Map of the South Pacific

Read the instructions.

Link to NationStates nation in the South Pacific: NationStates | The Principality of Terre des Gold
Name for your plot
: Terre des Gold
Desired plot: 186
Location of capital
: At the intersection of the rivers
Customisation: “Jus Aurum Flumen” should be the name of the river on the right side, and the river on the left to be called “Aurum Flumen Sinistram”, and after they both meet at the capital, should be called the “Centralis Flumen Aurum”.

Already owned plot(s)*: none

I confirm that I have:
read the instructions
the intent to participate in roleplay in the Pacifica canon
made sure that the plot hasn’t been claimed by someone else
given each plot I claim a separate name

(Mark with X)


Link to NationStates nation in the South Pacific: NationStates | The People's Republic of San Marsico
Name for your plot
: Kalaki
Desired plot: 028
Capital: ALIKA
Location of capital
: To the right on the bottom most Island owned by the plot number

Already owned plot(s)*: 146, 139

I confirm that I have:
read the instructions
the intent to participate in roleplay in the Pacifica canon
made sure that the plot hasn’t been claimed by someone else
given each plot I claim a separate name

That plot is already taken @ThePRSM .


Ok, let’s try this again/
Link to NationStates nation in the South Pacific: NationStates | The People's Republic of San Marsico
Name for your plot
: Kalaki
Desired plot: 023
Capital: ALIKA
Location of capital
: Where the left river meets the sea

Already owned plot(s)*: 146, 139

I confirm that I have:
read the instructions
the intent to participate in roleplay in the Pacifica canon
made sure that the plot hasn’t been claimed by someone else
given each plot I claim a separate name

I swear if this plot is already claimed, I’m going to cry-


Hello, I am posting to ask for a bit of editing for my plot(s).
(My plots are 142, 144, 145 or New Altnavia)

  1. Please rename the state ‘Sudu Capitalia’ into ‘Donuidicia’.
  2. Please remove Pacicaya, Luxidaia and Nodeiso Sea and replace those three with ‘Altineivio Sea’.
  3. Please rename Pacicaya Range into either ‘North Bailtem Range’ or ‘Neivio Range’.

Thank you!

1 Like

@Kobegr01 Added Okho Protectorate.
@Noscar Added Terre des Gold.
@ThePRSM Added Kalaki.
@CayonNS Updated your customization.



I didn’t forget. Let’s just say I’m evaluating a few things.


what do you mean?
evaluating sounds suspicious

Wheres the map application link?

[b]Link to NationStates nation in the South Pacific[/b]*: 
[b]Name for your plot[/b]*: (The name of your country that you want to see on the map, which may be different from your NationStates nation name. Please keep it short.)
[b]Desired plot[/b]*: (Please make sure the plot hasn't been claimed by checking the last few pages this thread.)
[b]Capital[/b]: (UPPER CASE LETTERS please)
[b]Location of capital[/b]*:
[b]Customisation[/b]: (An image as illustration is always appreciated, accompanied by a list that allows copy/paste)

[b]Already owned plot(s)[/b]*: (List the the name(s) of the plot(s) that you have been granted on the map, in any)

I confirm that I have:
[] read the instructions
[] the intent to participate in roleplay in the Pacifica canon
[] made sure that the plot hasn't been claimed by someone else
[] given each plot I claim a separate name

(Mark with X)

This is the sheet you need to upload

Link to NationStates nation in the South Pacific: NationStates | The United Socialist States of Aurorastan
: (The name of your country that you want to see on the map, which may be different from your NationStates nation name. Please keep it short.)
Amara (plot 228) And West Amare (plot 229): (Please make sure the plot hasn’t been claimed by checking the last few pages this thread.)
Capital: Amarinia
Location of capital
: In the image
Customisation: (An image as illustration is always appreciated, accompanied by a list that allows copy/paste:
upload image

Already owned plot(s)*: (List the the name(s) of the plot(s) that you have been granted on the map, in any)

