could prove more persuasive in this election!