From Daggers to Swords | AFP-SEC (40 BBT)

Photo Credit: Artist’s impression of “Ferriticia” orbiting WH-E-009

Wormhole, Explored, Nine “Tamahagane”
Military Exploration Port “Vanadis”
Firm AFP Control
Admiral | Elizabeth Kuolia || Lieutenant | Laurisa Arikia

Composition - Navy

Task Force Inquiry [XXIXXIXX]

Admiral Elizabeth Kuolia

Vice Admiral Rachel I’chia

Homeport: Military Exploration Port “Vanadis”

Command Ship: RNDFV Riskrunner

Battlecruiser Group
RNDFV Riskrunner - Flight Astra I - BCG-1132

49x Other Battlecruisers, 1 Defiance, 48 Warden

Carrier Group

125x Naginata of Various Flights

50x Assegai of Various Flights

25x Elizabeth of Flights Ballast and Dagger

Cruiser Group

250x Palisade Cruisers

750x Vitreo Class Cruisers

Destroyer Group

1500x Vanguard Destroyers of various flights

Frigate Group

2500x Astron Frigates of various flights

Corvette Group

1500x FIrefly Corvettes

Auxilary Group

100x Auxiliary Repair and Recovery Vessels

900x Frontier Pattern Bulk Frieghters

Admiral Elizabeth Kuolia and Lieutenant Laurisa Arikia are in the Admiral’s Office of RNDFV Riskrunner, a Defiance Class Battlecruiser.

“Lieutenant, you understand your job in this planetary survey mission?”

“Yes Ma’am, I understand. I appreciate being your linguistics officer for this survey mission.”

“Well, if there’s nothing else, you are dismissed. We’ll be leaving shortly.”

Twelve Hours later…

Laurisa Arikia sat in Riskrunner’s Cafeteria, eating with several of her Colleagues. Everybody was cautiously optimistic. They were very excited to explore outside the Protectorate and the Velvet Rose. After a bit, she walked to her dorm. She’d wake up on the other side, as she fell asleep, the rest of the fleet moving through the wormhole.

Meanwhile, on the other side…



For Calerost Beleg Lüme was just a nother black hole, nothing more. The only thing that made it special was that it’s research station was a lot larger than most others, to the point that it was the largest one in the Gil-Atarnië. But all that changed in a day.

Central laboratory director Lirion “Star-in-the-eye” Gilihen, a former imperial navy admiral, was a veteran of multiple exploratory missions. He used to command the unified exploratory fleet untill 5 years ago when he decided to retire to a directory role. He was sitting in office when his comms ringed. He pressed the anwser button

“Central director Lirion here, what do you need?”

“Sir get down to the main observation deck, we have a emergency! Code red!”

Lirion went pale and froze for a second, but then without giving a anwser jumped from his seat and ran for the lift. Code red officially ment the presence of unidentified vessels, but in practice it ment xeno vessels. Alarms rang in the station. He entered the deck.

“The hell do you mean code red?! How many?! Do they match anything from our archives?!”

“Approximately 5000 ships seem to have exit the black hole, their signatures don’t match anything we have recorded!”

“For the name of Queltar… This is bad. Our garrison is only 500 ships. Order defensive positions and weapons lock. Send a SOS to Tartirion with all the information you can fit in it. All hands battle stations, we do not know the intent of these xenos. Do not hail them yet.”

“Rodger that. SOS to Tartirion sent”


The message went straight to high admiral Osbion, the second in command of the imperial navy, only ranking bellow the emperor himself. He was just as shocked as Lirion, but knew how to act. He ordered Emergency response flotilla 1, numbering approximately 10000 ships, commanded by admiral Tangandon, to rapidly deploy to Beleg Lüme.

The emergency response fleet, numbering 20000 ships, was Calerost’s way of tackling military emergencies. It was made up of two flotillas each numbering 10000 ships. Because of it being based in Gil Miria it could get to anywhere with a beacon in minutes from when deployment was ordered.

