Not A Step Back | [1 BBT]

The attack on Crimsica, the capital of the USPR, came a month ago. The battle in orbit was short. The Red Fleet lacked experienced crews and good quality parts to be able to withstand the League’s onslaught. After an unrelenting aerial bombardment small, elite units dropped in to secure space ports in smaller towns and military bases. Troops were deployed in tens of millions and trenchlines constructed. Artillery and aircraft were dropping thousands of tons of ordinance on enemy trenches. The leader of the League forces was Herman, a legendary General of the Kaiserreich. He was the one to develop most of the modern tactics and strategies. Construction of trenchlines, artillery barrages, air and dronestrikes, infiltration, shocktroops and even basics of mobile warfare (its development was hindered by a lack of armored vehicles and anti-drone systems).

On the USPR’s side, things were looking bleak. All able bodied adults, that weren’t necessary to operate critical infrastructure, were conscripted, given basic training and sent to the frontlines. Many had to use their own personal guns and didn’t even have helmets. Most of the experienced regulars died in previous battles. Only few competent commanders remained after the brutal purges. KGB units were placed behind the trenchlines with orders to open fire on anyone attempting an unauthorised retreat. Anti air operators and pilots were working day and night to lessen the League’s air superiority. Most of the import Party members already evacuated, without the knowledge of the people.

Not all was hopeless. Shields around cities were holding, protecting them from orbital bombardment. The blockade of the planet wasn’t complete. Constant harassment by raiding fleet and anti orbital batteries on the surface proved enough distraction for troop transports and supply ships to slip by. And the SATRA (Syndicate Augumentation to the Red Army) fleet has arrived. A hundred thousand ground troops might not seem much compared to the tens of millions already deployed, but they were perfect for the role of elite shocktroops and wouldn’t be too much of a burden on logistics.

The fleet blockading Crimsica consisted of 60 ships. Half of them were destroyers, 15 were cruisers, 12 were heavy cruisers. The remaining three were battleships, among them the Kaiser, flagship of the fleet.

“Sir, there is a fleet incoming. Unknown designs and loyalty. Composed of 50 warships, some over 2 km in size.”

“It seems the reds finally got mercenaries. Direct the fleet towards them. Don’t let them reach the planet.” Erich, Admiral in charge of the fleet commanded. It wasn’t a coincidence that a warfleet arrived during this pivotal battle. And if they weren’t with the reds, they can just be classed as collateral damage.


// United Socialist Planetary Republics
// SV Polaris on Zephyr Station, Crimsica System
// 1 BBT | Day 1 of Current Contract
Captain Melissa von Cordia

Convoy Anchor

Convoy Leadership
Convoy Leader | Melissa von Cordia
Quartermaster | Issac Lasview
SATRA* Command Outfit Liaison | “Jason”
SATRA* Operations Leader | “Popeye”

*Syndicate Augmentation to the Red Army

Gliese Pattern Fleet Carrier

SV Polaris
50k SATRA Ground Forces
1000 Space-Ground Transportation Craft
1250 Strike Craft

Rigel Pattern Escort Carrier

SV Starbrush
35k SATRA Ground Forces

Hydrangea Class Escort Carrier

SV Ignition’s Spark
25k SATRA Ground Forces

Palisade Class Battlecruiser
SV Melody of Fire
4x Space-Air Superiority Fighter Squadrons

Saiph Pattern Heavy Cruiser
SV Handel’s Flame

SV Erlina’s Glaive

Bulwark Class Cruisers
SV Court Order
2x Space-Air Superiority Fighter Squadron

SV Spacial Anomaly
2x Space-Air Superiority Fighter Squadron

SV Echo’s Zweihander
2x Space-Air Superiority Fighter Squadron

20x Metis Pattern Escort Destroyer

15x Adrastea Pattern Corvette


1x Multipurpose Storage Ship

1x Mobile Drydock

1x Savior Pattern Search & Rescue Tender
25x Rescuer Search & Rescue Craft

“This is Polaris on Zephyr Station, sound for general quarters.”


“Launch preparations complete, clean separation! First squadron is outbound.”

“Melody of Fire has a one way IFTL Jammer, make sure we close the noose here so we don’t get bogged down.”

“All cruiser launched strikers are away. We have clear firing lines.”


