Atlas of Realms

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[center]**[size=120]Vassal States and Regions[/size]**[/center]






Credits go to @Flaming for providing the base template of the Atlas Overview. If you think any other section should be added to the template, feel free to let me know and make a suggestion.


Full name of nation: Order of Hallmarch

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The Most Sacred Order of the One in Hallmarch


The Order of Hallmarch is a large state in southern Aurora. It’s a highly militaristic and religious state, organized in a mix of theocracy and magocracy. It is a relatively new state, formed just 20 years ago after a war known as The Great Crusade.


Hallmarchian culture and language is similar to IRL German. (I’ll work on it later.)


The state religion of Hallmarch is the Cult of the One. According to it, there is only one God, as ancient as the world, but not its creator. The One is the creator of magic and the one who banished most demons to the Dark Realms, saving humanity. To repay this dept, humanity is tasked with eradicating the last remains of demonic presence in Aurora. This task is to be commanded by those who posses the Blessing (ability to use magic). Those who serve the One well during their life are offered protection after death, preventing their soul to be forever abandoned in the Dark Realms.

Other gods, most of magical creatures, most other races and unbelievers (especially spellcaters) are thought to be connected to demons in some way and are highly resented by the Order, but can be temporarily tolerated for the sake of politics and long-term strategy.

In Hallmarch there are three man religious institutions, The Order and its feudal system of Lords is expected to carry out the will of the One and lead the fight against demons. The High Priesthood interprets the will of the One and conducts a multitude of religious ceremonies, usually meant to ward off demons, bring the Ones favor or absolve people of sins. The Inquisition seeks out any traces of heresy, unbelievesr or rebellious spellcasters and deals with them accordingly. It sometimes performs more secular duties, such as dealing with traitors.

Belief in other faiths is illegal and punishable by death, but exceptions are granted to foreign traders and diplomats. Most of the population has been converted, after a campaign of religious oppression, indoctrination and quashing of several revolts. Many people, especially those who lived before the Great Crusade, adopted the new faith purely out of fear and aren’t very zealous in their belief, but are reluctant to open rebellion.


Not everybody is able to practice magic. It is available only to those who posses the Blessing, which varies in strength. The Blessing and its strength are hereditary, but it can appear in people from non-magical families. It usually starts to manifest around the time of puberty.

The world is filled with Raw Magic and those that posses the Blessing are able to manipulate it to create tangible effects. The amount of Raw Magic one can draw on depends on the strength of their blessing, training and physical health of the caster.

Things created from Raw Magic stop being magical just after their creation, which makes enchanting and creation of long-lasting magical effects is particularly difficult. Special items, commonly referred to as anchors, have to be used to amplify and trap the magic in place. This is associated by complicated rituals that require a specific way of casting, featuring body movements and incantations that trap the magic by weaving it in special patterns and attaching it to the anchor. Most commonly used materials for anchors are silver, diamonds and blood.


Most Hallmarchians are humans, but there are small communities of demidragons across the Dragonlands. They are humans, but with certain draconic elements, such as wings, scales, claws or a breath weapon. They are a result of a human conceiving a child with a dragon in its human form.


Before establishment of the Order, the land it currently occupies was divided between the Hallmarchian Kaiserreich in the north, a powerful feudal empire, known for its ban on the use of magic (but magical items were allowed); the Dragonlands in the hills to the south, divided into several petty kingdoms ruled by dragons that ruthlessly extorted their human and demidragon subjects; and a multitude of tribal states in the far south, believed to be the origin of the Hallmarchians and the Cult of the One.

Around 25 years years ago, the Kaiser of Hallmarch, Friedrich von Habsburg, passed away, leaving the Kaiserreich in the hands of his teenage son, Heinrich. His claim to the throne was disputed, due to the rumors of him being a spellcaster. Many nobles preferred his younger brother, Otto, and a civil war broke out. Heinrich’s less numerous supporters lost, and he was exiled to the south, together with most of his supporters and many alleged spellcasters.

They found refuge in one of the tribal states, ruled by a powerful spellcaster, Sybille. The exiles brought modern advances in warfare and governance with them and were taught magic. Eventually, they adopted the local faith and rose to become the elites of the tribe.

