Blood stained his shiny blade [RETCONED]

A experiment in writing. This is cannon.


The caravan was traveling a dangerous road. Traveling past the wall of Synra was always dangerous, but it was the best way to the Valari refuge. The narrow mountain pass of the west corridor and the thick forests ware more dangerous than any vampire to the caravanners. They ware going to take the safer north corridor.
After hours of non stop traveling they decided to take a break for the night. They lit fires and set up tents

“This whole trip was a terrible idea.” said James, sitting near the fire, trying to warm himself up, but the cold of the winter was penetrating deep into his body. He was the duke’s master of the horse. He personally apointed him to this caravan hoping that he would help the caravan travel faster. He didn’t.


“You really expect Valara to help us?” He continued, “They haven’t interfered in Synran dynastic issues since the kingdom colapsed! Why would we get support now? We’re just out here being food for the vampires!”
“Oh please shut up!” said a nother voice at the campfire, “The only thing you do is constantly complain and talk about how bad of a idea this trip is! You’re lowering moral! You ware sent by the duke to help us travel faster not slow us down!”
The people hearing the squabble clearly ware not on James’ side. They ware sick of him complaining, but he was appointed by the duke, they couldn’t do anything to him, or so they thought.
“And the only thing you do is constantly complain about me! How about you pighead try tending the horses and leading the caravan?”
James didn’t know the extent of the mistake he just made. He insulted a nobleman. Soon enough everyone was throwing insults around. Insults became fists soon enough and a whole fight was going on. When it all ended James was knocked out cold on the floor.
The nobleman he initially insulted had a cruel idea. Together with some other people they took James out of the camp and tied him to a tree.
“He won’t come to his senses untill past down, and by that time we’ll be well away, but it’s not like he’ll be able to follow us!” He said and started laughing, “Hopefully someone else finds him before the vampires.”
And so james was left there, tied to a tree, while early dawn the caravan left.