Besernian Amalgamated Press

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Digital Edition

New Housing Standards mandated by 2030
* To further incentivise a fall in house prices and the commodification of housing, an act by the Fedinschtag is effective immediate after today at midnight.
* Through this, the Besernian Minister for National Development hopes that this will help create new solutions to key issues in the nation and abroad, as well as encourage new innovation.

* A neighbourhood in Mundhagen, a city in Phallehaven.

The Besernian government has decided to further incentivise a fall in house prices and the commodification of housing by officially mandating every house by 2030 to conform with the New Housing Standards.

These standards include a minimum house size of 80m^2, a minimum population density of around 50-100 people/km^2 in central and developed districts in metropolitan counties and cities, and a ban on overcrowding, with the amount of bedrooms and accommodation of its beds corresponding with the maximum amount of allowed permanent occupants of a dwelling.

A complete wipe-out of NIMBY culture in Besern is also mandated through initiatives like street voting that can be initiated by the municipality, should residents find the design of a new residential development unpalatable, and an education campaign nationwide on the commodification and the need for housing. Furthermore, construction companies are also encouraged to build houses conforming to government and popular interest, with a tax break on every house built, sold to and rented to a new tenant.

Lastly, existing projects not meeting these standards must be renovated or demolished, and if the latter, its contents recycled, where feasible, with a system of offsets managed by the Ministry of National Development, where new developments can be reserved for affected residents to facilitate this endeavour. Projects meeting the standards, which must also conform to safety guidelines, may not be demolished without the consent of the Ministry of National Development.

The Chancellor has stated in a press conference that he hopes “by helping solve the housing crisis, which our Federal Diet has deliberated on as the most extreme national priority, we do hope sincerely that our nation can be even more prosperous, that our economy is lifted from its burden and as a result, we can focus on what our humanity is built for.”

A member of the public has expressed outrage at this endeavour this morning, stating “…but I want to sell my house, then what now? I won’t get my money!” However, another showed her happiness at it, speaking that “now, I can finally get a house with this that can allow me to live my life! Perhaps, with that, I can finally get a boyfriend and have kids!”

Werna Innsbrucken, Brient
October, 6, 2023, 11:15PM

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