I confirm that I have:
read the instructions
the intent to participate in roleplay in the Pacifica canon
made sure that the plot hasn’t been claimed by someone else
given each plot I claim a separate name


no, take mine for example

(To Gianalta) My lot has not been added yet, please add:

If 3 cities from the entire country: Malheureuemenent, Astro and Nuvee Cherkhyre

If 3 cities from each dystrykt: Malheureuesement, Sardin, Bharian, Astro, Nuvee Cherkhyre, Ozjie and Aohns

Edited the plots as far as space allowed me ^^

Principally yes, however your edit request is not compliant with our current rules on plot customisation. Please especially reduce the number of cities that are supposed to be visible on the map or at least provide information on which details from the map you’ve uploaded are of upmost importance to you.


You are not allowed to claim two plots at once. Additionally your map is too ambiguous to customise the plot according to your wishes. Please reapply after the activity check.

Activity Check - Plot application submissions closed!

There will be an activity check conducted as of now. Please refer to the activity check topic to see, if you need to react to anything. Until the activity check is over, plot applications are closed. Any applications posted here during the closing period are considered automatically denied.


Remove Carlisle, Middlesbrough, Hull, Preston, Stoke, Swansea, Cambridge, Oxford, Swindon, Achavanich, Luton, Clavering, Southampton, Dover, Lokve and Zlatna. Also remove the two rivers. Also if Leeds and Bradford and Luchester and Nicholasgrad are too close together then remove Bradford and Luchester. Also please add a new town called Ipswich around left of Cambridge so that it’s on the coast. Also ignore those red lines.

Sandbox version
I will clean up the sandox version of the map. If you have customisation stored there, please copy it over to a personal file if you want to keep it. You have until the due date of the activity check announced by Gianni.


!Ignore this request until the activity check is over! (I’m sending this now as I’m kinda busy for the next week)
I request some changes

Remove Hangli, and add Olkanga and Suttik

[Please ignore until the Activity Check is over]
RE: Map comments and changes

Can I request a change to the map and the spelling of my country’s name please.
Also some scrutenous notes to the amazing but overworked people who make these maps:

Country Name Note: forgot to put the accents myself so sorry if it was unclear what had to be written on the map claim, also should move the name to the right a bit
Name (please copy+paste into place): Pyhdon-Fálistríca (acute accents on the first “á” and ultimate “í” of “Fálistríca”)

Capital Note: Perfect Spelling and Perfect reservation of the name
Dystrykts Note: Mal Sharon and Kepytohns great, Kepyteux SAD should have been AAC Kepyteux SAD (sorry if i forgor)
SAD Name (please copy+paste into place): AAC Kepyteux SAD

Cities Notes: Sorry if this seems extremely rude, but I did specify in the post before Gianalta’s Map Update specifically that if i am allowed 3 cities per dystrykt you should also add Sardin, Bharian, Ozjie and Aohns and ignore Astro (although there was a typo in that message) I get it that you are an overworked and tired people but at the next map update could you delete Astro and add these four cities? Edit: there was an inclarification in message so dont blame yourselves. Also Nuvee Cherkhyre is on the wrong side of the River Malheur. The cities’ spellings are perfect, and I get that the others are actually pretty hard (although short except for MHSM and NVCH) so i will put all 6 city names down there in case i have misread my own city names.
Quote: “If 3 cities from each dystrykt: Malheureuesement, Sardin, Bharian, Astro, Nuvee Cherkhyre, Ozjie and Aohns” (Post 615)
City Names (please copy+paste into place):
Nuvée Cherkhyre
Posting map for reference:

Note that Pyhdon-Fålistríca and Nuvée Cherkhyre is spelt wrong on my recent sandbox version aswell
Landforms Notes I notice there was not enough space to add all the landforms, so these are fine, i have no problem

Overall thank you guys very much, and i hope that you take in these considerations as feedback and as a map update
And again, sorry if that was unclear to you guys who gratefully edit the maps for us, even though I think I can lend a hand in terms of this, I am grateful that you put your time and effort into making these maps.


[wont be active for a while]