And so it was, 7 minutes from when the SOS was originally sent out 10000 ships appear at the beacon in Beleg Lüme and start heading towards the research station. A single shot could start a war, but that was not what happened.


Low Orbit
Firm SEC Control
Admiral | Elizabeth Kuolia || Lieutenant | Laurisa Arikia

Composition - Navy

Task Force Inquiry [XXIXXIXX]

Admiral Elizabeth Kuolia

Vice Admiral Rachel I’chia

Homeport: Military Exploration Port “Vanadis”

Command Ship: RNDFV Riskrunner

Battlecruiser Group
RNDFV Riskrunner - Flight Astra I - BCG-1132

49x Other Battlecruisers, 1 Defiance, 48 Warden

Carrier Group

125x Naginata of Various Flights

50x Assegai of Various Flights

25x Elizabeth of Flights Ballast and Dagger

Cruiser Group

250x Palisade Cruisers

750x Vitreo Class Cruisers

Destroyer Group

1500x Vanguard Destroyers of various flights

Frigate Group

2500x Astron Frigates of various flights

Corvette Group

1500x FIrefly Corvettes

Auxilary Group

100x Auxiliary Repair and Recovery Vessels

900x Frontier Pattern Bulk Frieghters

One day later…

Admiral Elizabeth Kuolia stood inside the rather large CiC. Reports and intelligence and the varied amount of brute force translation going on as Laurisa Arikia finally entered the CiC.

“Welcome back, Laurisa, we’re in our first system, with another nation’s presence. I’ve taken the liberty of begining translation efforts, we’ve been beaming our Phonetic Alphabet at them for the last hour and a half. Hopefully they get the picture. But, you get the honor of introducing us. Good luck.”

“I- What? I just woke up!”

“You should go grab some tea, we’ll be waiting.”

Laurisa sighed. She had signed onto this for first contact procedures, but she’d hadn’t expected this so soon. She walked to cafeteria, got breakfast, and listened to her colleagues excited chatter.

“I heard you’re going to initiate first contact Laurisa!”

“Our first contact! Outside our first jump! Can you believe our luck?”

“I’m just happy the food is actually decent.”

Thirty Minutes later…

Laurisa returns to the CiC. By this point, she’d gotten reports that the translation was complete. It was rather astonishing how quickly her translators had gotten it done. She walked up to the microphone and began speaking.

“H-Hello? I am Lieutenant Laurisa Arikia of the Atlia Federated Protectorate, representing the governments of the Atlia Federated Protectorate and the Scientific Directorate of the Velvet Rose. It is an honor to meet you all. As a represenative of my government and the goodwill of my peoples, I wish to confer with any authority suitable for diplomacy. I await your response. Thank you.”


“This is Admiral Tangandon of the Calerostan imperial navy, representing the Star Empire of Calerost. I am given full diplomatic powers to establish first contact by high admiralty and the grace of imperial estate. The Gil-Atarnië prefers to do it’s diplomacy in person where you will meet with me and central laboratory director and admiral-in-peace Lirion Gilihen. You have the right to send up to 2 diplomats and 6 bodyguards. You will be welcomed by us with full honors. To this message is attached the atmospheric composition of the station and precise coordinates for docking. We are awaiting you. Tangandon out.”


