Merging TSPRP into the Main Server

I think I must commend these so called ‘TSP-Mainers’. I’ve seen an openness to seek solutions that work for both parties which came a bit as a shock to the reputation given within the TSPRP community. I see a change in mentality and I say that’s exactly why it might be worth to do this merger. Especially now to capture that mentality and will to collaborate – which may not have been so visible the past years – to cement it into something more durable. If we proceed & work out a new lasting status quo which will be respected, that is the guarantee the TSPRP community wants for this merger to work.

Personally, most (if not all) of my concerns have been resolved. So long as we receive our dedicated channels, I think the merger has a lot of merit to grow the RP community. Especially since we’ve proven to not need 69 channels for separate topics. Additionally, Discord has evolved with features such as threads to mitigate the original need of a separate RP Discord Server in my opinion. (Primarily to ensure enough room for dedicated conversations related to RP.) By extension, the onboarding process through the Discord feature shown by Pronoun’s post will not only help TSP at large, but further increase the visibility of the TSPRP community. It would also be nice I think if it also could help bring clarity to what our RP community has to offer as well as its standards, which seems to be a growing concern these days.
I’ve eluded about this in another RP-related discussion which I’ll link here should you wish to get a better grasp of what it could mean for the TSPRP community.

As for the ‘TSP-Main vs TSPRP culture war’, I think it wouldn’t be as vicious as some people make it. Again due to new Discord features like the ability to hide channels, which in turn averts the risk of ‘cultural clashes’. Furthermore, I’d like to also add the fact that the TSPRP community shouldn’t be afraid to lose its culture. If anything, we’ve proven that we’d vehemently defend our existing culture. So really, I don’t see it being diluted to ‘TSP-Main culture’. I think the TSPRP community has created its own culture the past years, but I also don’t see anything wrong with said culture evolving more closely with the other side of TSP.

Lastly I’d like to also ask for the addition of two potential RP-related channels:

  • #worldbuilding: a general channel where anyone can discuss topics to worldbuilding which may not be necessarily limited to our RP canons as myself & other members have voiced their concern to discuss our writing projects with the community for feedback. The RP community has had the effect to inspire members to write their own stories and I think it’s only fair to grant a medium for discussion pertaining to those stories.
  • #design: a dedicated channel to showcase designs (flags, coat of arms, drawings, etc) made by members of the RP community. Previously we had such channels for each canon, but I think a general one could be beneficial and not interrupt certain ongoing discussions in canon-channels where they are now ‘forced’ to be placed.
  • Senior Roleplayer Role: potentially a role for the purpose stated in this post.