In the span of 3 years, the tribe they settled in managed to unify all the other tribes, thanks to their help, even taking control over the Grand Temple. Using their influence over the High Priesthood, the Great Crusade was declared. Thousands of powerful demons were summoned with the Gate to the Dark Realms, which were subservient to the Crusaders.

With the help of demons, all but one of the dragons, who joined the crusader cause, were slain, securing support from the people of the Dragonlands.

Then, the invasion into Hallmarch begun. Otto was a weak Kaiser, basically a puppet to the nobility, so the populace welcomed the return of now adult Heinrich. The Crusaders easily broke the Kaiser’s army near Kaisergrad, the capital. They besieged and sacked the city. Later, last of the Hallmarchian lands were subjugated and the Order created. Sibylla became its first Grandmaster, while most of her supporters received lands as Lords. Sköder, a major port city, became the new capital.

Heinrich, now referred to as Revan, wasn’t happy with his share of the spoils. He became a mere Grand Duke of now ruined Kaisergrad. He believed he deserved much more, as the heir to the Kaiserreich. He gathered his supporters, mostly former exiles, and marched on Sköder. However, he backed down at the last minute. He and his supporters were pardoned.

Several religious and separatist revolts rose up in the past 20 years following the Crusade, but were brutally put down, discouraging further rebellions and cementing the Orders rule.


The Ordered is ruled by the Grandmaster. They are the leader of the military, are responsible for the Order’s diplomacy and national policy, create laws and directly govern an area around the capital (the Crownlands). Most other lands are governed by Lords, who are nobles possessing the Blessing and often occupy the highest-ranking positions, with varying degrees of power and autonomy. Their positions are hereditary. Smaller nobles, either in the Crownlands or subservient to one of the Lords, don’t need to posses the Blessing.

There is also the Grand Council, comprised of the Grandmaster, Grand Priest, Grand Inquisitor and all Lords directly subservient to the Grandmaster, excluding those in the Crownlands. It can make modifications to the religious doctrine, functions as a court for the Lords and chooses a Grandmaster after the current one dies. All decisions made by it must be approved by the Grand Priest to ensure they are coherent with the Will of the One. The Grand Inquisitor ensures none of the decisions violate the current religious doctrine. The decisions are made with a 50% majority.


The Order maintains neutral relations with its neighbors, Rocova and Terra Luma. It has an agreement with Terra Luma which allows it to exploit border provinces for their magical sand in exchange for more favorable trade deals. Many coastal nobles grant Rocova trade privileges in exchange for many or better trade deals. The Order does not maintain relations with any other states, but has a vague idea of their existence thanks to Rocova.

Internally, there is a small power struggle going on between Revan, the Grand Duke of Kaisergrad and the Grandmaster. Though he backed down from his coup attempt, he is still quite power hungry. He has developed his lands into some of the wealthiest in the Order, with projects such as diversion of trade along the river that runs through his lands, his capital Kaisergrad and the newly created port at its mouth, instead of the previous trade port of Sköder and roads that run from it to Rocova. He is also trying to gather support among his fellow Lords and religious institutions. He has already gained the favor of the Grand Priest and Grand Inquisitor, who view him as completely dedicated to the holy cause and support of the King of the Dragonlands, acquired through a series of trade agreements and joint projects.

The Order’s feudal system is quite unique. All Lords directly subservient to the Grandmaster (once again excluding the Crownlands) are equal no matter their title. they are mostly a matter of prestige. In their own lands however, Lords have a regular feudal system, akin to those present in most other states, which is impacted by the Lords title (e.g. who can they have below them in their hierarchy). The title of Grandmaster is often treated as equal to Emperor. Fighting between nobles is strictly prohibited and any territorial disputes are handled by either the overlord of the Grand Council. Cities lack the self-governance of the burgher class, instead are much more tightly controlled by nobles.

Vassal States and Regions

The three most important vassals inside the Order are:
The Grand Duchy of Kaisergrad - Area around the river and the old capital of Kaisergrad. It is highly developed and has excellent conditions for agriculture, thanks to the river and a warm climate
Kingdom of the Dragonlands - The hilly, resource rich area in the south. It is quite sparsely populated, cold and forested. It’s also ruled by a dragon.
The Holy Land - It is the seat of the Grand Priesthood and hosts the Great Temple, the most holy site of the Cult of the One.


