Government of the Krauanagaz Federation

The Legislative Branch

The legislative branch of Krauanagaz is organized into a bicameral parliament called the Ludoraiya. The upper body, the Zhirveniayyaka, consists of 110 Lupriaris. Ten are elected from each province from districts drawn by provincial authorities. The lower body, the Ludikiari, consists of 300 Magistrates apportioned by population, and elected by the people of their respective province.

The Zhirveniayyaka is chaired by the Lupriari Valarzaari, who is elected by the body. The Ludikiari is chaired by the Magésare Koroshia, who is elected by the body.

When both chambers convene in the same session that is called “Congress Assembled,” or, “the Ludoraiya.”

LAST ELECTION: 14 November 2022

Parties Ludikiari Zhirveniayyaka Krauanaet
LS 47 15 -
ML** 83 (87) 26 (27) -
SV* 38 22 -
LI* 90 (128) 27 (49) Lyra Zharan (2023-)
HK 38 19 -
YKK** 4 1 -

In the Ludikiari:
The LI and SV coalition is the Majority Party.
The ML and YKK coalition is Class 1 Opposition.
LS is Class 2 Oppositon.
HK is Class 3 Oppositon.
Magésare Koroshia: Taaayya Lithin (LI)

In the Zhirveniayyaka:
The LI and SV coalition is the Majority Party.
The ML and YKK coalition is Class 1 Opposition.
HK is Class 2 Opposition.
LS is Class 3 Opposition.
Lupriari Valarzaari: Thalira Renkara (SV)

Organization Name Ideology Acronym
Lor’nai’da Sentro Liberals LS
Mitallarai Lor’nai’da’tarsil Centrists ML
Soliranas te ti Venis Socialists SV
Lor’nai’da Intaín Progressive Nationalists LI
Heritio Korosha Mitalldukish Nationalists HK
Yatalra Koroshia Tiribtalla Socialists YKK

The Executive Branch

The executive branch of Krauanagaz is led by the Krauanaet, who is elected in a popular vote by the citizens.

LAST ELECTION: 14 November 2022

Name Political Affil. Terms Served Years in Office
Alaric Tallaan LS 2 1977-1983
Alira Kaldor LI 1 1983-1989
Feliks Damar LI 1 1989-1995
Silas Tornra LS 1 1995-2001
Lukas Tallaan LS 2 2001-2012
Drayus Korrin LS 2 2012-2023
Lyra Zharan LI - 2023-
Name Affiliation Provinces/Territories Won Votes For Percentage
Lyra Zharan :heavy_check_mark: LI 6 34,024,745 54.75% :heavy_check_mark:
Selvan Kairn LS 0 6,896,623 11.10%
Zhukrau Vinse ML 0 1,233,430 1.98%
Tylara Kreltra ML 2 8,562,909 13.78%
Lurien Mirel YKK 0 1,192,378 1.92%
Zarys Dukvin HK 3 10,234,920 16.47%
Total Votes - - 62,145,005 -

The executive branch consists of various executive departments, agencies, and other organizations which carry out executive functions. The ones that will probably be mentioned at some point are:

  • Department of State
  • Department of Defense
  • Federal Police Agency
  • Krauanagaz Commerce Authority
  • Department of Justice
  • Department of Education
  • Federal Trade, Securities, and Exchange Commission
  • Federal Transportation Agency
  • Federal Intelligence Agency
  • Federal Defense Intelligence Agency
  • Federal Human Rights Commission
  • Office of Management and Budget
  • Department of the Treasury
  • National Archives and Records Administration
  • Agriculture, Food, and Drugs Administration
  • Barrier Islands Authority
  • National Park Service
  • Department of the Interior
  • Housing and Urban Development Commission
  • Federal Emergency Management Agency
  • Department of Health and Health Services
  • National Labor Relations Board

The Judiciary

The Supreme Court of the Krauanagaz Federation is the highest court in the nation, it consists of 15 judges, selected by the Krauanaet and confirmed by the Zhirveniayyaka in a simple majority vote.

The other federal courts of Krauanagaz are 5 District Courts, 11 Federation Courts of Appeal, 27 Federal Courts. Each of these courts consists of 9 judges appointed by the Krauanaet and confirmed by the Zhirveniayyaka. Each judge generally covers one jurisdiction, however in some cases the judges of a court rule as a panel, similar to the Supreme Court.

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