Map of the South Pacific

Sorry for bugging you for the third time but I have made another change to my plot.

  1. Rename the thing Sydadriqsi Dystrykt (Pyhdon-Fálistríca)
  2. Rename “Mal Sharon” D'Riqsiye, making “✦Malheureuesement” a state capital using this symbol . If this makes me eligible for another city add Sinirac
  3. Cut Mal Sharon with a line in the shape of a backward S and name this Xephyr. Make “✦Sardin” the State Capital using this symbol . If that makes me eligible for another city, add Bharian as another city
  4. Rename “KepytohnsSydaria, adding “✦Aohns” as the State Capital using this symbol . If eligible for another city, add “Nuvée Cherkhyre” as a city.
  5. Going along the Al-Adhan River, add a line through and call this district Fallerios. AAL-ADHAN CHERKHYRE (respell) would be the capital of this but as it is the capital of the entirty of the Dystrykt it would stay with a 5-pointed star. Please move it closer to the coast and branch River Aal-Adhan (respell) where you put it, creating an island
  6. Change Mt Ulta Kreanta’s height to 2986, and add Mt Republįe at 2999 height next to it
  7. Add Mt Sydad at 4112 height near the headwater of the Aal-Adhan River
  8. Have a good day, get yourself something you like, and chillax for the rest of the day. You earned it.

The reason i ask is to just make the plot get a sense that it is a really overpopulated plot with a lot of cities like Besern

For reference and Copy-Paste (if needed) refer to this slideshow’s first page where the Sydadriqsi Dystrykt is shown (click on it).
Thank you,
