Canis Confederation Factbook

The flag of the Canis Confederation. The three overlapping arrows in the center symbolize unity, progress, and solidarity of the Canisi people against tyranny and authoritarianism.

The Canis Confederation of Naydun

The Canis Confederation of Naydun (Often just the Canis Confederation) is a nation located on the Naydun Continent. A former colony, the Canis Confederation declared independence in 1744 during the Autumntide Revolution. Mutineers, revolutionaries, and the few indigenous (collectively the ‘Canisi’) left met to discuss the future of the nation. It was during this congress that the Canis Charter was signed and a long road to revolution lay ahead. The Canis War for Independence lasted sixteen years and cost around 50,000 lives on both sides, most of illness, disease and of note, starvation.

The Confederation Conference (Often referred to as ‘The Conference’) is the highest level of governance in the Confederation, and is seated at the capital, SIrus. It is a unicameral body with a thousand representatives who are direct representatives of the people. The executive branch is the presidency, elected every six years with a three term limit. In terms of the judicial branch, the Superior Court adjudicates and interprets case law, which is seated by twelve justices.


Population: 15,758,000

Founded: 1744

Location: Naydun

Head of State: President Elizabeth Sidara (2nd Year)

Head of Government: First Minister Alexander Veiz, Forward Progress Party (37% of electorate)

Military: Confederation Armed Forces


Department of the Army
- Confederation Army

Department of the Navy
- Confederation Navy
- Confederation Marine Corps

Department of the Vertical Navy
- Confederation Vertical Navy
- Confederation Air Service

Intelligence Service: Division of Strategic Services

Languages: will be updated as needed




Project Wingman (Vertical Navy)

United States


Canis Charter

Rights guaranteed by the Canis Charter*

  • Freedom of Speech, press, and religion
  • Right to peaceful assembly
  • Limited right to keep and bear arms**
  • Right against unreasonable searches and seizures
  • Right to Trial by Jury by a panel of their peers
  • Right to vote in elections and to be active in the political affairs of the nation

*not all rights codified or written down

**Prior to 1880, the right to keep and bear arms was universal. This changed during the 136th Confederation Conference when a person entered the conference hall to kill his representative, only stopped by the Marine Master-at-Arms. In order to be allowed to keep and bear arms, one must demonstrate mental acuity and pass a firearm safety course.


Canis Armed Forces

The Canis Armed Forces are split into three departments which in part split into five service branches. As of 1914, there are 413,500 servicemembers in the Canis Armed Forces. The president serves as the Commander in Chief, while the Conference has the authority to declare war.

The Draft

During times of war, the government has the ability to institute a draft (also known as conscription), which compels a person to service within one of the five branches. All males upon reaching their 17th birthday must report to their local draft station (Usually a city hall or post office). A draft has never occurred, but the stipulation of being drafted are as follows

Canis Citizen
Age 17-26
In good physical standing

Conscientious objectors may be assigned to noncombat roles away from the frontlines (Logistics, Medical, etc).

Department of the Army

Confederation Army
The largest service branch, the Confederation Army numbers 159,500 strong and is the oldest service branch, being founded in 1743, months before the Canis Charter was adopted. The Confederation Army serves as the land branch of the Confederation Armed Forces.

Department of the Navy

Confederation Navy
Officially formed in 1744, the Confederation Navy has its roots in the mutineers of the SS Indigo Storm, a frigate of the line whose crew mutinied during the Autumntide revolution. The SS Indigo Storm and her fellow ships of the line stopped reinforcements from arriving in Canis, a contributing factor to the peace treaty in 1760. Now a full time professional force, the Confederation Navy provides power projection and routinely escorts commercial shipping.

Ship Prefix (Military): CNS (Confederation Navy Ship)

Ship Prefix (Civilian): CNCS (Confederation Navy Civilian Ship)

Confederation Marine Corps

During the Autumntide Revolution, a splinter army company launched from the SS Indigo Storm and landed on Fort Esteem, catching the fort’s defenders by surprise and capturing it within an hour. Officially formed in 1761, the Confederation Marine Corps is the primary expeditionary force of the Confederation. It is a ‘ride along’ element of the Navy, often joining Navy and Vertical Navy ships during major incursions.

Department of the Vertical Navy

Confederation Vertical Navy

In 1844, the first flyships transited the Bechmedunian Ocean, adding a new dimension to warfare. The Confederation Vertical Navy was formed six months later, in 1845. Vertical Navy Flyships do the same job and provide the same power projection capabilities of Navy vessels with the bonus of being able to overflight land, but are also easier to M-Kill or K-Kill.

Ship Prefix (Military): CNFS (Confederation Navy Flying Ship)

Ship Prefix (Civilian): CNCFS (Confederation Navy Civilian Flying Ship)

Confederation Air Service

Formed in 1909, the Confederation Air Service uses smaller airplanes, often in tandem with the Vertical Navy. Airplanes are far smaller than flyships, and far far quicker. The CAS can be seen on Navy Vessels, specifically on smaller tenders and light carriers. Air Service planes lead ahead of Vertical Navy ships, forming screening flights for their heavy assets.

Tailcode (Active Duty): CCA-[Number]

Tailcode (Reserve): CCR-[Number]

Tailcode (Province Militia): CCPM-[Number]

Tailcode (Civilian): CCC-[Number]


Provinces of the Canis Confederation

Bottom Right - Achernar

Bottom Middle - Mintaka

Bottom Left - Lacerta

Middle - Avior

Top - Alioth

(Lore to be added)