A2412.02 [2455.AB] Amendment to the Charter (Coral Guard Powers & Responsibilities)

A2412.02 | Amendment to the Charter (Coral Guard Powers & Responsibilities)

@Legislators of the South Pacific,

There has been a seconded motion to amend set power and responsibilities with regards to the Coral Guard. The debate topic can be found here.


This is an amendment to constitutional legislation. According to the Legislative Procedure Act, this vote shall require a majority greater than 60% to pass. The voting period will be 5 days, thus concluding on Friday, January 3rd.



Please vote by poll if possible. If you cannot vote by poll, post “Aye”, “Nay” or “Abstain” in this thread. Please do not vote both by poll and by post. Comments and discussions belong in the debate thread and should be posted there.

The text of the amendment(s) in question is as follows:

Amendment to the Charter

Should the above amendment be adopted?
  • Aye
  • Nay
  • Abstain
0 voters

A2412.02 | Amendment to the Charter (Coral Guard Powers & Responsibilities) Passed

Final Result


This vote on amend set power and responsibilities with regards to the Coral Guard required a 60% supermajority of votes in favour, excluding abstentions, to pass. The results are tabled as follows:

Caucus Aye Nay Abstain Percentage of Vote
The Cakeists 3 3 2 24.2%
The Ice Creamists 5 0 2 21.2%
The Pieists 1 0 2 9.1%
Independent 10 2 3 45.5%
Type Tally Percentage of Vote Final Percentage
Ayes 19 57.6% 79.2%
Nays 5 15.2% 20.8%
Abstentions 9 27.3%
Total 33 82.5% of Legislators
Absent 7 17.5% of Legislators

In light of these results, the vote passes, having reached the required supermajority.

Statement by the Deputy Chair of the Assembly

The forum-based poll for A2412.02 records votes by three individuals who were not Legislators when that poll closed: HumanSanity, Quietdad, and NoOne.

HumanSanity and Quietdad were Legislators when they cast their ballots; the Chair removed their Legislator status in the December State of the Assembly, while the A2412.02 poll remained open. Consistent with longstanding Assembly practice and relevant High Court precedent, their votes were counted in the final tally. See Retroactive Vote Changes on Legislator Removals, 1715.HQ; cf. When is Citizenship Lost, 1515.HQ.

NoOne was not a Legislator when they cast a ballot; the Chair removed their Legislator status in the November State of the Assembly. As such, their vote was not counted in the final tally. See Review of the Chair of the Assembly’s Decision to Mark a Vote Invalid, 2206.HR (“[T]he Chair should reasonably be expected to ignore a vote that has been cast by an individual who is evidently not a legislator”).