Earl Quinlann Emmerson Returns from opening Regular Consulates
Earl Quinlann Emmerson congradulates Vrigny and Coalitania, issues a warning to Jonas Val
Claire Renske, L.R. of The Plenary Committee, leader of the NNP, convened the Lower House of Country Collective and presided over the first reading regarding Nowell Rileys Bill on workplace organisations. After the first 4-hour session, Renske, using The Plenary Committees Head for legislative consultation deliberation and excogitation (Kensley Vorthrop of the UML), asked the High Court for Administrative Crime:
“Would the worries over the possibility of making the Two Associations a political body, be relieved if an Annex were appended to the Bill which, would explicitly state that their nature is not political?” The reply has stated that the answer to this question would be affirmative.
The modified first reading was then presented during the second 4-hour session in the Lower House. Both the Opportunity Party and the Center Party MPs were fully in favour. After complaints regarding the Association of Unions, the ADLA MPs also stated that they would vote in favour; similar to UML MPs, whose complaints centered around the Association of Investors and Owners. The CGC and NNP were critical of this Bills reminiscence to the P3 Coalition, though after clarification from Renske that the High Court was consulted precisely for this reason, they had stated that they will vote in favour. SVDP complained that the Bill compromised them AND the UML politically, though that they would vote in favour as it offers protection for workers rights.
Surprisingly, the sole opponents to the Bill remain the environmentalist soft-left SRP. This created friction between the SRP and the militarist eco-ecologist NNP, leading to an extended session which lasted for ten hours.
Utilising the High Court for International Law and Customs of Nasphilitae, established by Internationalisation of the Corpus within domestic law with jurisdiction over Nasphilitae entities; Ayala Moran asked for a legal opinion regarding Rolstons’ Call for Debate in the WF. The request for legal opinion asked for reevaluation of the Call in areas of philosophy of law, jurisprudence, and legal formulation.
The response says as follows;
" 1. In regards to the topic of law, it remains unclear which doctrine, principles, procedures and institutions are followed within International Law codified by the World Forum, exercised by the Assembly, the Committee, or its sub-Committees. While the institution of public hearings and clear protocols in both judicial and political matters are valid and established in domestic practice, we are unsure whether such established protocols exist specifically within the World Forum.
2. In regards to jurisprudence, the International Court explicitly adheres to the doctrine of normative virtue. However, while other judicial institutions such as the Assembly and the Committee, appear to replicate such adherence; Rolstons assertion and cause for the call of debate, which seeks to erect deliberation and eventual establishment of practice which would confirm these, is correct.
3. In regards to the legality and legal formulation of Adrianna Rolstons call for debate; While legal, we do recommend that the Calls' formulation and structure be modified, to avoid misunderstand of the Call for Debate being a Resolution."
It should be noted that Ayala Moran is an opponent to Adrianna Rolston in matters of International Relations. The former adheres to “Nasphilitae School of International Relations”, emphasising bilateralism and non-interventionism; While the latter adheres to “New Nasphiliti School of International Relations”.
Head of HM Cabinet for External Affairs, Earl Emmerson, had finally finished the opening of Consulates with all countries in The South Pacific. The nature of these Consulates are regular, which is to say that their delegated tasks follow The Convention on Consular Relations. These include, among many others, and in particular the first item:
- Article 5s Consular functions provisions
- Communication and contact with nationals of the sending State
- Information in cases of deaths, guardianship or trusteeship, wrecks and air accidents
- Communication with the authorities of the receiving State
- Notification of arrest, detention or prosecution
- Waiver of privileges and immunities
- Exemption from registration of aliens and residence permits
- Exemption from work permits
- Social security exemption
- Exemption from registration of aliens and residence permits
- Article 70 Exercise of consular functions by diplomatic missions
- Article 71 Nationals or permanent residents of the receiving State
Earl Quinlann Emmerson further congratulated Vrigny on codifying an expansion of fundamenal rights with the appendix Act. In particular, he commended the manner in which the Vrignian state handled the situation “in a civil manner”, as well as the usage of the term “fundamental rights”. He’s also commended the government of Coalitania on initiating the process of democratisation, emphasising the importance of “political parties and public engagement with the process”.
The Earl had also issues a warning to MP Jonas Val of the ADLA, for comments made earlier to Vrigny. The warning states:
“Foreign affairs of Nasphilitae, as per the Collective Security Documents, do not grant The National Parliament, rights of conducting any activites relates to foreign affairs of Nasphilitae. They are under the sole authority of the HM Cabinet.”