“Hard to Port, form a firing line! Make 'em cross our T before they reach the carriers!”

“The 1st Skyborne wants to be cut loose so they can practice boarding operations.”

“If they want to, it’s their funeral.”

“Metis’ prepare point defense, all torpedoes tubes made ready.”

“Corvettes stay close to your assigned posts, intercept all leakers.”

“Second & third squadrons just lifted off the hangars!”


“Form a firing line. Deploy fighters only, keep the bombers in for now. Screens checkerboard and focus on interception. Capitals start widdling away at their screens.” Erich gave out his orders. The enemy was using dedicated carriers, which meant a whole lot of missles, topedoes and other bomber munitions. He planned on thinning their strike craft numbers before pursuing more aggressive action.

Checkerboard was a formation in which the lighter ships in a fleet would be split into two groups. Half would be in front of the main battle line of heavier ships, focusing on providing screening, while the other half would be behind, focusing on dealing damage to the enemies. They would switch after a set amount of time. This would spread the damage on these weaker ships, while forcing the enemy concentrate more fure on the heavier and easier to hit but more durable ships.


// United Socialist Planetary Republics
// SV Polaris on Zephyr Station, Crimsica System
// 1 BBT | Day 1 of Current Contract

Convoy Anchor

Convoy Leadership
Convoy Leader | Melissa von Cordia
Quartermaster | Issac Lasview
SATRA* Command Outfit Liaison | “Jason”
SATRA* Operations Leader | “Popeye”

*Syndicate Augmentation to the Red Army

Gliese Pattern Fleet Carrier

SV Polaris
50k SATRA Ground Forces
1000 Space-Ground Transportation Craft
1250 Strike Craft

Rigel Pattern Escort Carrier

SV Starbrush
35k SATRA Ground Forces

Hydrangea Class Escort Carrier

SV Ignition’s Spark
25k SATRA Ground Forces

Palisade Class Battlecruiser
SV Melody of Fire
4x Space-Air Superiority Fighter Squadrons

Saiph Pattern Heavy Cruiser
SV Handel’s Flame

SV Erlina’s Glaive

Bulwark Class Cruisers
SV Court Order
2x Space-Air Superiority Fighter Squadron

SV Spacial Anomaly
2x Space-Air Superiority Fighter Squadron

SV Echo’s Zweihander
2x Space-Air Superiority Fighter Squadron

20x Metis Pattern Escort Destroyer

15x Adrastea Pattern Corvette


1x Multipurpose Storage Ship

1x Mobile Drydock

1x Savior Pattern Search & Rescue Tender
25x Rescuer Search & Rescue Craft

“Looks like an orbital parade defense. Refocus on their heavy assets. Our strikers will attempt to sweep their picket line.”

“All heavy batteries, focus on largest track.”

“Lighter batteries are loading AP rounds, on the way.”

“All batteries are engaged.”

“Strikers are reporting two minutes on run ins.”

“Missiles tracking. Should arrive on strike craft run ins.”

“First Skyborne is launching. Next wave of strikers just launched. Squadron 10, 11, 12 out. Formation is ready, clear engagement. Next Squadrons are being spotted now.”


Some of the destroyers suffered heavy damage, maybe even critical. Those were mostly mercenary ones, of lower quality. Their shield generators and armor weren’t quite as strong as proper dedicated military vessels. The hail of point defence, anti strike craft missles and fighters running interception took out many of the attackers.

“Capitals and backline keep up fire on their screens, but don’t sacrifice defence. Frontline, prepare for a second round. Avoid unnecessary damage, the capitals can take much more than you.” He still continued with his defensive tactic. When his fleet takes on the second wave, he will ready to take the initiative and strike with full force on their weakened fleet.


