NewGoldman (New Goldman)

NewGoldman’s Citizenship Application

Question Answer
TSP Nation New Goldman
Main Nation New Goldman
WA Nation New Goldman
Discord walker6817
Other Involvement
Other Regions:
My first region was 10,000 Islands. I was younger back then and newer to NationStates. I foolishly was professing support for imperialism and other stuff that I forgot about. Yes, that's weird as hell, but that's just what happened. Looking back, I very much regret what I did, and I still want to say sorry to all that was affected by my sh*t. It was on the XKI Discord, btw.

I pledge to uphold the laws of the Coalition of the South Pacific.

Welcome! Your application is pending.

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You have been accepted!

Congratulations on becoming a Citizen! If you haven’t done so yet, you can join our Discord server here. And of course, feel free to ask any questions!