Foreign Affairs and Domestic Affairs council sub-categories


  1. I would like there to be 2 new subcategories for the Foreign Affairs Council and the Domestic Affairs Council in the Cabinet category.

  2. Access to these categories should be restricted only to users within a specific group (FA advisor and DA advisor respectively).

  3. If possible, membership of these groups should be controlled by those with Cabinet access.



One of the major changes we made when switching to Discourse was a move away from excessive sub-sub-forums and user group permissions.

This is too granular, in my opinion. You can utilize topic tags for organization. There’s also the channels on the Discord Server.

That’s unfortunate.

Per discussions with Roavin, I’ll post the following:

lordnwahs (DiD) — Today at 21:58
can you do selective visibility without excessive user grp perms
Roavin — Today at 21:59
There are various things that can be done. Just write down what you want whom to see and we can figure it out if it’s best to do as a forum, tag, whatever. (edited)
lordnwahs (DiD) — Today at 22:00
ok so for e.g. if MoFA is halfway thru negotiating with region x and wants input from the FA Council
how could that be done
outside of “just use discord”

At the risk of sounding dismissive, which I assure you is not my intention, is it really a bad thing if the entire Cabinet sees those discussions instead of just the FA Council?

It’s not a matter of if software is capable, it’s a matter of how we decided the forum should be organized. Creating new sub forums and user roles anytime a Cabinet member requests them quickly leads to unmanageable bloat.

For the majority of more serious dicussions, no, but there are exceptions where the Prime Minister and their designated minister would want to keep the number of eyes to a minimum, and Nwahs introduced this topic as a means of keeping those discussions on the forums and with an easy way to unclassify them in time should there be total turnover in who was originally discussing things. We wanted it to be in the Cabinet category, not in Discord channels, DMs, or forum DMs.

That said, I also understand Glen’s point of view, so it’s not the end of the world for me.

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I understand where you’re coming from but I concur with Glen, a subforum to be used by less than a handful of people doesn’t really warrant the added space. I would argue that at that point there just needs to be discipline on the part of Cabinet members, or we just need to accept the risk that there won’t be absolute secrecy.

Point taken.

For what it’s worth, when it comes to ease of declassification, I believe forum messages can be converted into regular topics.