// United Socialist Planetary Republics
// SV Polaris on Zephyr Station, Crimsica System
// 1 BBT | Day 1 of Current Contract

Convoy Anchor

Convoy Leadership
Convoy Leader | Melissa von Cordia
Quartermaster | Issac Lasview
SATRA* Command Outfit Liaison | “Jason”
SATRA* Operations Leader | “Popeye”

*Syndicate Augmentation to the Red Army

Gliese Pattern Fleet Carrier

SV Polaris
50k SATRA Ground Forces
1000 Space-Ground Transportation Craft
1250 Strike Craft

Rigel Pattern Escort Carrier

SV Starbrush
35k SATRA Ground Forces

Hydrangea Class Escort Carrier

SV Ignition’s Spark
25k SATRA Ground Forces

Palisade Class Battlecruiser
SV Melody of Fire
4x Space-Air Superiority Fighter Squadrons

Saiph Pattern Heavy Cruiser
SV Handel’s Flame

SV Erlina’s Glaive

Bulwark Class Cruisers
SV Court Order
2x Space-Air Superiority Fighter Squadron

SV Spacial Anomaly
2x Space-Air Superiority Fighter Squadron

SV Echo’s Zweihander
2x Space-Air Superiority Fighter Squadron

20x Metis Pattern Escort Destroyer

15x Adrastea Pattern Corvette


1x Multipurpose Storage Ship

1x Mobile Drydock

1x Savior Pattern Search & Rescue Tender
25x Rescuer Search & Rescue Craft

“Tracks L-1929, L-1930, and L-1933 are no longer firing. Refocus.”

“Track H/P-1, Track H/P-2 are their only two FTL Inhibiting vessels. Intelligence is trying to discern a possible source of FTL-”


“-But as we’re not working with much, standby!”

“Spare, Amethyst, and Vulture Squadrons just finished spoting, launching now. Chronicler, Tradesman, Locker, move up. Double time it.”

“Our screens are taking fire-”

“Pull them into our Radar Shadow, Metis should go evasive and begin torpedo launching.”

“Those are bound to miss, they’re unguided!”

“Rescuer S&R just launched off the tender. Think anybody survived that first volley?”

“Eh, give it half odds. Those guys live for their paycheck, if we don’t pay 'em they’ll come back from the dead to retrieve it.”


More damage was dealt, but after the weak links were out of the fight it seemed most ships were holding.

“Launch bombers with fighter escorts. Every ship focus on dealing damage. Get their capitals out of the way. Move into their flank.” The fleet started moving at an angle to the SATRA fleet while maintaning their battle line and closing distance. Erich wanted to get a clear line of fire into their retreating screens and carriers, dealing as much damage to the exposed capitals along the way.


// United Socialist People’s Republics
// SV Polaris on Zephyr Station, Crimsica System
// 1 BBT | Day 1 of Current Contract

Convoy Anchor

Convoy Leadership
Convoy Leader | Melissa von Cordia
Quartermaster | Issac Lasview
SATRA* Command Outfit Liaison | “Jason”
SATRA* Operations Leader | “Popeye”

*Syndicate Augmentation to the Red Army

Gliese Pattern Fleet Carrier

SV Polaris
50k SATRA Ground Forces
1000 Space-Ground Transportation Craft
1250 Strike Craft

Rigel Pattern Escort Carrier

SV Starbrush
35k SATRA Ground Forces

Hydrangea Class Escort Carrier

SV Ignition’s Spark
25k SATRA Ground Forces

Palisade Class Battlecruiser
SV Melody of Fire
4x Space-Air Superiority Fighter Squadrons

Saiph Pattern Heavy Cruiser
SV Handel’s Flame

SV Erlina’s Glaive

Bulwark Class Cruisers
SV Court Order
2x Space-Air Superiority Fighter Squadron

SV Spacial Anomaly
2x Space-Air Superiority Fighter Squadron

SV Echo’s Zweihander
2x Space-Air Superiority Fighter Squadron

20x Metis Pattern Escort Destroyer

15x Adrastea Pattern Corvette


1x Multipurpose Storage Ship

1x Mobile Drydock

1x Savior Pattern Search & Rescue Tender
25x Rescuer Search & Rescue Craft

“New tracks, designating as they come! SF-1…”

“We got strikers on radar. Light batteries to Proximity Fuse, light 'em up.”

“MWO, we need prox fuse missiles on target. Confirm!”

“Confirm, they’re cooking now!”


“Ships, Chaff, Flares, Active Decoys, EVERYTHING! DROP EVERYTHING!”

“Chronicler, Tradesman, Locker, cleanly away. Fortitude, Dagger, Ichor, double time with your Void Superiority Loadouts. Override the launch safeties, we need EVERYTHING out there less this ship turns into a BOMB!”