The norther lands of Hallmarch are warm and fertile, providing majority of the Order’s food supply. That’s also where most of the population and more advanced industry is located.

In the south, which is much colder and sparsely populated, logging and grazing dominate, as well as a significant mining industry in the Dragonlands. There are also small demidragon groups that hunt lesser dragons, which despite not being magical like their almost extinc sapient counterparts, are still valuable. In the border regions with Terra Luma, there is a large industry from mining and smelting its magical sand into glass with various magical properties.


Hallmarch exports mainly raw materials and simple processed goods. The only exception is magical glass and dragon parts.

It imports mostly foreign luxury goods and magical items.

Majority of its trade isn’t done directly, with Rocova acting as the middleman, thanks to their better knowledge of and relations with foreign powers as well as trade expertise. The Order trades directly with Terra Luma.


The Order is higly militariatic in nature and is conserned with both its defence and possible expansion routes. It fields a standing army of 40 000 proffesional soldiers trained in the Sköder Military Academy, arranged into two Legions. They make heavy use of magic in the form of specialized mages, that assit with sieges, communication protection and fire support as well as Knights, a magical heavy calvarly unit. Non-magical Guards serve as crossbowmen or frontline spearmen.

In case of a larger conflict, the Order can call upon private retinues of nobles and form levees from citizens. Nobles are expected to provide protection for roads and cities under they control. Demidragon dragon hunters are commonly utilized by nobles from the Dragonlands.

The Order does not maintain a navy. Dealing with pirates is often left to individual nobles or Rocovan mercenaries.


The Order is currently not involved in any conflicts.


Ghratos Union:

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The Ghratos Union


Ghratos is a state on the east of the Southern Continent. It is primarily split into two regions; the Xhaasan Desert and the Amisan Forest, south and north of the great river Stanumn. These regions were united after a long era of war known as the Dark Age, with a personal union between the King and Queen of Amisa and Xhaasa respectively.


General Ghratean culture has a huge focus on invention of techniques and technologies, as well as perfection of these things. The pursuit of knowledge in general is revered and the highest honors are given to innovators and great historians.

Also in Ghratean culture is the emphasis of the necessity of the preservation of the union between Amisa and Xhaasa. It is said that the union symbolically represents the alliance between the Sun and the Goddess of Nature, and that if the union falls it will bring about the second Great Scourge.


Ghrateans actively worship 3 gods: the Sun, the Goddess of Nature and the God of Light. While Ghrateans only pay tribute to these three gods, they generally believe in the gods of other cultures as well; this has led to a general superstition of invoking gods that one does not worship.


Ghratean Magic is split into two main categories: Amisan and Xhaasan magic.

Amisan magic centers around two magical arts; Satopotes (Plant control) and Pecapotes (Animal control.) These arts are inherent to the user and can be done without aid; however, one may use staves and wands made out of special woods to make it easier. Children usually use wands when they are first training, and most agriculture is done by small teams of women with staves. Generally, women learn satopotes and men learn pecapotes. Satopotes allows one not only to control the movement of existing plants, but to grow new ones or existing ones as well; for this reason, satopotes has lead Amisa to generally have a surplus of food as growing is much faster and can be done by a small group of people. Pecapotes does not actually directly control an animal, but gives the user a spiritual link- called a bond- with them. This can lead the Pecapotate to be able to do things like coordinate with the animal better, lead it without signals, or even see through its eyes or hear through its ears. This makes it very useful for reconnaisance and greatly increases the types of animals that Amisans can ride.

Xhaasan magic is more technical than other forms of magic and generally relies on the usage of charged Sunstone. Sunstone absorbs the pure energy of the sun and allows it to be used in a variety of ways once activated; one of the primary usages is to make radiators for Amisa during the winter. It is also used sometimes to make fire, or to shine beams of light; the uses are endless. Some old artifacts are used to imbue a user with solar energy; this makes them much faster and stronger, and also allows them to in some cases utilize beams of solar energy; however, this is rare, and current Xhaasan techniques are generally unable to replicate the effect for a prolonged period of time.


