(lore book) Gill-atarnië Calerost and mirial space


Princess Esgariel

general Osbion

Edhelerim (plural of edhel) are the main species of Calerost, making up around 70% of the population, and their population outside of it is very small.


They originate from Ilanor, but their evolutionary past is not well known. They show a wide array of skin, hair and eye color. These traits are mostly dependent on genetics, tho the environment in which the mother was during pregnancy and the child is in it’s young age can effect them (stronger UV radiation during childhood may lead to permanently darker skin, high temperatures during pregnancy and childhood might lead to longer and sharper ears, for example). Their well developed senses of hearing and sight might suggest their ancestors ware nocturnal, tho they are mostly active during the day in modern times. A notable trait they have is telepathic empathy, being able to sense other creatures emotions. The average livespan of a edhel is around 95 years, with the highest measured natural age is 142. A exception to this is the emperor, who’s more than 3 centuries old and being kept alive by machines.


Edhel culture varies a lot, but a common thing is high religiousness. The discovery of mirial space and gil miria being a entrence into it, which is described in all of their common religions, is the cause of this.

(More will be added)