“Lancer Team on station. Taking heavy fire but I’ve got spare 35, throwing ourselves at S/B tracks now, be careful with those prox fuses!”

“Point Defense Missiles making their run ins now, advise you stay away until then.”

“Amethyst Two, making our run ins with enemy heavy assets. Pickle, Pickle, Pickle! Bomb out on enemy dreadnought! Amethyst Two clockin-”

“Amethyst Two just flew into the Enemy Dreadnought!”

“I knew he’s crazy, but I didn’t think he was that crazy!”

“Amethyst Squadron is RTB reporting 25% casualties.”

“I see a pod! HE LIVED!?”

“Confirm a pod?!”

“Pod confirm, S&R get him.”


The Kaiser was shaken with multiple explosions from bombs that managed to punch through its shields and armor. Other ships were also taking damage, but they were holding. For now.

The enemy capitals were taking fire too, from bombers, missles and main batteries with high-energy plasma like most Republic weapons.

The League’s fleet continued with its plan. Erich believed it could withstand the damage. If he managed to destroy the vital carriers and screens of the enemy fleet, it would most likely go into retreat.


// United Socialist People’s Republics
// SV Polaris on Zephyr Station, Crimsica System
// 1 BBT | Day 1 of Current Contract

Convoy Anchor

Convoy Leadership
Convoy Leader | Melissa von Cordia
Quartermaster | Issac Lasview
SATRA* Command Outfit Liaison | “Jason”
SATRA* Operations Leader | “Popeye”

*Syndicate Augmentation to the Red Army

Gliese Pattern Fleet Carrier

SV Polaris
50k SATRA Ground Forces
1000 Space-Ground Transportation Craft
1250 Strike Craft

Rigel Pattern Escort Carrier

SV Starbrush
35k SATRA Ground Forces

Hydrangea Class Escort Carrier

SV Ignition’s Spark
25k SATRA Ground Forces

Palisade Class Battlecruiser
SV Melody of Fire
4x Space-Air Superiority Fighter Squadrons

Saiph Pattern Heavy Cruiser
SV Handel’s Flame

SV Erlina’s Glaive

Bulwark Class Cruisers
SV Court Order
2x Space-Air Superiority Fighter Squadron

SV Spacial Anomaly
2x Space-Air Superiority Fighter Squadron

SV Echo’s Zweihander
2x Space-Air Superiority Fighter Squadron

20x Metis Pattern Escort Destroyer

15x Adrastea Pattern Corvette


1x Multipurpose Storage Ship

1x Mobile Drydock

1x Savior Pattern Search & Rescue Tender
25x Rescuer Search & Rescue Craft

“Point Defense is holding here!”


“Shield integrity is at 50% and falling fast!”

“1st Skyborne has made landfall on damaged enemy battleship. Begining boarding operations now. Probably a one way trip, let’s hope our fighter cover is good.”

“Dagger, Fortitude, Ichor are out!”

“Release the screens, and have them flank the enemy formation, they’re pretty close.”

“Praise be for disobeying orders, we have torpedoes! Helm to flank, get us in position!”

“Amethyst One here, we got tally on allied landing craft, we’ll cause a scene up here.”


“Got it! It’s IFTL and FTL! They use both. We just gotta pick one and hope it’s the right one!”

“Flak and Slug are engaging S/B and S/F targets.”

“Rest of the PDMs are out! Please advise!”


The situation turned bad really fast. The enemy screens abandoned their previous positions and encircled the fleet. Some took critical damage. The Kaiser was boarded and without almost any garrisons it wouldn’t be able to hold. Any crewmember fighting the boarding force wasn’t manning the guns and other vital systems.

“Seal off and vent the enemy controlled areas! And keep firing! All their ships are exposed!” Erich commanded, in slight panic. He did not expect such aggressive action, especially before he started his main assault. The only hope now was that his ships could produce more fire or else he would have to retreat.


