That is no longer a thing, now chest works too.
What alliances are there in A1-0 currently? I know there’s nothing on the scale of the pre reset ones but besides the covenant of fire (Calerost+trianar+aquillian empire/weisserstein) I don’t know any other ones
An alliance will be formed between the Confluence and the Treecuu Empire.
The Vherena Broadcasting Corporation (VBC) is a communications megacorp that owns a binary star system, Vherena, in the Middle Regions of the Confluence.
Vandalence will probably be friends with everybody™
(that being said we will outsource our construction to people who need it cough random corporations cough)
Syndicate will be committing tax fraud everywhere I guess
mmm great war rolls around I will do the swiss strategy of shooting at everybody and praying nobody tries to invade me
double posting because I can, yes I made the short girl have a short temper, you guys win this time
It is just pure science, the rage has less space to occupy and thus is more concentrated (source: my bestie is short)
still doing this!
POV: You want to get a nation flag done but you keep getting distracted by real life stuff and video games:
Iv been disappeared for a few months. So I understand lol
Wait you did?
Edit: well you did from nov 14 to now lol
The Yukian Imperium will likely be friendly to any nations that are majority human.
Possibly starting up my own alliance with others once I get situated in A1-0
Or I’ll probably going straight for a “Switzerland” moment lol
Nice! Btw, if I can ask, what’s Lyisk supposed to be?
Some sort of wormhole to another place in A1-0, still haven’t decided where though lol
Or possibly to another galaxy far away from A1-0