It's time

hi all,

I think it’s time. If I’m being honest, it was probably time months ago, but I thought maybe I’d stick around or provide useful insight or structure or advice or … something. The reality is I don’t have the time or care to build SPSF, or even to make a useful contribution, right now. At this point, I am only taking up space, and that means it’s time for me to let others step up and put their own stamp on the organization.

At my most active, the player I most resented was the arm chair who would sit there, peddle false wisdom, and never follow through on their promises. I have become the thing I most despise, which means it’s time to pull the plug.

Here’s to the next generation, they have my full trust and support



Thank you for your service to SPSF!

Three cheers for the first Admiral!!!

Hip hip!

Thank you for everything, HS. Do not go gentle into that good night.

This one hurts

Thank you for your service HS :heart:!