// United Socialist People’s Republics
// SV Polaris on Zephyr Station, Crimsica System
// 1 BBT | Day 1 of Current Contract

Convoy Anchor

Convoy Leadership
Convoy Leader | Melissa von Cordia
Quartermaster | Issac Lasview
SATRA* Command Outfit Liaison | “Jason”
SATRA* Operations Leader | “Popeye”

*Syndicate Augmentation to the Red Army

Gliese Pattern Fleet Carrier

SV Polaris
50k SATRA Ground Forces
1000 Space-Ground Transportation Craft
1250 Strike Craft

Rigel Pattern Escort Carrier

SV Starbrush
35k SATRA Ground Forces

Hydrangea Class Escort Carrier

SV Ignition’s Spark
25k SATRA Ground Forces

Palisade Class Battlecruiser
SV Melody of Fire
4x Space-Air Superiority Fighter Squadrons

Saiph Pattern Heavy Cruiser
SV Handel’s Flame

SV Erlina’s Glaive

Bulwark Class Cruisers
SV Court Order
2x Space-Air Superiority Fighter Squadron

SV Spacial Anomaly
2x Space-Air Superiority Fighter Squadron

SV Echo’s Zweihander
2x Space-Air Superiority Fighter Squadron

20x Metis Pattern Escort Destroyer

15x Adrastea Pattern Corvette


1x Multipurpose Storage Ship

1x Mobile Drydock

1x Savior Pattern Search & Rescue Tender
25x Rescuer Search & Rescue Craft

“Rapier, Centurion, commence battlefield takeoff, you have the field.”

“We’re about five seconds from dumping our storage!”

“Enemy S/F and S/B targets are no factor or disengaging.”

“Torpedoes away, torpedoes away!”

// United Socialist People’s Republics
// Kaiser, Crimsica System
// 1 BBT | Day 1 of Current Contract

The ringing of damage control sirens and boarding action alarms blared as the 1st Skyborne pushed through. When sealed, they’d meet the door with an explosive or a plasma torch. They spread like a disease throughout the ship, slowly, methodically, taking prisoners and shooting anybody who resisted.

“Prisoners are useful as collateral, if they surrender do NOT kill them!”

The ship had been venting air for a while, a fact not helped by the 1st Skyborne torching the hull’s weakest points whenever possible, with explosives or otherwise. At the rate of clearing they were doing, they were closing in on the ship’s bridge, and rather quickly.


“Retreat back to base and request backup!” Erich shouted, pistol in hand. The reds had an FTL inhibitor here, but they already had a charted route through Inner Space back to a Kaisermarine base.

The quantum drives turned an and started accelerating the ships. But then nothing happened.

“The drives are inhibited and not by the planet. They must have one in the fleet, sir.” The Chief Technician reported.

The battle was lost. Many ships were at their limit and now without an escape route. Erich prepared to transmit to the enemy fleet. “I am Admiral Erich, the highest ranking officer on the fleet. I surrender. You may have control of this space, but spare my soldiers and ships. I will let your soldiers onto the bridge.”

He opened the blast doors separating the bridge from the Syndicate soldiers. Everyone there dropped their weapons onto the floor.


// United Socialist People’s Republics
// Kaiser, Crimsica System
// 1 BBT | Day 1 of Current Contract
Kolonel Anderson Vex | Captain Melissa von Cordia

“HANDS! NOW! Away from your consoles!”

“On the ground!”

The troopers of the 1st Skyborne began to ziptie everybody as their Kolonel made a call to Melissa

“Vex here, we have enemy battleship bridge sekured. Resistance is no faktor. We’re rounding up POWs now.”

“Jason says Command needs the ships intact. Bring all POWs back to the Polaris. We’ll have technicians pull the ships into Mobie.”

“What of the Enemy Admiral?”

“Same procedures. Though I suppose I want to meet him.”

“Roger that, over and out.”

“Over and out.”

The Kolonel and the Captain leave the call

“Admiral Erikh, my Kaptain wishes to speak to you… Follow me. Troopers, finish up operations and exfil with all POWs…”

// United Socialist People’s Republics
// SV Polaris on Rotary Station, Crimsica System
// 1 BBT | Day 2 of Current Contract
Captain Melissa von Cordia

Convoy Anchor

Convoy Leadership
Convoy Leader | Melissa von Cordia
Quartermaster | Issac Lasview
SATRA* Command Outfit Liaison | “Jason”
SATRA* Operations Leader | “Popeye”

*Syndicate Augmentation to the Red Army

Gliese Pattern Fleet Carrier

SV Polaris
50k SATRA Ground Forces
1000 Space-Ground Transportation Craft
1050 Strike Craft

