Declansburg's Consulate with TSP

It’s my honor to inaugurate the opening of Declansburg’s Consulate in The South Pacific! On behalf of Declansburg, it’s my hope that this is just the beginning of a fantastic relationship between our two great regions!

The Evergreen Republic, as Minister of Foreign Affairs, will be stewarding this consulate and we’ll provide periodic updates about our region - when we have something to share, and we’ll welcome any dialogue with residents of The South Pacific.

Thank you to Professor Henn for approving this consulate. We’re glad to get started!

-New Bradfordsburg (Evergreen Republic)
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Declansburg


I look forward to seeing the interactions between our two regions grow and flourish over the coming several months and hopefully years!


Indeed Griffindor!

Also, happy to report …
My nation, New Bradfordsburg (Evergreen Republic), has been re-elected to the position of Minister of Foreign Affairs in Declansburg. Glad to continue in the role - a main priority in my upcoming term is forging closer ties with The South Pacific.

We intended to have some discussions more recently - but I thought it best to get through the election first!

Congrats on your reelection!

I’m sure my government looks forward to a renewed discourse in the coming weeks!

Hello TSP! Checking in here from Declansburg and it has been a quiet summer but we do have one milestone we’d like to celebrate!

We congratulate our WA Delegate, Vobron, on reaching a full year of service at the helm of our elected government! Vobron, our longest serving delegate, is the first to reach this benchmark in Declansburg and we couldn’t be prouder of their service to the region!


Thank you, for this update! Congratulations to your WA Delegate Vobron! Can’t wait to see more updates!

Good day, The South Pacific!

Not the messenger you were expecting? Nice to meet you too! I am the newly elected Minister of Foreign Affairs from Declansburg, and I’d be delighted to act as the new ambassador to your region, from ours. This means I will be the one checking in every now and then just to make sure all’s good, but apart from the new face… err, flag… not much will be too different. Apart from that, there’s not much else from me to report, so I’ll just sign off for now.

-Confederation of the Five Clanlands
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Declansburg

P.S.: Make sure to keep an eye out for a second update from our new regional Prime Minister, Evergreen Republic!


Warm welcome, and congratulations to yourself and Evergreen Republic.

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Hello there and thank you @lordnwahs for the congratulations. We’re in good hands with @thefiveclanlands as Minister of Foreign Relations. I also have to congratulate Korvalis (Korbalis), who was re-elected as our Deputy Prime Minister and is now our longest serving elected officer, at well over two years in office. We’ve got a good team! And though I’m no longer MFA, I promise not to disappear completely!

I’ll be proud to help maintain this consulate and I’m excited to work with TSP in the World Assembly!

Alright, that’s all I got for now!
-New Bradfordsburg, PM (WA Delegate) of Declansburg

Hey folks. Thought I’d provide our quarterly update. Things have been going well. We’ve actually been steadily growing and some core players from the past have returned. Elections will be coming up in January for Judicial Officer and Sec. General. Last time we had many candidates. We’ll see what this time brings!

As always if you need to reach out to Declans on WA matters, feel free to telegram my nation: New Bradfordsburg.

-PM’s Office, Declansburg

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Thank you for this update! :grinning:

Happy to share this update - an exciting one for us. The first edition of our first-ever regional newspaper has dropped: The Illuminator.
See details below.

First Edition of The Illuminator - Declansburg’s Regional Newspaper The Illuminator includes local news, world news, roleplay occurrences, and an update from the Prime Minister in the Delegate’s Corner! We hope you’ll check it out and throw an upvote our way!


Thank you for this update! What a exciting read!

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Hey everyone!
I’ve been chosen as the new ambassador for Declansburg in the South Pacific. I hope we’ll get along well. If you have any questions about Declansburg, feel free to drop me a line!

-Palmana, ambassador of Declansburg.

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