Making a Pidgin Language

The Viossa project was recently mentioned in #conlangs-and-linguistics on Discord and interest was expressed in trying to create our own pidgin language here in TSP. So, here’s your thread. Some basic information and ground rules before we get started:

What is a pidgin language? A pidgin language is a sort of semi-language that evolves through necessity (usually in trade) between two groups of people who do not share a common language. Pidgin languages have no native speakers (when a pidgin language gets a native speaker, it becomes a creole which is a full language) and are often grammatically simplified from their parent languages. Examples of former pidgin languages that have undergone creolization include Haitian Creole, Nigerian Pidgin, and Louisiana Creole.

The rules:

  1. No English. You can use emojis or pictures to supplement your text.
  2. If you are understood, you’re speaking the language right. The primary goal is communication.

So, let’s begin:

Avez-vous (:index_pointing_at_the_viewer:) des arbres (:deciduous_tree:) ?


Non (:x:), wo mei you des arbres (:deciduous_tree:).


Des arbres :deciduous_tree: essen sol :sun_with_face:

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Des arbres commen (:fork_and_knife:) sol. Des niñe (:baby:) commen leche.

Des niñe (:baby:) aman des gàti (:cat:)

C’est trop chelou (:face_with_raised_eyebrow:) , tu bois (:beer:) ?

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des pommes ? (:apple:)

Eh :x: Jég bois nie​:beer::x: Jég elske des pommes :heart::apple:

Amata za ama lamama?

Lamama! Mi Amo lamama. Des Lamama es des mascote den TSP.

Amata mataza twp

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Je n’ai pas fatigue sur des animaux

Wah, wah, ( :hushed:) Mi nien (non+nie) mushfahim ( :man_shrugging:). Aya kah ( :thinking: :question:) targumusha-an ( :a: :arrow_right: 阿) ti kasado-an ( :100:%) wangun-wangun ( :capital_abcd:) di ateh ( :arrow_up:)??


Apo ( :thinking: :question:) nan afesfus ( :index_pointing_at_the_viewer:) wicarakeun (:speaking_head:) kah ( :question:)?

Nien des arbres ou des pommes ici (:point_down:) ? Avez-vous des bananes (:banana:) ?


Nien, des arbres nu des pommes sont ici. Aber, des bananes son oishī :sparkling_heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Bananes, Manzanas, o uvas? :grapes: Mi AMO uvas

Mi aussi! Eses fruita son lecker!

Yack ei hato fascistos