Rigel Pattern Escort Carrier

SV Starbrush
35k SATRA Ground Forces

Hydrangea Class Escort Carrier

SV Ignition’s Spark
25k SATRA Ground Forces

Palisade Class Battlecruiser
SV Melody of Fire
3x Space-Air Superiority Fighter Squadrons

Saiph Pattern Heavy Cruiser
SV Handel’s Flame

SV Erlina’s Glaive

Bulwark Class Cruisers
SV Court Order
1x Space-Air Superiority Fighter Squadron

SV Spacial Anomaly
2x Space-Air Superiority Fighter Squadron

SV Echo’s Zweihander

14x Metis Pattern Escort Destroyer

7x Adrastea Pattern Corvette


1x Multipurpose Storage Ship

1x Mobile Drydock

1x Savior Pattern Search & Rescue Tender
25x Rescuer Search & Rescue Craft

The celebration was short lived, immediately quelled by yelling of the captain. Ships broke formation, the cruisers began descending towards the low orbit of Crimsica to begin fire support missions, while two Escort Carriers, Starbrush and Ignition’s Spark began their journey to ferry troopers to the surface. Polaris itself stayed in Flight Quarters for a solid day while ‘Mobie’ the Mobile Drydock attached itself to the Kaiser. POWs were transferred onto the Polaris for processing, often winding up on Crimisica or elsewhere as space on the Carrier dried up.

// United Socialist People’s Republics
// SV Polaris on Rotary Station, Crimsica System
// 1 BBT | Day 2 of Current Contract
Captain Melissa von Cordia

Melissa’s office on the Polaris wasn’t special. She hadn’t had time to transfer much before they took off, only a desk and three chairs. She waited and watched as Admiral Erich entered, followed by two troopers.

“Admiral Erich in the flesh. Rest assured, you put up a valiant fight. I respect it. Do you drink?”

She had a bottle of wine in her hands and was in the process of pouring it out as she gazed at the battle worn Admiral


Admiral Erich was a human man in his mid forties. He was of average height, had dark, slightly greying hair and brown eyes. He was dressed in a black uniform with a few medals and a golden chain at his waist. His pistol holster was empty. He took off his hat and sat down, placing his and on the back of another chair.

“I do. It would be harder to find someone who doesn’t. Especially with Botniaks down there on the surface.”


// United Socialist People’s Republics
// SV Polaris on Rotary Station, Crimsica System
// 1 BBT | Day 2 of Current Contract
Captain Melissa von Cordia

“I suppose it is hard as is when you’re stuck in high orbit. I felt that a few decades ago…”

Melissa passes a glass to Erich

“I’m not gonna lord over my victory. I’m gonna give you what I gave the USPR, if it’s something you’d be interested in. A coin, and some coordinates for your own eyes. Services at the national scale cost a fortune but if they can afford us, you probably can. Now you can’t change an active contract, but maybe sometime down the line you can pick up some of us.”

Melissa pauses, as if for dramatic effect

“A warning, however. This leaks, I kill you. You bring weapons online, I put a bullet through your skull. You act aggressively, a good friend of ours will suddenly have a manpower boost and you’re on a permanent shitlist.”

Melissa places a coin and needle on the desk then takes a drink before continuing

“If it’s appealing to you… Put some blood on the coin.”

She motions to the needle and coin


Erich took the needle, punctured his finger and pressed it to the coin. After all, why not. This wasn’t the last war the League, and by extension the Kaiserreich, was going to fight. If it wanted to protect its future prosperity and push the failed democratic system out of the Republic, some extra forces would be very useful.

“Humility even in the face of an overwhelming victory is something I can admire. Your losses were nothing compared to mine. But we both know that this is only the beggining. The real thing is down there, on the surface. Herman won’t give in easely. The only way the reds were able to stop him from kicking in their door is by barricading it with a pile of bodies. Be careful or may join it.” Erich was a bit bitter about the loss. Many soldiers and ships lost. But after one loses as much as many in the Republic did, you know how deal with it. It still hurts, but not as much.

