Full Name: Kingdom Of Veritalia
Short Name: Veritalia
Monarch: King Henyrk III, House Nielsen
Queen Consort: Queen Alexandra, House Jensen
Chief Councilor: Prince Erik Of House Nielsen
Grand Duchies
- Grand Duchy Of Sjaelland(Grand Duke Henryk III, House Nielsen)
- Grand Duchy Of Cervia(Grand Duke Jukar Nevis II)
- Duchy Of Jylland(Duke Erik II, House Nielsen)
- Duchy Of Slesvig(Duke Johan V, House Larsen)
- Duchy Of Jekui Nevi(Duchess Viko II, Clan Narsi)
Use Of Magic: Limited to Cervian Military Units and Jekui Nevi Healers.
Royal Veritalian Navy (KVM(English, HMVS))
Royal Veritalan Army
Royal Volunteers
Royal Airship Corp
- Equal Rights
- Don’t Use Magic
- Essentially Europeanized Vikings
- Worships the “Maker Of All Things”
- Male Centered
- Heavily Use Magic
- Custom Culture
- Worships the Sun
Jekui Nevi
- Male Centered
- Only Use’s Passive Magic
- Mix between Native Americans and Vikings
- Also Worships the “Maker Of All Things”
The Maker Of All Things
- Essentially just God
- Believes that the stars are the Spirits of the Dead
- Believes that the Sun is the Makers Child, with the moon being the younger sibling
- Those who commit heinous acts are thrown into the sea
- Those who die at sea are cremated, while those die on land are buried
Age: ~600 Years Old
- Grain
- Weapons
- Ships
- Airships
- Livestock
- Fruit
- Dairy Products
- Lumber
- Cloth