Interstellar Holo Quick News

Imperö Penma Alkatrition and her ministers are deliberating on how they will treat future unnotified border incursions from nations they have already made contact with.


Stardate 18-23-98: Notable Events

NFZ Nora Intercept. Vessel in question was hit by automated EMP Cannon No. 189. Will be towed to Rose Point Station for Interrogation and Questioning.

Combat Sortie “Valkyrie” sustained damage in encounter with local lifeforms. All ships will make decontamination at Anchor Point Outpost.


The Imperö has declared that unscheduled visits by nations Trianar has made contact with are to be escorted out immediately, unless they are accidents which will be accommodated for. Trianar’s borders will remain closed to non-official business.


A Galactyan Surveillance Satellite in transfer to the Lunarelloim Star System has been lost due to a collision with an interstellar rogue object. The satellite's trajectory was completely redirected to the outside of the Nebulae, and due to the malfunctioning fusion propellers and gravity warp drive, it wasn't corrected. The InfoSphere's signal started getting weaker as it exited the Nebulae, and contact was completely lost at around 8 light years outside the Empire's Borders a couple of hours ago. Due to the object exiting Galactya's territories, the search has been temporarily terminated.

In Magenta is shown the programmed trajectory, while in Green is shown the trajectory after the collision.

Yes Qwert, this is you ;D


Certain Zelvan companies have noted increased revenues from limited trade with the Stoinian Star Kingdom. Although political factions question the choice to allow the trade with a slaver empire, the King-lead military governance has allowed limited forms of trade to happen.


Inhabitants of the Lesser Vath region have petitioned the confederate government to rename the planet into Thravia, and subsequently the region into either Thravia or Transdova


Datalink - Connected

Stardate - 18-49-98

Event Log - Recent Events

Valkyrie Sortie - Valkyrie Sortie was attacked and was cleared to defend. Unknown Lifeforms will be transported to Anchor Point for dissection, along with unknown technology.

Wormhole Discovery - Lotoros System. Discovery Sortie consisting of Corvette SRS Serionio & Cantaro entered the wormhole and is currently undergoing extensive field dating. Colonization may follow if it’s within respective bounds.

Contact - DLPU ship crossed NFZ Nora. Disabled, Boarded. Will be brought to Rose Point Station for questioning and eventual release. DLPU Representatives notified. This is the 5th NFZ crossing in 3 stardates. Strong Chance of espionage, request follow up.

Sign off - Rear Admiral Kenzie Rafale


A system has been discovered with highly advanced primitives within Imperium territory. Many across the Imperium rejoice at this as it was thought for a long time Sycriûn, Kanareo and Hemmerhaldians had killed off all of the other species. Contact has for now been prohibited but analysts say that the primitives are actively seeking out FTL technology after the colonization of some of their system’s other planets and could achieve it within the year. The Imperö is preparing plans to welcome them in the near future.


(OOC note: There’s not one planet of so in this canon. Please read more about the canon in the “About” topic or reach out to A1-0 roleplayers on our Roleplay Discord, so your first steps fit into the canon :slight_smile: )


A Venterran Cruiser was allegedly spotted cruising through the Tiyanki Badlands. Although the Venterrans remain at war with the Terrans of Stoinia, the risk of bloodshed spilling into the territories appears minimal.



During the diplomatic meeting between Captain Xanderson of the Union Of Emerald and the Galactyan Emperors on the Capital, an Emeraldian rescue fleet attacked the planet due to a misapprehension about the UES Battle Of The Forseas. The Capital was forced to undergo the Emergency Lockdown procedure and all contact with Galactyan Allies was temporarily and hastily cut off. Luckily, before too much damage was caused, Captain Anderhold managed to communicate with the Rescue Fleet, getting them to cease fire and resume diplomacy.


Two more Venterran Cruisers were spotted in the Tiyanki Badlands. The First appeared to be moving towards the Vurk Communion, while the second towards Sellexian homeworld of Sellexia.


FC Anderhold has officially been promoted to head of the new Diplomatic Corps of the Trianarö Imperium Forces for his work in the first contact with the Galactyans. Imperö Penma Alkatrition personally promoted him, giving him a significant amount of clout in the TIF.


36/10/5999 P.E.


“Good evening everyone! I’m Pernihulas Urlinis an I’ll be your host for tonight.”

“Our top story this night involves a diplomatic meeting that is currently being held at Ilanor, capital of the Star Empire Of Calerost. After a Galactyan experiment for the introduction of sentient alien species to the Collective involved a young Edhel woman, the Empire Of Calerost has expressed it’s disapproval of the practice and has demanded a national apology and an urgent diplomatic meeting in front of the Inquisitory Court, which the entirety of the Council of Clades, the Head Scientists of the Genetics Research SuperComplex here on Munos and the Emperors themselves will have to attend.”

“Testimonies also said that because of this, Emperor Edhelgil of Calerost has privately insulted Aestheyrill Of Galactya, our ambassador in the allied Empire, calling her an “abomination”. The Emperors and the rest of the government have also expressed disgust to this, and will also probably request a national apology during the meeting.”

“We promised to keep you updated on the matter, and all updates on the situation will be posted on our official website.”


0 BBT/ 2103 PY

Following tensions near a wormhole in Galactya, the UEN has decided to send Naval Task Force Colradia to Galactya to protect Union Citizens, along with Union Military and Civilian Assets in the Region. ResComFleet-3, commanded by Rear Admiral David Ludov, has been ordered to assist the Galactyan Military in any way they can until the Naval Task Force Arrives.


The emperial family has refused to apologize, saying: “We won’t bother the emperor with such things as we know his anwser is no. If the ambassador followed the proper code of conduct and honor in his presence, of which she had knowledge of for 300 years, she wouldn’t have been insulted. We will also request that galactya stops manufacturing diplomatic incidents from the ambassador’s refusal to follow conduct, as this is very much not the first time she has done so nor is the first time galactya has made a incident from it. Actions like this only weaken the friendship and alliance our nations have had ever since they made first contact.”



Senator Alpha and his coalition has officially parted from the United Coalition, declaring itself the “Dictator of Republika Norami”. The rest of the senate has convened in an effort to motion for a declaration of war, according to Dahxi senator Dariximus.

The rogue senator has already outlawed “sanctuary systems” and removed all conservation efforts within the territory. Many Coalitionists have been massacred already, with reports of more deaths by the hour across the territory.

Space Pirateering has risen in popularity within the territory. The Senate has issued a travel warning to certain parts of the sector where space pirates seem to have congregated. These bands of pirates seem especially set on smuggling Fengnau chicks from sanctuary systems. The Senate warns that space pirates caught smuggling Fengnau will be sentenced to three deaths.


The Celestial Empire Of Galactya, in order to avoid any sort of worries or paranoia, officially informs the Holy Imperium Of Trianar of heavy military actions that will be carried out in the north-eastern parts of the Empire's Territories, due to the invasion of an hostile nation, and due to the destruction of an important colony's surface.

If any more information is desired, the Imperium is free to contact the official communication line with the headquarters of the Ministry Of Foreign Relations.


After learning of the Sereniani glassing of Thaievia, the Imperö Penma Alkatrition herself made a statement condemning the attack and sending condolences to the Galactyans, as well as wishing for their victory in the conflict.


Intercepted holo reports indicate that the Venterran Federation may have heard reports of the glassing of Thaieva. However, it is not believed that the Federation may take action due to the lack of military activity at the edge of “Venterran space”.