Low Orbit
Firm SEC Control
Lieutenant | Laurisa Arikia || Vice Admiral | Rachel I’chia || 2nd Lieutenant | Kotone Abolet

Composition - Navy

Task Force Inquiry [XXIXXIXX]

Admiral Elizabeth Kuolia

Vice Admiral Rachel I’chia

Homeport: Military Exploration Port “Vanadis”

Command Ship: RNDFV Riskrunner

Battlecruiser Group
RNDFV Riskrunner - Flight Astra I - BCG-1132

49x Other Battlecruisers, 1 Defiance, 48 Warden

Carrier Group

125x Naginata of Various Flights

50x Assegai of Various Flights

25x Elizabeth of Flights Ballast and Dagger

Cruiser Group

250x Palisade Cruisers

750x Vitreo Class Cruisers

Destroyer Group

1500x Vanguard Destroyers of various flights

Frigate Group

2500x Astron Frigates of various flights

Corvette Group

1500x FIrefly Corvettes

Auxilary Group

100x Auxiliary Repair and Recovery Vessels

900x Frontier Pattern Bulk Freighters

Composition - Ground Forces

Fireteam Oracle [Ø]

2nd Lieutenant Kotone Abolet

Ensign Allison Vinne

Garission/HQ: Military Exploration Port “Vanadis”

Logistics Ship: RNDFV Riskrunner

Fireteam Oracle Dossier

2nd Lieutenant Kotone Abolet

  • Born 29/11/124
  • Graduated Officer Candidate School 02/21/149

Ribbons and Awards

  • Defense Force Cross (V Device)
  • Combat Action Medal (B Device)
  • Defense Force Long Tour (x2)
  • Defense Force Special Duty Medal (E for Exploration)
  • Master Marksmanship Medal
  • Competitive Events Badge (Revolvers, 2x)
  • Operation Downward Wind Service Medal (V Device, 3x)
  • Outstanding Service Medal
  • Honor Graduate Medal
  • Restricted Duty Medal
  • Master Force Protection Badge
  • Senior Diplomats Badge

Ensign Allison Vinne

  • Born 12/19/122
  • Graduated Officer Candidate School 03/31/150

Ribbons and Awards

  • Defense Force Special Duty Medal (E for Exploration)
  • Atlia Volunteer Defense Service Medal
  • Senior Marksmanship Medal
  • Outstanding Service Medal
  • Restricted Duty Medal
  • Force Protection Badge
  • Diplomats Badge

Chief Petty Officer Celeste Nolart

  • Born 01/29/122

Ribbons and Awards

  • Defense Force Special Duty Medal (E for Exploration)
  • Velvet Award in Competitive Marksmanship Medal
  • Combat Action Medal
  • Defense Force Good Conduct Medal
  • Restricted Duty Medal
  • Force Protection Badge
  • Diplomats Badge

Petty Officer Third Class Veda Aguetré

  • Born 01/26/122

Ribbons and Awards

  • Defense Force Special Duty Medal (E for Exploration)
  • Expert Marksman Medal
  • Combat Action Medal
  • Restricted Duty Medal
  • Force Protection Badge
  • Diplomats Badge
  • Free Fall Specialist Badge

Petty Officer Third Class Keiko Ilirio

  • Born 11/24/122

Ribbons and Awards

  • Defense Force Long Tour (x2)
  • Defense Force Special Duty Medal (E for Exploration)
  • Combat Action Medal
  • Restricted Duty Medal
  • Senior Force Protection Badge
  • Diplomats Badge

Petty Officer Third Class Akane Ilirio

  • Born 11/24/122

Ribbons and Awards

  • Defense Force Long Tour (x2)
  • Defense Force Special Duty Medal (E for Exploration)
  • Combat Action Medal
  • Restricted Duty Medal
  • Mastery Award in Sniping
  • Force Protection Badge
  • Diplomats Badge

Laurisa and Rachel hold the straphangar connected to the door of the Scimitar, the rest of Fireteam Oracle loading up before they depart. One of them, Kotone speaks the to the Rear Admiral

“We’re ready. Why are we four short a full detail?”

“Six Bodyguards only.”

“Ah, that makes a little sense.”

“I mean, this is a mission of simple diplomacy. Honestly, this would be worse if we couldn’t communicate, right?”

“Suppose so. I keep forgetting these Formal Dress Uniforms are so stuffy.”

“Yeah- Wait, Downward Wind? You served there?”

“Thrice. I was the point gal for my fireteam.”

