Legislative Procedure Act

I’m referring to the supremacy clause amendment, not the amendments present in the act.

This is an implementation of the sessions idea that @Sandaoguo first brought up here, and much of the brunt work for the theory concerning this has already been discussed there.

In particular, this quote:

My own take is that sessions are an insane and unnecessarily bureaucratic idea which run contrary to the general purpose of making our government smaller and simpler.

I don’t know if I agree with that reasoning. If someone doesn’t have something to say then they won’t have anything to say, no matter how you structure business in the Assembly. I also think that we should consider the implications of such an increase in bureaucratic complexity compared to the current situation where one doesn’t need to do anything before they can submit a bill.

I wonder if may we’re getting ahead of ourselves in going for a solution without fully considering if it fixes the issue at hand, or even making sure that we have correctly identified what the issue is. What are the main issues in the Assembly, and what options do we have to address them?

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Mr. Chair, I move the non-sessions draft of the Legislative Procedure Act and the amendment to the Charter be brought to a vote.

The motion is recognised and will be brought to vote 2022-12-31T19:00:00Z.