July 2024 SPSF Service Report

Hey there, cool defenders!

It looks like that August 1st has finally arrived; that means that it is the end of my term as MoD! …at least de-facto; hopefully the confirmations won’t take too long and our new elected Coalition is able to begin their duties soon enough! This also means that this is the last Service Report by my hands, I hope they were all interesting and detailed enough to give them a read and learn about the SPSF’s situation during my term!

It has been an honor to serve as TSP’s Minister of Defense. I was hesitant at first about taking such a position, since I didn’t really know much about what the MoD did, but learning is part of the job, and in the end, I’m glad that I took the opportunity! Especially since the SPSF kept moving on forwards, with a large presence in the many different operations we led during the past four months.

While not everything has been perfect, I’d say; considering I did promise several things prior to the start of my term as part of a simple campaign, with some of them not being fulfilled as much as I would have liked; it’s clear that the SPSF has grown: it’s numbers have been high, and we’ve gotten new, experienced recruits, which will now help to run our regional army thanks to their incredible skill!

Let’s see how the SPSF’s stats look like for the month of July; June truly was a crazy active month, and it would be incredibly difficult to surpass or even match those numbers again, but it’s a challenge I’m willing to set for the future, incoming, SPSF!

Monthly Statistics

Statistic This Month Trend Monthly Change Percentage Change
Updaters 17 -3 -15%
Updates 54 +1 +1.89%
Defenses 241 -318 -56.89%
Detags 593 +315 +113.31%
Supports 229 +227 +11,350%

Notable Operations

Wowzers, it looks like the SPSF’s activity during this last month also increased compared to the month of June! Despite a sharp decrease in the number of defenses (chasing), the SPSF has also strongly increased the number of other kinds of operations, such as detags and supports. The latter of which, I decided to finally include in the table on the top simply due to the high quantity of supports and premoves the SPSF and defenders have been doing for at least 3 months now.

Liberations! Everyone loves them (except raiders, I guess, but I don’t care about their opinion). Last month I wrote about the SPSF’s involvement in the region of Arkana Coalition; despite our high numbers and many sieges, we were no match for the raiders during that time. We kept our surveillance over the region to ensure the raiders didn’t refound and effectively capture the region forever; and this effort proved fruitful in the end. On the 26th of July, Arkana Coalition was liberated by defenders! Good job, guys! This month was a great one; other than Arkana Coalition, the SPSF contributed to the liberations of 8 other, smaller regions!

This month, the Defender Olympics were held. With different wargames and tests, those who participated had their skills tested! Despite the SPSF not winning any medals, it was still cool to see! On another hand, this month was also the Raidercon, which explains the high number of supports (to prevent them from raiding larger regions) and detags (to get rid of their filthy raidercon tagging)!

I should also mention that the SPSF has been helping out for the transition effort that’s ongoing in the Realm of the Whispering Winds (RotWW). This has been ongoing for weeks, but things have been going swimmingly in that operation, at least!

With this crazy activity, it’s not hard to say that I’m very proud of how much the SPSF has improved during my term. Clearly, I couldn’t have done this without any of you, after all, the SPSF’s greatest trait is the incredible dedication and skill of all of its members. Keep going, guys! As my last order or statement as MoD, I want you all to continue like this during the term of our next MoD!

New SPSF Members

During July, the SPSF increased its ranks by one member! Welcome @Misanthrope to the SPSF!

Service Awards

Updates Attended

Rank Ribbon Awarded To
1 most updates150x45 Banexet
2 second-most updates150x45 Eshialand
3 third-most updates150x45 Parenthos


Rank Ribbon Awarded To
1 most detags150x45 Banexet
2 second-most detags150x45 Eshialand
3 third-most detags150x45 Parenthos


Rank Ribbon Awarded To
1 most defenses150x45 Banexet
2 second-most defenses150x45 Eshialand
3 third-most defenses150x45 The Lombard League & Pronoun

Looks like July’s monthly ribbons go to several of SPSF’s most active and skillful members, which is not surprising at all! Congratulations to @Banexet, Eshialand (@Klysevia), @Coltranius, @Pronoun and @Parenthos (the last of which only joined the SPSF on the start of the month, so pretty impressive!)

If you want to know about your great stats individually, they are the following:

Eshialand: 31 updates, 244 detags, 118 defenses.
Banexet: 40 updates, 384 detags, 218 defenses.
The Lombard League: 8 updates, 55 detags, 18 defenses.
Pronoun: 4 updates, 0 detags, 18 defenses.
Parenthos: 15 updates, 205 detags, 10 defenses.

Good job, you all! I guess that your stats are always impressive, so I bet it was no surprise to see you get the ribbon yet another month! As for everyone else, keep going! I would dare you to compete against Drew (Banexet) and Eshia for those stats, but no matter what, y’all have done a great job!

Tidal Force Recap

The Tidal Force is in need of another revitalization. Ever since the initial order of piling up in RotWW, which I think was too early considering the actual transition only began recently, the Tidal Force has been technically inactive, or in more excuse terms: “helping the piling effort in RotWW”. I do not have a record of how effective this has been, but once the RotWW transition, I expect the Tidal Force to return to its activities.

Contact and Conclusion

This last report pretty much signals the conclusion of my term as MoD. With surge after surge of activity within the SPSF, I’m glad to say that we’re one of NS’s largest and most relevant, if not NS’s largest and most relevant defender organizations. It’s safe to say that the SPSF changed quite a bit compared to the start of my term on April, and that change seems to be positive! This is just an opinion of mine, but I guess it’s based on our great statistics we’ve been consistently pulling off and improving along the four previous months!

Having said that; in a more objective part of the conclusion for July: the SPSF has participated in plenty of detags and supports due to Raidercon, as well as the vigilance and final liberation of Arkana Coalition, which have been the main focus of this month. Despite a decrease in chasing, the SPSF managed to attend even a higher number of updates; out of a possible 62 updates, the SPSF was present in 54 of them, meaning that we were around to bonk raiders 87% of the time on July!

This is pretty much it for my term as MoD! It has been a great time. I’m not the one to judge how well I did, though! If you have any opinions or comments about things that could have been done better or other things that need improvement, please say so; they could help the next MoD, since the SPSF will keep doing its duties! I’m just glad that, compared to the start of April and now, the importance of Defense in TSP politics has increased quite a bit; the SPSF is an important part of our region and we must nurture it to the best of our ability!

If what the SPSF does looks interesting to you, we’re always welcoming new members! You can apply here.

Vrigny signing off. I hope my term and actions as MoD met your expectations!

Lux, Veritas, Virtus.