Memoirs of the Berenican Nation

7 MARCH 2023
Treisag National Circuit
1 Odmulich Drive, Pomorien Industrial Park

At the southern headquarters of the National Automotive Rally Association, two confident men in T-shirts and caps walk through the cooly-lit linoleum-floored corridor. It leads to a conference room near the exit towards the grandstand. Along the corridor are frames of black walnut that detail every small yet apparent step in the journey of racing in the Treisag area. It is a dying sport, but its players are still determined to keep it alive, of course.

Andein cranks down the aluminium door handle and opens the white, glazed door into the chamber. At the humble white table are the team’s most valuable partners; no, not their sponsors, but their mentors. Ilhrich Molnau, director of the Treisag National Circuit and David Khronegom, a seasoned racer who had already dropped racing full-time and now serves as a trainer.

“Hello, thank you for having us here”, Andein greeted. Fraltuhr combed his hair with his hands carelessly as he tailgated him in. “for what have you called us down here on this humid, cooling early morning?”

“Please, take a seat, both of you”, Ilhrich offered as he gestured towards the two blue swivel chairs on the southerly opposite side of his modestly-sized table.

“Now, I’ve recieved an e-mail from the central association headquarters in Brient… and I am delighted to announce, that you will be going to Izaakia for the endurance race.”

A minute yet genuine and present smile covered both of the Engineers’ faces.

“You will compete for the first time on the outer international stage in your name, the Engineers of Zweisaubach. In terms of monteary expenses, you will be sponsored and supported by us and your company - sadly your representative couldn’t be with us today.”

“Very well”, Fraltuhr nodded his head in approval.

“We will gather a full delegation from throughout the association of support crew and whatever else you need; and of course, we’ll be by your side. We’ll settle the details post-haste, and with you as soon as possible. The weather may be rough, but I’m sure you can make it still, I believe in you”, David assured the team.

“Is our University by our side still?”, Andein asked in curiosity.

“Well, I invited someone, he’s not here yet…”

“Other than that, could I have some time with my colleague?”

“Sure”, Ilhrich consented.

The Engineers left their seats to the corridor.

Their smiles suddenly turned into something different.

“Look, Andein, I am excited about competing abroad, but I do have to admit, I felt quite uneasy while coming all the way here, to the point where I almost turned to the wrong motorway at an intersection”, Fraltuhr lamented in worry while facing his colleague.

“I can’t really put my hands on it, I’ve read the news and we are facing a number of teams, but most especially Gianatlan ones, and especially the Funkels. I mean, sure, we may be more passionate than them, or something, I don’t know, but… but…”

“But what?”

“…you see, Besern against the world in terms of racing… not that experienced… where we’re more into public transport than any-”

“You are worried that everyone there will throw us in the gutter to die?”

“YES! Yes, certainly.”

There is an increasingly noticeable noise of someone running down towards them. The Engineers turn towards the figure. He looks familiar, yet a bit foreign. Maybe, just maybe?