From a purely pragmatic approach, the loss wasn’t very significant. League’s forces should be mostly safe from orbital bombardments and the blocade wasn’t complete to begin with. The navy was always one step behind, one tier lower in the hierarchy. War was always meant to be fought on land, on the seas and in the air, not in space.


// United Socialist People’s Republics
// SV Polaris on Rotary Station, Crimsica System
// 1 BBT | Day 2 of Current Contract
Captain Melissa von Cordia

“Admiral, your turtle may have teeth, but out of the water, he can’t move. And you just let us pick him up.”

She motions to the troopers behind him

“Au revoir, Admiral Erich.”

// United Socialist People’s Republics
// Narodnigrad, Crimsica / 58 Kilometers from Objective Anvil-Gale-Six
// Firebase Illicit Fury, 12th Division G/HQ
// 1 BBT | Day 21 of Current Contract

The city of Narodnigrad had been under siege for the past few months by League Forces. The city’s defenders had been supplemented by the SATRA, specifically the 12th Division, who had set up shop in the city center.

“Assaulting a line of hills?”

“Yeah our pay ain’t gonna really be worth it to us if we’re dead.”

“You have artillery, airstrikes, and long distance fires have been softening up the entire hillside for the past few days.”

“Yeah and it hasn’t done anything.”

“Any person subjected to a 24/7 bombardment even if doesn’t hurt them will get the shocks. I think we push.”

“Well, let’s get the brief going…”

// 58 Kilometers from Objective Anvil-Gale-Six
// 15th Artillery Group
// 1 BBT | Day 21 of Current Contract

The night in the area around Narodnigrad was quiet and collected. It was expected that League Forces would eventually enter the city. The presence of new SATRA Forces shouldn’t have changed that…

“Shot Over!”

“Shot Out!”

The 15th Artillery Group’s guns, converted warship canons tuned for artillery fire began unleashing a heavy creeping barrage. The Infantry pushed, crossing no mans land in the chaos immediately.


The hills were an important asset in the siege of Narodnigrad, which lasted for almost two months at this point, since the start of the invasion. The reds put up a desperate defence, but it was only a matter of time before it broke. Heavely fortified and manned by Botniak mercenaries, these hills served as a near unbreakable fortress. Once the Red Army attempted an assault. It resulted in a massive pocket with well over 10 thousand casualties. They were believed to be so unbreakable, that the local commanders neglected it for the past two weeks or so.

Even so, the Botniaks were used to fighting in harsh conditions. They resisted the Envari ever since anyone could remember, fighting an endless guerilla war. They trained many troops during the Rebellion and not knowing anything else, they became mercenaries after the war was over. Each Botniak was either a soldier or was doing something to support the soldiers. Many both.

The incoming barrage put everyone on high alert. A rookie mistake. Well built trenchlines, with proper bunkers and reinforced surface positions could withstand days of bombardment. All it ever did was alert the enemy.

“Send out the drones, get any of their vehicles. Getting them off the hill is gonna be annoying later on.” Commanded Durin, the Botniak Commander. As Botniaks usually did, he merely played overconfident.

Drones went up in the air from hidden hangars and flown over the artillery fire. They provided footage of the advancing troops and their “pilots” started locking the missle systems onto the advancing armor.


// 45 Kilometers from Objective Anvil-Gale-Six
// 10th Mountaineering Regiment
// 1 BBT | Day 21 of Current Contract

“LWS is giving us multiple readings…”

“Yeah, yeah… Bring up the countermeasures.”

“Gunner Fortification HEAT. 12 O’clock. Engage.”

“Slow is steady and steady is fast. Going into a trench network is suicide, wait for our IFVs.”

“Gunner on the way!”

Infantry in no mans land had paused under the heavy fire of the bunkers. As they were cleared by the Armor, their IFVs, dozer blades attached, began to clean the trench line by ploughing over trenches, breaking the trenches up and collapsing them as they came, often burying enemy personnel in their wake. It continued like this for the next hour. Infantry advanced, stopped by machine gun emplacements, silenced by Armor, and IFV’s dozed the trench lines. UAS platforms that fired missiles were intercepted by the Tanks APS systems, often catching the missiles moments before impact. Counter UAS systems, like lasers and a CIWS battery were brought up to support, but the tanks were generally fine by themselves. Not that they’d be able to help themselves up a hill line, that’s a job for an assault gun.