The flag of the Canis Confederation. The three overlapping arrows in the center symbolize unity, progress, and solidarity of the Canisi people against tyranny and authoritarianism.
The Canis Confederation of Naydun
The Canis Confederation of Naydun (Often just the Canis Confederation) is a nation located on the Naydun Continent. A former colony, the Canis Confederation declared independence in 1744 during the Autumntide Revolution. Mutineers, revolutionaries, and the few indigenous (collectively the ‘Canisi’) left met to discuss the future of the nation. It was during this congress that the Canis Charter was signed and a long road to revolution lay ahead. The Canis War for Independence lasted sixteen years and cost around 50,000 lives on both sides, most of illness, disease and of note, starvation.
The Confederation Conference (Often referred to as ‘The Conference’) is the highest level of governance in the Confederation, and is seated at the capital, SIrus. It is a unicameral body with a thousand representatives who are direct representatives of the people. The executive branch is the presidency, elected every six years with a three term limit. In terms of the judicial branch, the Superior Court adjudicates and interprets case law, which is seated by twelve justices.
Population: 15,758,000
Founded: 1744
Location: Naydun
Head of State: President Elizabeth Sidara (2nd Year)
Head of Government: First Minister Alexander Veiz, Forward Progress Party (37% of electorate)
Military: Confederation Armed Forces
Department of the Army
- Confederation Army
Department of the Navy
- Confederation Navy
- Confederation Marine Corps
Department of the Vertical Navy
- Confederation Vertical Navy
- Confederation Air Service
Intelligence Service: Division of Strategic Services
Languages: will be updated as needed
Project Wingman (Vertical Navy)
United States