“I was there, so many buildings. Orbital Guidance was a pain. Especially accounting for Wind, Coriolis, thank the consensus we had one of those fancy artillery calculators.”

“I’ve heard of people there, but honestly, never met any vets. Besides that, wasn’t the launch window a few minutes ago?”

“Hey pilot, what’s taking so long?”

“…Basket One, we’re ready, departing Riskrunner.”

“We getting an escort?”

“Yeah, one flight balisong.”

The Scimitar and her escorts take off, flying towards the station.

“Anybody besides me need an Oxygen Mask?”

“Daughter of a glitch, anybody got a spare?”

“I got one.”

Veda tosses hers to the Rear Admiral.


“I’ll be fine, I’m half human. Should be fine.”

Firm SEC Control
Lieutenant | Laurisa Arikia || Vice Admiral | Rachel I’chia || 2nd Lieutenant | Kotone Abolet

The PAG lands.

“You gals ready?”

“Suppose so. These dresses feel better than Full Combat Dress with Plate Carriers.”

“Always thought that, better than the flash gear.”

“Alright, how are we walking out?”

“Rolling Six Point.”

“That works Keiko, alright, I’m center, Alison you take the rear, Diplomats in the center. I’ll greet, we brought a gift?”

“Yeah, here’s the ceremonial revolver.”

I’chia hands a K9 Revolver to Kotone.

“Alright, let’s roll.”

“Good luck, and set your translator.”

“Did that thirty minutes ago, Laurisa-Sama.”

“Are we doing prefixes?”

“Suppose we are.”

The doors to the Gunship open as the group leave and quietly wait. Some of Oracle’s Operators skin changes from Serniani Purple to Human Light Tan as they wait.


As they leave the shuttle greeted by a ceremonial guard and the two edhel officers. Lirion was in a dress uniform and Tangandon as the heir to the duchy of Celianor wore his noble attire. Both had ceremonial swords attached to their belts.

“May the stars shine on the place of our meeting, friends. I am admiral Tangandon, prince ducal of the duchy of Celianor. This is admiral-in-peace Lirion Gilihen. We will represent the Gil-Atarnië in this first contact. It is a honor to meet you.”

Lirion takes a box from one of the ceremonial guardsmen and hands it to Laurisa

“As per our tradition, we gift you this dagger as a sign of respect and hope in a future friendship”


Low Orbit
Firm SEC Control
Lieutenant | Laurisa Arikia || Vice Admiral | Rachel I’chia || 2nd Lieutenant | Kotone Abolet

Composition - Ground Forces

Fireteam Oracle [Ø]

2nd Lieutenant Kotone Abolet

Ensign Allison Vinne

Garission/HQ: Military Exploration Port “Vanadis”

Logistics Ship: RNDFV Riskrunner

Fireteam Oracle Dossier

2nd Lieutenant Kotone Abolet

  • Born 29/11/124
  • Graduated Officer Candidate School 02/21/149

Ribbons and Awards

  • Defense Force Cross (V Device)
  • Combat Action Medal (B Device)
  • Defense Force Long Tour (x2)
  • Defense Force Special Duty Medal (E for Exploration)
  • Master Marksmanship Medal
  • Competitive Events Badge (Revolvers, 2x)
  • Operation Downward Wind Service Medal (V Device, 3x)
  • Outstanding Service Medal
  • Honor Graduate Medal
  • Restricted Duty Medal
  • Master Force Protection Badge
  • Senior Diplomats Badge

Ensign Allison Vinne

  • Born 12/19/122
  • Graduated Officer Candidate School 03/31/150

Ribbons and Awards

  • Defense Force Special Duty Medal (E for Exploration)
  • Atlia Volunteer Defense Service Medal
  • Senior Marksmanship Medal
  • Outstanding Service Medal
  • Restricted Duty Medal
  • Force Protection Badge
  • Diplomats Badge

