Map of Terra Aurora

New map update:


Added. Because your current provided coat of arms is identifiable as the emblem of a modern RL nation, and because Aurora is a fantasy roleplay with no connection to RL Earth, I need to ask you to provide a different coat of arms image for your nation.

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(updated coat of arms)

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Good evening.

As some of you may have already seen, recent events in the A1-0 canon have led to a severe and wide-ranging retcon affecting most of that canonā€™s lore. The wide scope and high degree of damage inflicted by this retcon is, primarily, the direct result of the fact that the precipitating roleplayer was responsible for nearly all lore in that canonā€™s 3 different Non-Player Nation (NPN) plots and therefore capable of forcibly retconning their contents. This demonstration of the high degree of canon liability associated with the usage of NPN plots, combined with the continued non-utilization of the examples currently on Aurora, has led me to conclude that they should be removed from Aurora in order to free up new plots and to preempt any possible incidents that may occur in this canon.

Therefore, absent the provision of significant reasons to the contrary, I will be removing the following Non-Player Nations from the Aurora map:

  • Astjumreva
  • Duruma
  • Jingowan

As this is an action that would affect NPNs that are nominally regarded as community matters, I would like to request comments from Aurora roleplayers as to their thoughts on this change. Anybody with input that is pertinent to the above decision may provide it to me by 2024-04-23T03:59:00Z; provided comments will be factored into my decision of whether or not to enact the removals scheduled above.


As you know, I have been unable to participate in Aurora for quite some time. The three NPNs were originally created by me but without much worldbuilding. Others have added worldbuilding to one or two of them since then. For what itā€™s worth, I hereby relinquish any right to ā€œforcibly retconningā€ my parts in creating them.


If I donā€™t have to worry about them being retconned, then Iā€™m fine with leaving them on the map for a while longer. Iā€™m still not sure if theyā€™ll get any engagement from people, but maybe I can add something to the wiki or adopt some of the ideas regarding the revised Tiyanki Territories currently being discussed in the A1-0 category; in the meantime, Iā€™ll try to replace Maverickā€™s lore for Astjumreva with something that isnā€™t vulnerable to retcons.


New map update:

Removed the following nations due to a) absence from the Discord or b) player request:

  • Aur Spectra
  • Khamea
  • Vrykia

Added to your current plot.


If the NPNs will stay hereā€™s some facts about Jingowan and Duruma that I made for my old RP ā€œHundaā€™s Trekā€ if itā€™s of any interest going forward.

  • Jingowan and Duruma fought a war that Duruma lost, resulting in the loss of its coastal region.
  • The ruling elites of Duruma blamed the loss on the nomadic tribes in its south, particularly the Orawaks.
  • The Orawaks had a powerful cavalry, and members of the tribe had a special relation with their horses. The connection granted them special powers.
  • Being blamed for the defeat, the Orawaks were somehow stripped of their powers and persecution happened. Future generations forgot about how things used to be and even any mention of magical powers was punished as Duruma was fiercely anti-magic.
  • Tensions remain high between Duruma and Jingowan.

Iā€™d also like to state that I had plans to use Astjumreva in a limited capacity for my solo rp


Alright. Let me know if this is fine for what youā€™e planning, or if you need me to revert back to the old lore instead.

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The currently stated lore is completely acceptable for my purposes.


I think either Threnebor or Astjumreva (or both) had trade with Rocova. Something to do with jewelry. So keeping them on the map and stuff would be cool (but not totally necessary) from my point of view.


Astjumreva will be staying on the map, but Threnebor got cut back when Gianni was still map manager and I donā€™t see a particularly pressing need to restore it (though I canā€™t do that regardless, since I donā€™t have pictures of when it was on the map); there are other NPNs and player nations that can make up for Threnebor, though, so you shouldnā€™t see any impact from that on your roleplaying.


Plot 42
Name of Nation: Calandor
Coat of Arms:

Capital: UI-CALAD (center-north mountain, near the riverā€™s bend)
Customisation: Feel free to just copy-paste from this slide document. I tried to make the font, the size, and distances similar to the original map.

List of Names

CALANDOR (nation name)
UI-CALAD (capital)
Li-Zhin (fortified city)
Ui-Doran (fortified city)
Avi-Noor (stronghold)

Feel free to omit stuff if itā€™s more convenient. Thanks!


Iā€™m glad to see you join Aurora, Rivers.

I hope weā€™ll be able to begin roleplaying with each other again soon.


Cpuld you rename the Temple of the One to The Great Temple? Itā€™s located in the South-West of the Order of Hallmarch if you couldnā€™t find it.

New map update:

Removed Siluris Dominis after 1 month of inactivity on the forums and roleplay Discord channels since being added to the map.




Plot 10
Name of Nation: Erynuthazishin
Coat of Arms:

Capital: Soradev (in middle )

Addition of river between dense forest: Callaguo River
north-east City: Zemersheion
south-west City: Neauld


New map update:

Added everything but the river, which will need to be added later.


I would like Nova Cimbria to be replaced by:
**Name of Nation:**Kingdom Of Veritalia
Coat of Arms:

Capital: Nielsensborg