Besernian Amalgamated Press

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Government set to wipe-out almost all taxes by 2030
* The Fedinschtag has unanimously agreed on a new fiscal policy that would replace existing taxes with land value and pollution taxes, based on the Geoist philosophy.
* The Government has assured that “this will not cut away current social programmes that keep our people productive and happy”.

* The Treisag Exchange (TEX), a popular stock market among Besernian companies like Voigt, celebrating the new fiscal policy laws. Photo by Kurt Strauss-Mann.

After a long deliberation that crossed into the early hours of the morning, the Fedinschtag has unanimously passed the Fiscal Reform Act, which will completely overhaul Besernian inland revenue policy by 2030.

All taxes will be abolished by 2030, except for taxes on pollution and the extraction of natural resources. The taxes that are to be abolished on Abolition Day, on January 1st, 2024, are the income tax, property tax, value-added tax, environment tax, sugar tax, tobacco tax, corporation tax, payroll tax, National Insurance tax, inheritance tax, capital gains tax, payroll tax and the stamp duty.

At the same time, three new taxes will be introduced, with the Geoist philosophy becoming legally-binding; The land value tax, on the unimproved value of land, which will be set at 100% of the land’s value and is re-calculated every fiscal quarter and whenever a new property is built on it, the carbon pricing tax for facilities directly emitting at least 25,000 tCO2e of greenhouse gases annually, starting at BES33.70/tCO from 2024 and set to increase to BES108.00/tCO by 2030, and the pollution tax, an economic rent on pollution other than those of the atmosphere, implemented gradually for all relevant industries by 2025, starting with the mining and fossil fuels industry.

A new Citizens’ Dividend is also being introduced for all citizens, expected to be around BES4,300.00 for each, for budget surpluses, calculated and distributed monthly by the Federal Government, to be given out in cheques that can be withdrawn for cash. Prisoners will recieve these Dividends, but not use them in institutions, rather as an accumulated lump sum upon their release. Cheques will be issued on the first day of every month, and will expire on the last day of thereof.

The new Citizen’s Dividend will be first avaliable on Abolition Day.

Calculations, accounts and formulae used are legally-mandated to be transparent and avaliable to all, and will be subject to intense scrutiny, with enforcement powers extended to the existing National Corruption Investigation Service.

The move has been widely acclaimed by Besernians from across the political and social spectrum, even causing a late-night LGBTQ+ rights march in Zersbach to interrupt their campaign to sing the Besernian anthem, and the CEO of Voigt writing on Stream that “The best time for this was 203 years ago. The second best time for this is now. Let all flourish regardless in concord.”

A landlord, interviewed recently by Zweitstadt Rundfunk, has stated “well, I see lower profits, and more work to do. I understand, though. Nobody will buy property if they are drowning, anyway. I don’t want to cause an uprising. Also, less taxes; fun!” However, another stated that “I was firmly against this bill, but I can’t do anything against it now. Times have finally changed. At least the dividends will protect me. I know, deep down, this is best for the people, for all of us.”

A 25-year old university student, when interviewed by the BVP, exclaimed “this is literally [sic] free money generator for all of us, more money for the Government too, no exploits, perfectly balanced. I approve!”

Magda Furhedotte, Zweisaubach
Dec 3, 2023, 03:07AM

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