The Valkyrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs is proud to announce the Green Road Initiative.
Vision statement
Our vision is to implement a modern global drug regime built around the principles of free choice and social justice and an emphasis on rehabilitation instead of incarceration.
Mission statement
Our mission is to decriminalise drugs, legalise soft drugs, and establish a modern regulatory system around these drugs that centres around the choice of people to consume soft drugs such as cannabis whilst offering a new destigmatised environment in which people can seek out rehabilitation without the fear of criminalisation.
Valkyria invites national governments, non-governmental organisations, and businesses around the world to join this initiative.
The Gianlucian government is interested in observing the initiative. Depending on the coalition partners and future elections, joining the initiative fully might become an option.
The Valkyrian Republic extends a warm welcome to the states of Sokhanistan, Alcoalitania, Pyhdon-FálistrĂca, and the Alika Pact as well as the PYNHS and Pyron Cross to the Green Road Initiative.
Together, we can fight for a new order that will deliver freedom and true justice instead of the current broken system that prescribes a rigid and cruel manner of treating people as criminals instead of providing them with the medical care they deserve.
Our prime minister, Steffan Bennett, has been clear that this is the only correct way of bringing about a new regime that does not lead to overcriminalisation and overincarceration, and we look forward to working with these states and organisations in realising our shared goal of modernising how we, as a global society, handle drug use.
Avianna Aldridge
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Valkyrian Republic