Chief Petty Officer Celeste Nolart

  • Born 01/29/122

Ribbons and Awards

  • Defense Force Special Duty Medal (E for Exploration)
  • Velvet Award in Competitive Marksmanship Medal
  • Combat Action Medal
  • Defense Force Good Conduct Medal
  • Restricted Duty Medal
  • Force Protection Badge
  • Diplomats Badge

Petty Officer Third Class Veda Aguetré

  • Born 01/26/122

Ribbons and Awards

  • Defense Force Special Duty Medal (E for Exploration)
  • Expert Marksman Medal
  • Combat Action Medal
  • Restricted Duty Medal
  • Force Protection Badge
  • Diplomats Badge
  • Free Fall Specialist Badge

Petty Officer Third Class Keiko Ilirio

  • Born 11/24/122

Ribbons and Awards

  • Defense Force Long Tour (x2)
  • Defense Force Special Duty Medal (E for Exploration)
  • Combat Action Medal
  • Restricted Duty Medal
  • Senior Force Protection Badge
  • Diplomats Badge

Petty Officer Third Class Akane Ilirio

  • Born 11/24/122

Ribbons and Awards

  • Defense Force Long Tour (x2)
  • Defense Force Special Duty Medal (E for Exploration)
  • Combat Action Medal
  • Restricted Duty Medal
  • Mastery Award in Sniping
  • Force Protection Badge
  • Diplomats Badge

Laurisa accepts the dagger, and nods to Kotone, who hands the Revolver to Lirion

“I am Vice Admiral Rachel I’chia, Velvet Rose Defense Forces.”

“I’m Lieutenant Laurisa Arikia, Velvet Rose Diplomatic Corps, it’s an honor to meet you aswell.”


Tangandon nodded his head.

“If you will follow me, i will take you to the meeting room. It is a few floors away but we’ll be there soon.”

After a good amount of walking and being moved by people transporters they arrived at the meeting room. It was made to resemble a palace: intricate furniture, gold detailing on the wall, even fake windows.

“We have arrived. This meeting room was specifically furnished to look like it’s in a ilanorian palace. You won’t find something like this on any other ship except the emperor’s own. Please, take a seat. Does your culture consume alcoholic drinks? If so I’d like to offer you wine from the vineyards of the ducal palace of Celianor. It’s quality is unmatched in the star empire.”


Low Orbit
Firm SEC Control
Lieutenant | Laurisa Arikia || Vice Admiral | Rachel I’chia || 2nd Lieutenant | Kotone Abolet

Composition - Ground Forces

Fireteam Oracle [Ø]

2nd Lieutenant Kotone Abolet

Ensign Allison Vinne

Garission/HQ: Military Exploration Port “Vanadis”

Logistics Ship: RNDFV Riskrunner

Fireteam Oracle Dossier

2nd Lieutenant Kotone Abolet

  • Born 29/11/124
  • Graduated Officer Candidate School 02/21/149

Ribbons and Awards

  • Defense Force Cross (V Device)
  • Combat Action Medal (B Device)
  • Defense Force Long Tour (x2)
  • Defense Force Special Duty Medal (E for Exploration)
  • Master Marksmanship Medal
  • Competitive Events Badge (Revolvers, 2x)
  • Operation Downward Wind Service Medal (V Device, 3x)
  • Outstanding Service Medal
  • Honor Graduate Medal
  • Restricted Duty Medal
  • Master Force Protection Badge
  • Senior Diplomats Badge

Ensign Allison Vinne

  • Born 12/19/122
  • Graduated Officer Candidate School 03/31/150

Ribbons and Awards

  • Defense Force Special Duty Medal (E for Exploration)
  • Atlia Volunteer Defense Service Medal
  • Senior Marksmanship Medal
  • Outstanding Service Medal
  • Restricted Duty Medal
  • Force Protection Badge
  • Diplomats Badge

