Alcris Embassy [Defunct]

Ambassador of Alcris to TSP: Sammy
Foreign Councilor of Alcris: Awell

On behalf of Alcris, we are excited to kickstart relations with TSP and all of its wonderful citizens. We hope that relations develop into strong pillars of intercommunity engagement, fun, and games while providing one another with strong political support.


Heyhey! I’m Sammy, the Ambassador to TSP - nice meeting y’all!

Without further ado, the November Newsletter follows (almost 2 weeks late, because I am a bit of a fool and failed to realize I had forgotten to post it to member regions):

November Update + Elections

Another month of events has gone by in Alcris. As you can see, I’ve been appointed the new Foreign Affairs Councilor after elections concluded today so it will be a pleasure to interact with all of you.

To start, another event has taken place, this time a flag event that reflects on the current autumn season. Not the biggest turnout but I guess we can’t all call ourselves vexillologists can we?

On the foreign affair side of things, we’ve managed to secure an embassy with Spiritus, Wintreath and Karma, and currently have a consulate with UDS and TSP, hoping to establish an embassy with them in the near future.

And of course, while this was technically in the beginning of December, General Elections have taken place, with a new council of new and old faces, myself part of the former. That’s all for now, you’ll be hearing from me again at the beginning of next month.

Ventus Prime
Foreign Affairs Councilor

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Welcome ambassador @sammymanfryingpan. Thanks for sharing the report!


January Update

Happy New Year everyone! December flew by fast. While not a super eventful month, one big thing that did happen was establishing embassies with Forest, which I believe is a big deal for Alcris and one of my main goals as Foreign Affairs Councilor. Currently, a region known as Quarantine Zone has reached out to us and we’re still in the midst of discussion. Other than that, Alcris will be voting on more reforms this month and that’s about it. Hope you all can keep to your resolutions this year!
Ventus Prime
Foreign Affairs Councilor

February Update

Another month, another update. January was a relatively quiet month, though there are some important tidbits. For starters, Alcris has now officially joined JEFF for the upcoming N-Day event. Also, we now have our own official Alcris University, which encourages citizens to learn or teach certain subjects, from pixel art, to Minecraft, to different cultures around the world. The beginning of February saw the passage of two referendums for our constitution. As we start to approach March, election season will soon be upon us again so the March update could certainly be interesting.

Appreciate the update, boss.

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March Update: New Council, Same FA Councilor

As we head into March and Spring, a new council term has just begun! Going into March, the FA Department has seen success with the N-Day Faction JEFF, along with picking up three new embassies in a matter of days which should be completed soon. The FA and Community Councilors are respectively hoping to bring more activity inside and outside the region as some of their goals this spring. Here’s hoping to the new Council’s success. :clinking_glasses:


Congrats on your election, and good luck to the new Council!

Upgraded to Embassy.

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April Update

Happy April and happy spring to you all! Hope you all had a good Easter, cause Alcris has hatched up some new legislation, mostly focusing on the judicial side of things. It’s been rather quiet on the foreign affairs side of things but we are always looking for new regions to interact with. That pretty much sums it up for this month, we’ll be back next month when election season starts up again.

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May + June Update - We Are So Back

Apologies for the late update, May was mostly non eventful due to everyone dealing with finals. As for the beginning of June, elections were held and we elected two independent candidates, which to me is a big deal, and as you can see, I will be continuing on as Foreign Affairs Councilor for the summer. One of our semi-annual events, the LaraLeague Tournament, will be returning and this time, we’re expanding beyond Alcris. So for anyone in the Alcris server who is interested in the cooler version of World Cup Football, feel free to give me or Koko, our new Community Councilor, a ping in the server or DM. We look forward to seeing new teams and new chaotic moments on the field. Until next time folks!

Ventus Prime
Foreign Affairs Councilor

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Alcris May + June Update, Part 2

I hope everyone’s having a good summer break so far. There’ve been some important events in Alcris that have occurred very recently that I, the new Foreign Affairs Councilor, would like to let you guys know about.

Key Events:

On the 12th of June, a case was filed against the electoral commission of Alcris, citing the high likelihood of a significant miscount in the recent June elections. Concurrently, a petition to dissolve the newly formed government and hold snap elections to rectify these errors reached the necessary threshold. The Court, in its decision, would affirm the snap election, and direct the electoral commission to ensure that no false or invalid ballots were counted therein.

This snap election occurred on the 17th of June. Recently elected Security Councillor Yewtopia declined to run for a second time, while in the heavily contested snap election itself, former Interior Councillor Ryanius and Deputy Chairman Macelentia were elected to the council, with Foreign Affairs Councilor Ventus Prime failing to be reelected. As a result, Ryanius and Macelentia have assumed the roles of Foreign Affairs and Security Councilor, respectively. Minor Events:

  • As mentioned in the previous update, the Laraleague football tournament has returned for its June/July season. Applications for national teams are open to members of embassy regions of Alcris; please let me or Community Councilor Koxor know if you are interested in submitting a team via Discord.

  • The Alcrisian regional banner on both Discord and Nationstates has been changed to a rainbow theme in celebration of Pride Month.

  • Yinh has been reappointed as a Court Justice to the Alcrisian Court of Justice.

That’s all for now. I’ll be releasing a personal statement in my role as the new Foreign Affairs Councilor shortly. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.

Foreign Affairs Councilor

Alcris July Update

This has been a relatively uneventful month compared to last month. However, there are some important events worth mentioning.

  • The July 2024 initiatives and referendums were presented on July 8th. There were two referendums during this round of voting, a provision for a public vote of no-confidence against individual councilors, and an amendment to the Electoral Commission Act. Both motions passed in a referendum, the former with a unanimous 100% vote, and the latter with a close 53% vote.

  • Citizen Yewtopia has won June/July 2024’s Laraleague, beating the Falmari (Ryanius) 2-0 in the final. It was a high scoring Laraleague, with the 16 teams involved scoring a total of 146 goals, an average of 4.6 per game.

That’s all for now. See you guys in August.

Foreign Affairs Councilor

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Thank you for the update :+1: