How’s your day been?

I’m pretty tired, but other than that I’m good

It is time to pull an all-nighter :hyper:


Friday, alast! And the day is coming to end…my favorite afternoon is here.

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I met Tom Hanks, George Clooney, and Serena Williams today. That was fun.

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God I wish that were me.
I mean…get it checked out or something…

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I’ve had a very meh day. I’ve been struggling to find balance between doing my responsibilities and doing what I want. I wish I had never found out what procrastination meant : p

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Rain. Rain

So I just realized I got second place in the drama llamas, despite being inactive for a bit, so my day has been quite good

It's been over a month since "reformation" (PG13 Spoiler)

It’s officially been over a month since I got out of rehab and remained sober for 6 weeks. I’m surprised I’ve actually maintained sobriety.


I found a picture of Putin sniffing bread, so amazing!


Yesterday I got trapped in school thanks to the weather

very cool

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More rain.

Weather, huh?

Hurricane/tropical storm impacts

However, to my fellow Jews: May this day of atonement be a holy one.

As soon as school ended and I stepped outside to walk home it started raining heavily.

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My days been good so far. . .

Doing good