Chief Petty Officer Celeste Nolart

  • Born 01/29/122

Ribbons and Awards

  • Defense Force Special Duty Medal (E for Exploration)
  • Velvet Award in Competitive Marksmanship Medal
  • Combat Action Medal
  • Defense Force Good Conduct Medal
  • Restricted Duty Medal
  • Force Protection Badge
  • Diplomats Badge

Petty Officer Third Class Veda Aguetré

  • Born 01/26/122

Ribbons and Awards

  • Defense Force Special Duty Medal (E for Exploration)
  • Expert Marksman Medal
  • Combat Action Medal
  • Restricted Duty Medal
  • Force Protection Badge
  • Diplomats Badge
  • Free Fall Specialist Badge

Petty Officer Third Class Keiko Ilirio

  • Born 11/24/122

Ribbons and Awards

  • Defense Force Long Tour (x2)
  • Defense Force Special Duty Medal (E for Exploration)
  • Combat Action Medal
  • Restricted Duty Medal
  • Senior Force Protection Badge
  • Diplomats Badge

Petty Officer Third Class Akane Ilirio

  • Born 11/24/122

Ribbons and Awards

  • Defense Force Long Tour (x2)
  • Defense Force Special Duty Medal (E for Exploration)
  • Combat Action Medal
  • Restricted Duty Medal
  • Mastery Award in Sniping
  • Force Protection Badge
  • Diplomats Badge

“Not usually, beverages of the alcoholic sort are regulated, as is everything else, haha.”

“It can’t hurt to try.”

“I suppose. Surely there’s some benefit later.”

“…Such elegance.”

“Better than the coldness of a Serniani meeting room.”

“True. If I may ask, where are we? We brought our own star charts, but we are stil trying to figure out where we are. We’re willing to share.”


“You are close to the southern border of the sector. Here, let me pull up a map. You can see here the territory of the Gil-Atarnië in reference to the galactic core and the sector. Switching to a map of Calerost we are here, Beleg Lüme, the most studied “black hole” in the star empire, ironic considering no one ever figured out it’s a wormhole untill now. It falls under the jurisdiction of the count of Calencaras, but he’s my father’s vasal. Calerost is divided into autonomous duchies and a few more entities. They even have their own navies, but they’re small compared to the imperial one. They still all submit to the emperor.”


Firm SEC Control
Vice Admiral | Rachel I’chia || Lieutenant First Class | Laurisa Arikia || Lieutenant Second Class | Kotone Abolet

Composition - Ground Forces

Fireteam Oracle [Ø]

2nd Lieutenant Kotone Abolet

Ensign Allison Vinne

Garission/HQ: Military Exploration Port “Vanadis”

Logistics Ship: RNDFV Riskrunner

Fireteam Oracle Dossier

2nd Lieutenant Kotone Abolet

  • Born 29/11/124
  • Graduated Officer Candidate School 02/21/149

Ribbons and Awards

  • Defense Force Cross (V Device)
  • Combat Action Medal (B Device)
  • Defense Force Long Tour (x2)
  • Defense Force Special Duty Medal (E for Exploration)
  • Master Marksmanship Medal
  • Competitive Events Badge (Revolvers, 2x)
  • Operation Downward Wind Service Medal (V Device, 3x)
  • Outstanding Service Medal
  • Honor Graduate Medal
  • Restricted Duty Medal
  • Master Force Protection Badge
  • Senior Diplomats Badge

Ensign Allison Vinne

  • Born 12/19/122
  • Graduated Officer Candidate School 03/31/150

Ribbons and Awards

  • Defense Force Special Duty Medal (E for Exploration)
  • Atlia Volunteer Defense Service Medal
  • Senior Marksmanship Medal
  • Outstanding Service Medal
  • Restricted Duty Medal
  • Force Protection Badge
  • Diplomats Badge

