IC: Diplomacy meeting with Humania

An Invitation From The Office Of The President

Your Majesty, the Emperor of Humania: Please join the President of the Lile Ulie Islands, Denise Fukumoto, for a digital conversation regarding diplomacy and foreign relations between the Lile Ulie Islands and Humania.

Kindly respond as soon as the time permits.

Office of the President


Message From The Emperor of Humania

Hello Denise Fukumoto, I would be most grateful to engage in a digital conversation about our international affairs between our two states.

Your Majesty,

Firstly, I’d like to ask you what I should call you. Your Majesty? Emperor? Or another name? I’d like to address you by the name you prefer.

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Emperor shall suffice.

However, if you wish to get technical, my official title is ‘Emperia of Humania’


As I regularly scroll through the flash headlines of the Pacifican News Network, hoping to get a taste of world news and affairs. I have constantly seen stories from Humania talking about your desire to establish “military superiority.” As a pacifist nation, us Islanders are concerned for the safekeeping of the world. We are staunch opponents of nuclear military tactics, weapons of mass destruction, and war of all forms.

What will be the use of these weapons, harvested by Humanian forces and suppliers? Why does your nation need to establish firm superiority when talking about militaries? Is this something bodies like the World Forum should take note of and be concerned about?

Best regards,
Denise Fukumoto

Office of the President

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The use of our weapons is purely for defense, we feel the need to design and maintain a power militaristic capability, even if this includes designing weapons that are, in some cases, “extreme”.

We feel the need to maintain a strong military presence for security reasons, it’s better we have a strong defense force rather then a weak one if war was to break out.

The World Forum and other bodies should not have to be concerned, so far, we have not harmed a single person with our weapons.

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What “security threats” are said to be a hazard to the world, or in this case, Humania? Are these factchecked by intelligence authorities or all they simple government propaganda?

And yes, there is no confirmed report of Humanian forces using destruction or deadly tactics concerning their weapon usage. However, us Islanders are genuinely concerned when a country is stockpiling deadly weaponry.

If the World Forum were to sanction (or condemn your nation’s actions) Humania, what would be your response that act?

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Security threats are everywhere, terrorists groups, violent insurgents, other nations. These commons threats exist everywhere, and seeing as how we, The Nation of Humania, are located within a relative prime spot, bordering the Sea of Thalapidis, and being semi-close to the Serevan Sea, at any moment, a nation could attack us, and for that we must be ready.

As for your concerns about our military capabilities, we promise you, that we don’t plan on using these weapons anytime soon, unless an attack is made on us. If anyone still feels insecure, they are free to talk about a security deal with us to help ensure they are not hurt.

If the World Forum does take action against us, we will most likely not retaliate, as that would only cause more problems. If in which they want to discuss this like a proper organization, we could see that we lower our militaristic capabilities, at least on a global scale.

If you promise, we see no reason to sanction you. However, to ensure that this truce is kept, we would like for you to sign a weapon agreement that will be handed over by the Lile Ulian Department of Foreign Affairs. We’ll send it over to you presto.

Understood, thank you for cooperating peacefully.

We understand. Here is the official agreement. It is not extensive or lengthy because we want it to be a document of concision.

The Kailua Agreement

We, the signatories of this document, pledge to not use the harvesting of our national weapons to harm a civilian, group, fellow state, or living being. If caught doing said action, a legal prosecution with a fair trial and a potential fine are set to follow.

Signing party, Humania

  1. Denise Fukumoto
    Signing party, Lile Ulie Islands (President)

Feel free to copy and paste the above into your own response. Do what is best, your honor.

The Kailua Agreement

We, the signatories of this document, pledge to not use the harvesting of our national weapons to harm a civilian, group, fellow state, or living being. If caught doing said action, a legal prosecution with a fair trial and a potential fine are set to follow.

  1. Emperia of Humania
    Signing party, Humania

  2. Denise Fukumoto
    Signing party, Lile Ulie Islands (President)

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