Ghratos has three primary races, excluding travelers and merchants: Humans, Xarbans, and cloud fae. Xarbans are a lizardlike people, with more strength speed than humans and more height; however, they are cold-blooded and thus are not suited for cold regions. They are found primarily in the region called Xarba, named after them, enclosed by the main branch of the River Stanumn at the north and by the outlet the Stanumn-Xarba in the south. On the other hand, many Cloud Fae, while in the overall being a nomadic race found all across Aurora, have specifcally integrated into Ghratean society. They are primarily servants and deliverers of messages, although some do serve as scouts and spies.


Ghratean history started out with the formation of the city-states Amisa and Xhaasa, around the same time, which grew and expanded, creating outposts on their side of the Stanumn. After some thousand years, these two states met each other, starting a several hundred years long era of war called the Dark Age. At the tail end of the Dark Age, many dukes from both regions began to openly rebel against the governments that were forcing them to fight, but some calamity only known as the Great Scourge hit at this time, collapsing the governments of the kingdoms and forcing the dukes of the two cultures to work together in order to defeat this power. There are many legends of the era of the Great Scourge, but most focus on the calamity itself; that so much magical advancement was lost.

After the Great Scourge and many decades of rebuilding, the kingdoms of Amisa and Xhaasa were reinstated when the heirs were allowed to peacefully ascend to the thrones by the strongest duchies of the era of the Great Scourge; on the condition that the dukes of all of these duchies were able to form a council of sorts in their respective kingdoms, so that they could prevent another era of constant war. This was the foundation of the Council of High Dukes. In this era, the Queen of Xhaasa and the King of Amisa engaged in frequent visits to further diplomacy between the two kingdoms; it is said that these constant visits made them grow fond of one another, especially as the two of them were young. In a stunning move, they announced their marriage around 10 years after they took power in their respective kingdoms. This marriage was said to symbolize an alliance between the Goddess of Nature and the Sun themselves, and the two peoples rejoiced at the personal union due to the widespread cultural shift after the Scourge. When they married, they had three children, and these children became the leaders of three new royal lines; The line of Sivara, the Royals of Amisa, the line of Haadrica, the Royals of Xhaasa, and the line of Pontelus, who became the line of the Great Governor who ruled the areas surrounding the River Stanumn and the great castle Pontentium. This became the Triarchy, and thus began the current Ghratean Union.


The Union is lead primarily by the Triarchy; this being the King of Amisa, the King of Xhaasa, and the Great Governor. These three do not have absolute power, but levy taxes on the level of the union, create missions for dukes or other officials to go on, including trade missions and diplomacy, set a general national agenda, and are generally responsible for calling all dukes to arms in the case of a union-wide threat. They also make laws, but all laws require a vote from the Council of High Dukes.

The Council of High Dukes is comprised of 10 members; The Dukes of Iyanala, Tolaro, Shaalsa, Igba, Litora, Profundum, Silvaria, and Argentus, as well as the Petty King of Xarba and the Clan Queen of the Cloud Fae. It is called whenever a batch of legislation is to be passed; legislation will not be passed without a 7/10 majority. It is also generally called when the dukes need to be briefed on national plans that are to remain a general secret for whatever reason, to allow the High Dukes to set them in motion.


In Ghratos, there isn’t much politics on the scale of the entire union; all lines of duchies and the kingdoms are hereditary, as well as that of the Great Governor. However, there is some level of politics on the level of counties, as some are democratic or choose their leaders in some other esoteric way. Additionally, the Council of High Dukes may convene to remove a specific duke or duchess from their post for incompetence.

Vassal States and Regions

Ghratos does not pursue an aggressive foreign policy; however, some consider the Petty Kingdom of Xarba to be a vassal of Ghratos, despite it being essentially as integrated into the system as a regular duchy.


The two biggest industries in Ghratos are the mining and agricultural industries. Due to their ability to rapidly grow food with little manpower, Amisa is able to export food not only to Xhaasa but to other kingdoms and entities as well. Xhaasa, on the other hand, mines near mountains and underground for precious metals, primarily iron and sun stone, although other precious metals do exist.

There also exists an industry where expeditioners locate and search ancient ruins for artifacts from during the Great Scourge and the Dark Age; these artifacts are generally much stronger than current ones produced by either Amisa or Xhaasa and thus sell for a high price to Ghratean duchies and even higher prices outside of Ghratos.


