June 2024 SPSF Service Report

Hello hello you cool defenders!

Yet another month?! Wow, this is my third monthly service report! Let us dive into June’s stats; this month has been truly juicy, at least compared to May and April! I would even say that this month truly shows that the SPSF is the coolest navy in the whole of NS!

Let’s check those stats; I have to thank you all for making my calculations so outrageous that I didn’t even know if I was doing them right at the moment:

Monthly Statistics

Statistic This Month Trend Monthly Change Percentage Change
Updaters 20 +4 +20%
Updates 53 +7 +15.22%
Defenses 559 +524 +1498%
Detags 278 +117 +72.68%

Notable Operations

With these stats, we can safely say that this month has seen a high level of activity, with a large number of defenses (chasing) and detags being carried out by some of our best defenders (we’ll know who they are soon enough, they truly deserve some ribbons!). 559 defenses is an impressive number!

Regarding liberations, this month has been characterized by the SPSF’s involvement in the region of Arkana Coalition. The coalition of raiders has shown us some pretty high numbers, but it didn’t stop us from sieging the region 4 times with relatively high numbers for the SPSF: 10, 13, 13 and 12. I’d only hope for at least 50 SPSFers, we’d be truly unstoppable! The SPSF also helped to liberate 4 smaller regions.

June’s SPSF can’t even compare with May’s SPSF, and much less to how it found itself back in April. We’re seeing some pretty high activity from our navy, and I’m pretty glad to say that we’re doing great, good job everyone! But let’s keep going! This will be hard, but it would be great to have three months of increasing activity and number of operations.

New SPSF Members

The SPSF also has had new members join its ranks in June! I’m pleased to welcome @North, @zeph and @Parenthos to the SPSF! I’ve already seen that you are great additions to the navy’s ranks!

Latest Promotions

In June two of the SPSF’s most proficient Cadets, that had only joined in late April and May, recieved their Ensign promotions. I’m sure you’ve seen the individual post, but if you haven’t, click here and congratulate their great effort! After all, getting a promotion in just one or two months is an incredible feat, however you may see it!

Service Awards

Updates Attended

Rank Ribbon Awarded To
1 most updates150x45 Eshialand
2 second-most updates150x45 Banexet
3 third-most updates150x45 The Lombard League


Rank Ribbon Awarded To
1 most detags150x45 Eshialand
2 second-most detags150x45 Banexet
3 third-most detags150x45 The Lombard League


Rank Ribbon Awarded To
1 most defenses150x45 Eshialand
2 second-most defenses150x45 Banexet
3 third-most defenses150x45 The Lombard League

It’s pretty clear to see who’s been carrying the SPSF lately, especially this last month! I’m really proud of you, Eshialand, @Banexet and @Coltranius!

If you want to know about your impressive stats individually, they are the following

Eshialand: 45 updates, 254 detags and 529 defenses.
Banexet: 37 updates, 247 detags and 252 defenses.
The Lombard League: 22 updates, 22 detags and 212 defenses.

Good job to you three, again, and as for everyone else, do not feel sad, your numbers were still pretty high, so I’m happy that you’ve been doing such a great effort for the SPSF! Then again, I invite you all to surpass these numbers above if possible, and to keep doing your best, or even more!

Tidal Force Recap

The Tidal Force has been inactive in May, due to RoTWW’s request to pile up on their region to support their delegate’s governor transition. This mission will most likely be reupdated to ensure that the piling effort is going correctly.

Contact and Conclusion

The SPSF has seen a surge of activity this last month, with a difficult liberation on the way and TONS of chasing, it is safe to say that our regional navy has done its best, or at least close to it in terms of performance. We’ve kept our presence in almost every single update this month. Let’s keep showing others in NS that we take our job seriously; and that raiders deserve getting bonked! >:)

Please, if any of you have any questions, suggestions or concerns, message me over here or discord! I’m always around, and I’m always open to any suggestions in order to keep the SPSF just as awesome as it always has been.

If what the SPSF does looks interesting to you, we’re always welcoming new members! You can apply here.

Vrigny signing off, see you all on the next SPSF Service Report!

Lux, Veritas, Virtus.


Good work to everyone and welcome to our newest SPSFers!