Chief Petty Officer Celeste Nolart

  • Born 01/29/122

Ribbons and Awards

  • Defense Force Special Duty Medal (E for Exploration)
  • Velvet Award in Competitive Marksmanship Medal
  • Combat Action Medal
  • Defense Force Good Conduct Medal
  • Restricted Duty Medal
  • Force Protection Badge
  • Diplomats Badge

Petty Officer Third Class Veda Aguetré

  • Born 01/26/122

Ribbons and Awards

  • Defense Force Special Duty Medal (E for Exploration)
  • Expert Marksman Medal
  • Combat Action Medal
  • Restricted Duty Medal
  • Force Protection Badge
  • Diplomats Badge
  • Free Fall Specialist Badge

Petty Officer Third Class Keiko Ilirio

  • Born 11/24/122

Ribbons and Awards

  • Defense Force Long Tour (x2)
  • Defense Force Special Duty Medal (E for Exploration)
  • Combat Action Medal
  • Restricted Duty Medal
  • Senior Force Protection Badge
  • Diplomats Badge

Petty Officer Third Class Akane Ilirio

  • Born 11/24/122

Ribbons and Awards

  • Defense Force Long Tour (x2)
  • Defense Force Special Duty Medal (E for Exploration)
  • Combat Action Medal
  • Restricted Duty Medal
  • Mastery Award in Sniping
  • Force Protection Badge
  • Diplomats Badge

“We’re a decent bit away.”

“That’s an understatement, Lieutenant, we’re on the other side of sector.”

“Do we?”

“Yeah, honestly.”

Rachel places a small holographic display on the table, illuminating a map of the Serniani Nebula.

“This is an astrographical map of our home Split into prefectures, and in the middle of a giant nebula that is very fun to try to navigate.”

“So, with this out of the way, as a Commissioned Diplomatic Officer I am authorized to arbitrate on behalf of the Directorate. Is there someone here who’s authorized to do so?”


“Interesting. Am i mistaken or do the particle density readings almost match a sectoral badlands? I am most curious on how you managed to develop superluminal travel in such a environment.”

“I am authorized to arbitrate for the Gil-Atarnië, though a imperial would need to sign them for them to be finalized. But for any major deals I’ll need to refer you to the imperial estate.”


“I’d have to look that up, not something you often think about.”

“Well, suppose we’re here already, no point in not negotiating.”

“So, regarding the wormhole, trading between said wormhole, defense, research of technology, free movement of people… That should be it, am I missing anything?”


“I think that that should be it. It’s a good starting point. But this needs to be approved by the imperials. If you want i can probably arrange for you to present the deal to them in person. You’ll most likely get a audience with crown princess Esgariel, and if you’re lucky, or unlucky depending how you see it, the emperor himself.”


“Works for me. Rachel, contact Miss Admiral, say we’re going to meet some important people, don’t shoot anybody.”

“Knowing her she’ll be fine if we leave her alone, but for the best, I’ll say something to her. Laurisa you fine going alone?”

“I’ll be fine, they seem trustworthy. Alright Tangandon, lead the way.”


“Alright. We’ll contact the imperials, expect a anwser in like a hour or two. From there we’ll have the details.”

A hour and a half later

“We have received a anwser. Princess Esgariel will receive you in the imperial palace of the sacred forest. We’ll travel to there by starbreak. You’ll be the first of your kind to see the relm of the gods, mirial space. Also you’ll be the first foreigner to step in the sacred forest in 60 years. Follow me to the observation lounge.”


“Interesting, never thought I’d end up on a ship of this size. I assume this is one of many ways that Calerostans go superluminal? Fascinating. A sight to behold.”