The Ghratean economy is fundamentally built on both inter and intra-regional trade. Many towns and cities, especially in Xhaasa, cannot sustain themselves on their agricultural output, and do not have an easy way of sourcing certain materials; therefore, they exchange goods or services for other goods or services. For instance, in Xhaasa, a mining town may exchange metals to a town near a lake or river, which can supply water to help give the mining town a buffer in case their wells fail. Ghratos also has extensive extra-regional trade, trading with Rocova and Belsegallia most prominently. Ghratos generally like to take in magical materials that do not appear in its own territory to further increase their abilities in terms of what they can do with magic.


Despite not being an expansionist or militaristic nation, Ghratos is very concerned with its stability and capability to respond to both external and internal threats. Therefore, each duchy is expected to field an army of 10,000 men; they are not always active but can be rapidly called up in times of need. Additionally, town and city guards essentially act as a reserve to be called upon in the case that more units are needed during a large-scale conflict; as well as other armed individuals, like road patrolmen. If more units need to be called up, they are levies from able-bodied citizens who are then given training based on the standards of their duchy.

On the naval front, there are three coastal duchies: Shaalsa, Litora, and Gala. Shaalsa and Litora in particular field large navies that defend the coast and also deal with piracy to safeguard Ghratean interests in trade. However, Ghratos does not have that much naval power projection aside from sinking pirates.


Ghratos is not currently in any conflicts.



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Realm of the Calandians


Calandor is a realm that occupies the Calandian Mountains of the Southern Continent. The ancient mountains have been the home of the Moon Halflings or Cala Halflings, whom Clans warred against one another before being united under the Emerald Court, guided by the spiritual order of the Heavenly Court.


(Calandor is heavily inspired by Tibetans and Himalayan Culture with a tint of Incan influence) Calandians are reserved and polite. They dressed modestly, and observed social hierarchies religiously. Kinship is strong amongst the Calandians, especially within their local communities. The Clan system is central to Calandian culture. The Clans demanded absolute loyalty of their subjects, and in return, protect them from harm and serves them with common goods and infrastructure. Calandians built their houses out of woods, and does not display their wealth overtly outside necessary amenities.


The Heavenly Court is the main religious institution of Calandor. The Court both referred to the worldy institution run by the Priests and Priestesses, and the ‘Heavenly Court’ where the ‘Great Judge’ presides over the ‘Balance of Virtues’. The Balance of Virtues demanded kindness, generosity, and helpfulness from the living beings, which will be rewarded in the Heavens. Priest and Priestess hold sermons in Temples of Graces, beautifully-built alabaster towers that usually adorns a central part of a settlement.


‘Heavenly Grace’ is the name given by Calandians to all forms of metaphysical actions and properties. The study of Heavenly Grace is a privilege for only the members of the Heavenly Court, but all Calandians are able to utilise ‘magical powers’ through the use of a praying stone called Chi-Rani. Through ‘imbuement’ procession held together with weekly sermons, the Priest and Priestess of the Court fill the stones with the Grace, which then can be utilised to help Calandians in their daily affairs, from simple heating to simple telekinesis. Healing is the highest form of the Grace’s utilities, and can only be wielded by the most gifted of Priests and Priestesses.


The Moon Halflings, or Cala Halflings in the tongue of the Calandians, are human-like race with a much smaller body. The Halflings are pale in complexion, and have adapted to live in high altitudes. This made them very sensitive to changes in warmth, but gives them advantages in their own homeland. The Moon Halflings have a unique bond with the stages of the Moon, and the cosmos in general, being weirdly the strongest and energized during full moons and clear night skies, and tends to be more reclusive in other times.


The Halflings does not consider themselves to came from the Calandian Mountains itself. They told stories of ancient migration, of brave Halfling adventurers that traversed and charted the mountains. For thousands of years, the halflings lived within the mountains, eventually forming warring clans that often went into bloody disputes due to the mountain’s challenging terrains and harsh conditions. When their homeland was threatened, the halflings established the Emerald Court and the fortress of Ui-Calad. They elected their first Farun to lead a defensive force repulsing foreign invaders and keeping their dominion over the mountains.


