Cloud9 Báraarde

Cloud9 Báraarde

This is Stupid and I’m Done

The suspense was surely real… for the one person who bet everybody that 5-ranked Giyadock Noord would defeat 1-ranked Rivierdorp Suid FC. The game finally began today after a 2 day delay due to inclement weather in Rivierdorp. The game stayed 0-0 until extra time. Extra time began, the first half passed with no goals, and then the second half passed with no goals. Then the penalty kicks began.

Some teams just can’t kick penalty kicks. Some teams have a really good keeper. Some teams have a really good keeper going up against a team that can’t kick penalty kicks. The last one is Giyadock Noord’s experience during this game’s penalty kicks. They put up three penalty kicks against Rivierdorp Suid FC’s… zero. Zero penalty kicks from the team ranked first in all of Báraarde. Now I’m out 500 Munt and Rivierdorp Suid FC is out a fanbase.

Our final 2 matchup is Giyadock Noord against Crabelo FC at Crabelo National Stadium. Let us hope that Crabelo wins this match, lest I be out another 500 Munt and I have to stare at the most unlikely team, Giyadock Noord, being national champions until next season.

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