“It truely is. Normally calerost has two forms of faster than light travel: realspace ftl and mirial space ftl. Realspace is slow compared to mirial, hell with the beacons in mirial you can achieve something called virtually infinite velocity which is basically teleportation, but only on strict routes. That’s how we will travel. But the catch is normal ships can’t enter mirial space anywhere else but trough the wormhole Gil Miria, so it’s mostly a one way form of travel. Starbreakers can enter mirial space from anywhere by momentarily breaking a hole in space which collapses basically instantly but lasts long enough for the ship to pass. That’s where they get their name from. But starbreakers need to be massive, hell you could fit a ship in the starbreak engine, the thing that fuels it, and are also very expensive. There’s less than 30 in the whole empire. For reference there are around 180 thousand ships in the imperial navy. That’s how expensive and hard to make they are.”

Then the speakers rang:

“Attention, starbreak in 30 seconds”

“Now just sit and watch”

Suddenly there’s a bright flash from outside and the lights in the room dim. A brief moment of low gravity is felt in the observation lounge. And then they’re in mirial space. Full of light, the space itself shined like gemstones. It is a beautiful sight.

“Starbreak complete. We’re currently aligning ourselves to the beacon and calculating s travel solution, brace for VIV jump in 2 minutes”

“Welcome to mirial space”



Laurisa paused. The only thing she had seen remotely to this effect was the Sea of Infinite Colors.

“I’m kind of speechless. There’s not much I can say, SkipSpace looks like nothing compared to this.”

Low Orbit
Firm SEC Control
Admiral | Elizabeth Kuolia || Vice Admiral | Rachel I’chia

Composition - Navy

Task Force Inquiry [XXIXXIXX]

Admiral Elizabeth Kuolia

Vice Admiral Rachel I’chia

Homeport: Military Exploration Port “Vanadis”

Command Ship: RNDFV Riskrunner

Battlecruiser Group
RNDFV Riskrunner - Flight Astra I - BCG-1132

49x Other Battlecruisers, 1 Defiance, 48 Warden

Carrier Group

125x Naginata of Various Flights

50x Assegai of Various Flights

25x Elizabeth of Flights Ballast and Dagger

Cruiser Group

250x Palisade Cruisers

750x Vitreo Class Cruisers

Destroyer Group

1500x Vanguard Destroyers of various flights

Frigate Group

2500x Astron Frigates of various flights

Corvette Group

1500x FIrefly Corvettes

Auxilary Group

100x Auxiliary Repair and Recovery Vessels

900x Frontier Pattern Bulk Frieghters

“Welcome back, saw the transmission.”

“She can handle herself.”

“Your judgement is as good as mine. If she dies, that’s on you.”

“She’ll be fraternizing with a group of potentially hostile people away from the Nebula.”

“But they could be a valuable ally, this far from home.”



“Yes, the beauty of mirial space is unparalleled. Many writers tried to depict it and many artists tried to capture it, but none could come close. It’s no wonder why a lot of my kind decided to live in it.”

“Now, we have a couple of minutes untill we get to Ilanor and get permission to take a shuttle down, let me quickly prepare you for what follows. You will meet the crown princess herself, Esgariel Lilótëa Tararaniel. She is 20 years old, but since edhel bodies mature slower than human ones she’ll look more like a 16 year old human. She gives the image of being eternally calm and serene, which can be unsettling to some people, especially edhels since they can’t feel her emotions. It runs in the family, the whole imperial house is like that, though many describe the emperor as terrifying and imposing. She will most likely be wearing a gilded dress and a circlet with gemstones, you can recognize her by that. When you see her, bow. It’s tradition to do it like that. No bodyguards will be allowed to follow you down to the sacred forest, but I’ll accompany you. We have the treaty written out, it’s basically already been confirmed, she just needs to stamp it with the imperial seal, so no stress about that. Try to enjoy the honor and nature. All sound good?”

Soon after

While Laurisa and Tangandon ware looking down at ilanor from the observation lounge, they got a message

“This is captain Teithion calling admiral Tangandon, you and the diplomat have gotten permission to land in the sacred forest. You’ll be welcomed at the landing pad by 4 imperial guards, follow them”

“Rogger that, I’m on my way. Let’s go, follow me”