looks at ABH-003 wormhole
Yeah… Yeah…
looks at ABH-003 wormhole
Yeah… Yeah…
They are also xeno scum. You all kinda are, but Galactyans especially.
hey, same here…
except im more like
“Shit, we need help, lets look around so we can not die or get invaded”
Galactya did in fact illegally steal edhel DNA, using edhel DNA was strictly banned by the treaty of Celebar. They’re not sunshine and rainbows but ruthless assimilators lol
Screw you, you self-righteous racist xenophobic discount space-elves
Besides, ruthless assimilation means forcibly converting already sapient creatures into something else, not acquiring their DNA and creating new beings and letting edhelerim change their bodies at will
You still did something they requested you not to do… ESCOP looking for new members resist the tyranny of COE and CoUS
Not like they don’t mess up our diplomatic relations continuously
Wow, whataboutism, classic CoUS tactic
Join ESCOP, and gain economic and political stability
You know I actually don’t really care anymore
I plan for the COUS to pacifically fall anyways as the COE leaves
Inidividual alliances will remain, but no more COUS
Not like I will need extra protection after Galactya and Colestia join to become a political megazord
This just becomes a case of altering the argument to say
“They annexed Colestia! They’ll annex you too if you don’t keep on your toes!”
As I said, I don’t really care about anti-COE propaganda, not like any of you can realistically do anything
Just more incentive for me to expand and grow my army lol
ESCOP? Who’re they? And are they hostile to my beloved PTL?!
ESCOP is the Economic Security Council for Outlying Powers, it was going to be the counter part to COUS but they said no to Cold War which sucks
I didn’t remember saying no to it
You specificed that COUS is falling apart, meaning that we can’t have a Cold War because you’re not going to be there to have onr
Actually, what about this
The COE can leave the COUS, but the other members can stay in it
Would make more sense tbh
and no, we just don’t want a hegemony led by COE to rule the sector
Which appears more distant day by day
Also, we probably shouldn’t talk about this stuff on the Map thread