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Kliegmeans vote on joining the Concordia Entente.
By Andrey Zhdanov, 2023-03-26. 07:38AM

A woman casts her vote in the 2018 Kliegme referendum. Source: Koryolovo News.

Kliegmeans go to polls Sunday to vote on whether the country should join CE. The membership is supported by most parties in parliament, with DuK turning from maintaining Neutrality to supporting the membership after a party convention last wednesday. Polls for some 21 million voters will open at 9 a.m. and close at 9 p.m. The question on the referendum ballot is: “Are you in favour of Kliegme’s entry into CE?

The referendum is advisory and not legally binding, but enough members of parliament have said they will abide by its outcome to make it decisive. President Boroshilov has also made a statment regarding the outcome that he will approve any result as it will be Kliegmeans that voted for it.
For the referendum to be valid, at least 50 percent of voters must turn out to vote and a majority of them must back the membership.

Polls have indicated that the issue is very divisive. The most recent poll shows that 52.14 percentage of Kliegmeans support the membership, barely reaching the majority. The main talking points for CE membership lies in its Free Trade Clause. Some believe that this will allow Kliegmean goods to reach larger markets, while others believe this will threaten Kliegmean economic independence, this sentiment is especially stronger in the field of Agriculture.

While Kliegme has dodged the flames of war by preserving neutrality, President Boroshilov’s government has quickly made ties with Sallodesia. The partnership with Sallodesia has developed into a Mutual Assistance Pact, which provides Kliegme with Sallodesia’s support when Kliegme is invaded by a foreign power. This too, is a talking point when discussing the membership. Supporters suggest that CE membership will significantly increase Kliegme’s capability in Self Defence, while Opponents claim that partnership with Sallodesia is enough to guarantee Kliegme’s safety.

As voting for the referendum begins in 9am, all elligible citizens of Kliegme is encouraged to vote for the future of their nation.