Low Orbit
Firm SEC Control
Lieutenant | Laurisa Arikia || Vice Admiral | Rachel I’chia || 2nd Lieutenant | Kotone Abolet
Composition - Navy
Task Force Inquiry [XXIXXIXX]
Admiral Elizabeth Kuolia
Vice Admiral Rachel I’chia
Homeport: Military Exploration Port “Vanadis”
Command Ship: RNDFV Riskrunner
Battlecruiser Group
RNDFV Riskrunner - Flight Astra I - BCG-1132
49x Other Battlecruisers, 1 Defiance, 48 Warden
Carrier Group
125x Naginata of Various Flights
50x Assegai of Various Flights
25x Elizabeth of Flights Ballast and Dagger
Cruiser Group
250x Palisade Cruisers
750x Vitreo Class Cruisers
Destroyer Group
1500x Vanguard Destroyers of various flights
Frigate Group
2500x Astron Frigates of various flights
Corvette Group
1500x FIrefly Corvettes
Auxilary Group
100x Auxiliary Repair and Recovery Vessels
900x Frontier Pattern Bulk Freighters
Composition - Ground Forces
Fireteam Oracle [Ø]
2nd Lieutenant Kotone Abolet
Ensign Allison Vinne
Garission/HQ: Military Exploration Port “Vanadis”
Logistics Ship: RNDFV Riskrunner
Fireteam Oracle Dossier
2nd Lieutenant Kotone Abolet
- Born 29/11/124
- Graduated Officer Candidate School 02/21/149
Ribbons and Awards
- Defense Force Cross (V Device)
- Combat Action Medal (B Device)
- Defense Force Long Tour (x2)
- Defense Force Special Duty Medal (E for Exploration)
- Master Marksmanship Medal
- Competitive Events Badge (Revolvers, 2x)
- Operation Downward Wind Service Medal (V Device, 3x)
- Outstanding Service Medal
- Honor Graduate Medal
- Restricted Duty Medal
- Master Force Protection Badge
- Senior Diplomats Badge
Ensign Allison Vinne
- Born 12/19/122
- Graduated Officer Candidate School 03/31/150
Ribbons and Awards
- Defense Force Special Duty Medal (E for Exploration)
- Atlia Volunteer Defense Service Medal
- Senior Marksmanship Medal
- Outstanding Service Medal
- Restricted Duty Medal
- Force Protection Badge
- Diplomats Badge
Chief Petty Officer Celeste Nolart
Ribbons and Awards
- Defense Force Special Duty Medal (E for Exploration)
- Velvet Award in Competitive Marksmanship Medal
- Combat Action Medal
- Defense Force Good Conduct Medal
- Restricted Duty Medal
- Force Protection Badge
- Diplomats Badge
Petty Officer Third Class Veda Aguetré
Ribbons and Awards
- Defense Force Special Duty Medal (E for Exploration)
- Expert Marksman Medal
- Combat Action Medal
- Restricted Duty Medal
- Force Protection Badge
- Diplomats Badge
- Free Fall Specialist Badge
Petty Officer Third Class Keiko Ilirio
Ribbons and Awards
- Defense Force Long Tour (x2)
- Defense Force Special Duty Medal (E for Exploration)
- Combat Action Medal
- Restricted Duty Medal
- Senior Force Protection Badge
- Diplomats Badge
Petty Officer Third Class Akane Ilirio
Ribbons and Awards
- Defense Force Long Tour (x2)
- Defense Force Special Duty Medal (E for Exploration)
- Combat Action Medal
- Restricted Duty Medal
- Mastery Award in Sniping
- Force Protection Badge
- Diplomats Badge
Laurisa and Rachel hold the straphangar connected to the door of the Scimitar, the rest of Fireteam Oracle loading up before they depart. One of them, Kotone speaks the to the Rear Admiral
“We’re ready. Why are we four short a full detail?”
“Six Bodyguards only.”
“Ah, that makes a little sense.”
“I mean, this is a mission of simple diplomacy. Honestly, this would be worse if we couldn’t communicate, right?”
“Suppose so. I keep forgetting these Formal Dress Uniforms are so stuffy.”
“Yeah- Wait, Downward Wind? You served there?”
“Thrice. I was the point gal for my fireteam.”
“I was there, so many buildings. Orbital Guidance was a pain. Especially accounting for Wind, Coriolis, thank the consensus we had one of those fancy artillery calculators.”
“I’ve heard of people there, but honestly, never met any vets. Besides that, wasn’t the launch window a few minutes ago?”
“Hey pilot, what’s taking so long?”
“…Basket One, we’re ready, departing Riskrunner.”
“We getting an escort?”
“Yeah, one flight balisong.”
The Scimitar and her escorts take off, flying towards the station.
“Anybody besides me need an Oxygen Mask?”
“Daughter of a glitch, anybody got a spare?”
“I got one.”
Veda tosses hers to the Rear Admiral.
“I’ll be fine, I’m half human. Should be fine.”
Firm SEC Control
Lieutenant | Laurisa Arikia || Vice Admiral | Rachel I’chia || 2nd Lieutenant | Kotone Abolet
The PAG lands.
“You gals ready?”
“Suppose so. These dresses feel better than Full Combat Dress with Plate Carriers.”
“Always thought that, better than the flash gear.”
“Alright, how are we walking out?”
“Rolling Six Point.”
“That works Keiko, alright, I’m center, Alison you take the rear, Diplomats in the center. I’ll greet, we brought a gift?”
“Yeah, here’s the ceremonial revolver.”
I’chia hands a K9 Revolver to Kotone.
“Alright, let’s roll.”
“Good luck, and set your translator.”
“Did that thirty minutes ago, Laurisa-Sama.”
“Are we doing prefixes?”
“Suppose we are.”
The doors to the Gunship open as the group leave and quietly wait. Some of Oracle’s Operators skin changes from Serniani Purple to Human Light Tan as they wait.