Calandor is governed by the Emerald Court, a council comprising all Patriarchs and Matriarchs of Calandor’s Clans. The Court elected a Farun from amongst themselves to govern matters between Clans and to preside over the defence of the realm. However, most matters of governance are conducted by the Clans, whom raise their own taxes and levies. Cities in Calandor are administered by local Commerce Guilds, which though autonomous, still pays lip service to the local Clans. Ui-Calad, and several border fortresses are directly governed by the Farun.


Calandian politics are centred on the feuds in-between the Clans. Though inter-Clan wars are rare, the Clans are essentially in constant bickering against one another, often forming coalitions within and beyond the Emerald Court. The election of Faruns becomes the peak of such feuds, and sometimes blood are spilled before arbitration could be reached. The Heavenly Court became a mediating institution over the Emerald Court. Owing to the massive influence of their priest, the Heavenly Court’s suggestions are taken seriously by the Emerald Court, and their arbitrations are considered sacred and binding.

Vassal States and Regions

The numbers of Clans fluidly change depending on the continuous feuds that happen between them. Sometimes new Clans could rise and fall within a single year, and successions can create confusion for everyone. It is the Farun’s task to keep these changes in check and to maintain the stability of the realm.


The Calandians are heavily agricultural. The vast majority of Calandians are farmers or herders, living in rural communes on lower altitudes. They plant wheat, barleys, fruits and vegetables, and herd alpacas and sheep for their wool and milk, as well as llamas as pack animals. Tributes gathered by the Clans from excess production are then redistributed to the less-fortunate, to the local levies, and to the Farun in Ui-Calad.

Despite being agrarian, there are small-scale industry in Calandor, centred in their cities. The Commerce Guild administrate the relationship between craftsmen and merchants in cities, as well as dealing with matters of trade. Crafstmen in Calandor build variety of things, from furnitures and toys to weapons of war.


Merchants connected Calandor’s many isolated communities with valuable goods and information using llamas as pack animal. Major Calandian settlements are connected with a series of wide roads built by the order of the ruling Farun. Toll taxes are raised in these roads, though its price vary between locations. Smaller roads are maintained by local clan lords, and usually in worse condition compared to the wider roads. Massive height differences is tamed using the ‘elevators’, a carriage that utilise massive weights and animal power to move someone from a lower or higher elevations.


Calandor relies on levies during a massive conflict to hold their defense. In peace times, the Margrave Guard acts as border guards, defending primary choke points into the mountains, as well as guarding Calandor’s primary fortresses. The Guard forms the main core of troops during conflict, and answers directly to the Farun. Beyond the Margrave Guard, law enforcement and civil peace is kept by the Baton Officers. A single Baton Officer maintained security in a community, and is usually helped by several ‘Baton Carriers’.


Calandor faces mostly domestic conflicts.


Full name of nation: Kingdom of Veritalia

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Kingdom Of Veritalia


The Kingdom of Veritalia is a medium sized state in western Aurora. It is inhabited almost exclusively by Humans, and is home to three distinct cultures; Cervian, Jekui Nevi, and Veritalian. Cervia and Jekui Nevi both have cultural and religious autonomy from the larger Veritalian state, thus making Veritalia more of a royal confederation.


There exists three distinct cultures in Veritalia; Veritalian, Cervian, and Jekui Nevi. Each is unique to each other. Veritalians are generally stronger and better suited for fighting than their counterparts, and view that all beings are created equal by the Maker. The Cervians are fiercely patriotic to Cervia, and are generally viewed as ruthless and even sometimes crazy. The Jekui Nevi usually keep to themselves and are generally viewed as the “Bookworms” of Veritalia, and instead of traditional families/Houses, Jekui Nevi are divided into Clans, with the head patriarch being the head of the clan.


The primary religion of Veritalia has no real name, but both Veritalians and Jekui Nevi worship what is called the “Maker Of All Things”. The concept of Heaven or Hell simply doesn’t exist in this religion, with the belief being that the honored dead souls rise into the sky to become the stars, while the dishonored remain trapped in this world as spirits with no purpose. The sun and moon are held in high regard as being the Son’s of the Maker, with the Sun being the elder brother, representing warmth, good feelings, and honorable combat, while the Moon represents sorrow, loss, and grief. As such, burials occur at night, while those who die at sea are cremated.











Vassal States and Regions









Veritalia is currently at peace.