Broken Wiki

Its been like this for a while now.

It is a database error, usually caused by PHP version misalignment with the database query. However, mw is notorious for package handling, so it can be a single package causing the issue. It can apparently also be a back-end (SQL, Postgres, …) error, according to below docs:

– MediaWiki: Wikimedia\Rdbms\ILoadBalancer Interface Reference
– MediaWiki: Wikimedia\Rdbms\LoadBalancer Class Reference
– SQL on rebuilding tables, though I have no idea what is actually being used

One recommendation found was:

Modifying LocalSettings.php to update the DB credentials;

$wgDBserver = 'localhost';
$wgDBname = 'my_wiki';
$wgDBuser = 'my_user';
$wgDBpassword = 'my_password';

Then to run the php maintenance/update.php script.

While the other recommends commenting out the following as it is an obsolete package;

wgDBts2schema = "public";


As mentioned, the packaging of mw is tedious to maintain.

@wiki-sysops think this might help?

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It seems like in addition to this issue, the certificate has expired.

It’s also been about 12 days since this issue was initially reported, and even longer since the issue actually started with no communication.

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@admins @Sandaoguo

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As per glen here Discord, fixed.

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