Mid-Term Approval Polling: ProfessorHenn Cabinet (September 29, 2024 – February 1, 2024)

Today marks what would have been the halfway point for a regular-length Prime Minister term (so we’re around three-fifths of the way through the current term). How are we feeling about the term so far?

Polls are open to citizens. Responses to these polls are fully anonymous; only the overall results will be visible.

What is your overall level of approval or disapproval with Prime Minister @ProfessorHenn’s administration so far this term? (5 = Highly Approve; 1 = Highly Disapprove)
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
0 voters
What is your overall level of approval or disapproval with @ProfessorHenn as Prime Minister so far this term? (5 = Highly Approve; 1 = Highly Disapprove)
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
0 voters
What is your overall level of approval or disapproval with @HumanSanity as Minister of Recruitment so far this term? (5 = Highly Approve; 1 = Highly Disapprove)
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
0 voters
What is your overall level of approval or disapproval with @Ray as Minister of Culture so far this term? (5 = Highly Approve; 1 = Highly Disapprove)
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
0 voters
What is your overall level of approval or disapproval with @Banexet as Minister of Defense so far this term? (5 = Highly Approve; 1 = Highly Disapprove)
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
0 voters
What is your overall level of approval or disapproval with @lordnwahs as Director of the Office of World Assembly Legislation so far this term? (5 = Highly Approve; 1 = Highly Disapprove)
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
0 voters
Which issues do you feel should be a priority for ProfessorHenn’s administration? (select as few or as many as you’d like)
  • Roleplay
  • On-Site Activities
  • Defense
  • World Assembly Affairs
  • Integration
  • Foreign Affairs
  • Recruitment
  • Culture and Events
  • Other (reply or message me)
0 voters

Some more detailed results!

Approval Poll Results (4)
Priorities Over Time (4)

I’ll see if I get around to my usual analysis. But honestly, those are usually just an excuse for me to yap about my own thoughts. No need to wait for me to talk about why you responded the way you did in the polls or your thoughts about how other citizens responded!


I’ll only comment on OWL: I’ll be honest that I’ve been fairly disappointed in my own work, but I will caveat that I’ve been quite busy as of late, so besides maintaining voting threads I’ve not been able to do more “active” things like posting analyses and such. I am not sure how sustainable me staying in this office is in the long-run, so I want to extend an open invitation to anyone who is interested to come volunteer with me in OWL, so that there can be a semblance of a succession plan if there comes a time where I need to step down.

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