Editorial Note: Greene writes in a very peculiar way. It was hard for us to redact it.

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“Seven or Eight Periods of Nasphiliti History”


What follows is a compilation or sinopsis of events related to chronology of "Nasphilitae" on all matters of domestic nature. There is no absolute consensus among scholars regarding the periodisation, or headtitling of, clear temporal divisions in observing chronology to the reference of Nasphilitae. Compromise, yet, does exist, as shown in textbooks of the basic educations & in the minds of its inhabitants, which refer to these slices colloquially.

As it may serve as an element of surprise, this title is not descriptive of a polemic, which is to say that the discussion does not hold the property of whether there are seven or eight periods, distinct & clear.

Subject && Henceforth Goal is to display, in short, most noteworthy events, as they've unfolded, in chronological order.

"Century", colloquially, is all but not in equivalence to its astronomic lex - that of one hundred solar years. It is, in the context of past chronology, referring to the following: "Length of [past] time, which is signified & memorised for a particular sentiment, associated [presumed] to have impacted all [social] life to extent which transcends all other sentiments and/or events which might coincide, by time, with which the 'Century' is termed after". Within them [Centuries], only those events and peoples and documents, whose properties are without much disagreement will be mentioned.

Century of Consol (1589 - 1622)

Act of Settlement (1589): Sir Edward Turner, profession which was navigation, charted with establishing (outpost, fort, factory...reason disputed) along area now colloquially termed "Brownfield Coastline".

The First Voyage, headed by previous mention, had with 22 ships. Properties of whose are well-recorded: 2 of mercantile, 3 of Royal Counsels Advocacies, 5 of commoners, 5 of Charted Counsels Advocacies, and 7 of combat.

Four more Voyages would succeed the First, in (now termed) Agoraport landing all, primed building which was a lighthouse. All whom settled debted were to Consol, annual payment to the birth soil, of unknown worth.

Century of 15 Patroons or Peers (1622-1661)

Charter & Acts of Privilege (1622, 1635, 1644, 1651, 1657): Death, accompanying Sir Edward Turner, is widely accepted to serve a catalyst as for, 5 settlement waves. Each wave with 3 families, land bestowed upon which was. These names comprise today, the Peerage.

Ordinance of Nasphilitae Establishing (15th December 1661): Fifteen lands of Patroonn ownership, joined in spirit, establishing the single entity of "Nasphilitae Colonies".

Family names, ordered by arrival to: Pellmore, Morrisson, Stoneham, Ernst, Atkinson, Greenhill, Taylor, Darzen, Konevengel, Mason, Schlesinger, Morganfort, Adamson, Edwards, Fieldler.

Century of Prudence (1661-1777)

Overshadows all events and acts and peoples of this time, "GREENHILLS FIVE CLAUSES", before all world in Colonies, on 10th November 1662 declared by Earl John Greenhill. These have, without doubt, deeply shaped all life in domestic realm, in status of "Dominion" resulted soon

Clause I: "For Wisdom Precedes Right to Free Conscience". Clause II: "For Right & Free Precedes Unity & Duty". Clause III: "For Unity Precedes Vigilance". Clause IV: "For Duty Precedes Diligence".

Clause V: "In All There Dances An Equivalence - Beauty is Joy is Wisdom is Sentiment is Truth" (state motto, the latter)

Century of Turbulence (1777-1851)

Greenhills Clauses produce, of all others, were continual Commoners waves, settling the Dominion. Freedom of religion, produce which is that attraction, speared from each Holiness [priests], as is each teachings and schools to their Commoners.

Ideas and inventions and reforms brought from the latter mentioned. So also, land dried, produce from abandonment, inflicted from unworthy Earls. All together, resulted in many regulations.

Acts of Electoral Peerage. Ordinances of Prohibiting Possession Abandonment[Still active for nobility] Acts of Judicial Establishments & Independence. Acts of Parliament & Assemblies. Ordinances of Prohibiting Public Ethnic & Religious Strife. Ordinances regarding industrial factories. Acts of Migration Regulations. Among else...

The Peak (1851-1927):

Succeeding and its period lacking "Century" tells of strong sentiment. The Peak saw The Peerage elect among themselves two persons to the throne of Duchy. Nasphilitae saw, disputably, "peak" in all life within, henceforth titles of rulers are oftentimes elevated to the throne of Kingdom.

"Queen" Dorothy Atkinsons (1851-1901)



"King" Carl Darzen (1901-1927)

Often termed, for prime defining, "The Red Tory".


The Fall (1927-2004):

House of Commons strife (1927-1948). Struggle between the Industrialists [Whigs] & the Unionists [Socialists] Ended in Ordinance of P3[elaborated later]

Commerce Disruption of 1952. By which Nasphilitae was granted full sovereignty, produce of cost overbearing benefit, for the birth soil. On 25th December 1952.

Decree on Obligatory Conscription (28th December 1952)[elaborated later]

The Strife (1927-1948) and First Dictatorship (1948-1960)

Ordinance of P3: First decree of the Peerage, in which an obligatory merge is required, comprising Industrialists and Unionists. P3 signifies this merger (today, colloquially also referred as "Technocrats"), and hence thoughts, streams which it united: Praxis School of Unionists; Praxeology School of Industrialists; Pragmatic School of Academia.

Militarist Dictatorship (1948-1960): Or the First Dictatorship, wherein All Life in Nasphilitae, subjected to the Junta, in it saw three great events, one which brought about its end.

Ordinance of Peerage Monopoly on Arms (5th June 1960): Second Royal Decree, in which all of Armed Forces, now professional & trained in Fort Masontown [Greene references the Decree on Obligatory Conscription here], aligned their oath, only to the (now) Grand Duchy & whomever was elected to its title at whichever time.

Technocracy or P3 (1960-1988) and SNTV Proportionalism (1988-2004)

Saw the House of Acknowledged,[Upper House] comprised of Expert Cabinets from the P3, each representing their own, subjugate legislation of the House of Peoples. This period saw a short expansion of all life in Nasphilitae, mostly of economy.

The Two-Ballot Demagogy or the reformed Election Act (1988): Introduced, in elections of general & universal nature, two ballots. Second, of no elements, wherein the electorate writes down the full name of their desired candidate.

SNTV and the reformed Election Act of 1988, often now holds the blame for what has been referred to as "the Second Dictatorship" (2004-2019 or 2004-2024).